The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Four hundred and twentieth chapters live optimistically

In Kevins' home converted from an old minibus, Gao Siqi knew that it was indeed a slum and not an outdoor literary lawn square.

The most valuable thing in Kevins' home is a TV, which he repaired himself after picking it up from the rubbish heap.

It should be said that most of Kevins' belongings are treasures from the garbage heap.

For example, beds, tableware, some knickknacks, etc., there is also an unknown variety of skewers who shake their heads and tail when they look at Kevins.

Kevins does not live alone, he has a young wife and a five-year-old daughter.

Hearing this, Gong Lieyang suffered a 10,000-point crit.

Kevins is so poor to have a wife and yet he is still single!

The daughter Alice is very cute, with blond hair and big blue eyes, holding a rag doll that has been washed cleanly but has turned white.

Alice looked curiously at the visitor and timidly hid behind her mother.

Whether it is from the furnishings of the home or the actual living conditions of the three, the Kevins family is indeed below the poverty line.

But compared to the disorganized black slums, there is a lot more warmth and life here.

Kevins kept saying a sentence: We are still living, aren't we living?

In the popular Internet language of Xia Guo, that is, life needs a sense of ritual.

Kevins was very hospitable and planned to prepare dinner for Gao Siqi and others.

Gao Siqi refused again and again. There were eight of them plus the security guard, which was quite a lot. Eight people can eat enough food to consume the Kevins family for at least a week.

But Kevins was determined to entertain the crowd, and the warmth and hospitality overwhelmed Gaosi.

Gao Siqi only thought about giving some money to Kevins for a while.

The hospitable Kevins brought out what little food he had at home - three sea bass, a jar of peanut butter, a pile of his own land and tomatoes.

Xu Limin saw the biggest difference between different ethnic groups here.

The way people in the slum just got their food was rummaging through the rubbish, Kevins was fishing and farming.

Fishing and farming aren't very productive, but they're a better source of food than rummaging through the rubbish.

Xu Limin even had an idea that if the people of Xia lived here, they would starve to death even if they could not find a job.

The land in South Anfei is not tense, such a pleasant environment, such a rich soil, just plant anything can support a family.

With the help of his virtuous wife, a fairly sumptuous dinner was prepared.

Grilled sea bass, sea bass tomato soup, mashed potatoes, peanut butter.

The perch didn't have much meat, not enough for eleven people to eat, and the food was not too rich, so it was barely a tooth sacrifice.

At the beginning of the dinner, Kevins and his wife also improvised a show, and the lovely little girl Alice was dancing on the lawn.

Gao Siqi was moved.

From the Kevins family, she felt a passion for life. No matter how bad your current situation is, as long as you have the passion for life, you will be happy.

Gao Siqi also contributed her own snacks - a few ham sausages and some chocolates and candies.

Alice looked greedy at the ham, so Gao Siqi peeled one off for her.

Little Alice swallowed her saliva and took a big bite, her eyes full of satisfaction.

During the meal project, Gao Siqi asked about Kevins.

Why don't you work? This is what Gao Siqi is most puzzled about. It stands to reason that Kevins is young. Since he can repair the TV by himself, he has certain skills, so why not work.

Kevins' eyes were full of loss, he said: I have looked for a job, and I have done some jobs, such as a supermarket unloader, a car mechanic, etc., but they have all been fired, and they prefer black people. Because hiring blacks has preferential policies, and whites will be discriminated against in these positions, not to mention low wages, and will be bullied.”

Kevins smiled helplessly,

Not all white people can't get a job, I don't have a degree, and the big companies won't want me, he said.

But my wife, Bella, is great! Kevins said. She's been working in the community recently, and it's a precarious job, but she's getting some pay.

After understanding, the so-called community work is nothing more than cleaning the community and cleaning up garbage. It belongs to the part-time work that you can do if you do it, and you can't do it if you don't do it.

And the remuneration is not high, it is only enough to buy some basic daily necessities, and it is far from enough to buy food.

Didn't you think about looking for other jobs? Gao Siqi asked.

No company wants white people. Bella said: The white people here are divided into two levels, one is educated and knowledgeable, they can enter big companies to do management, and the other is like us, who have not studied. , in the competition for jobs at the bottom, we can't compete with blacks.

There was one more thing Bella didn't say, which was what Gao Siqi learned from Gary after she came down.

That is, white women will not only be discriminated against but also harassed in the society of South Africa. It is common for them to be violated by QJs.

Many black people believe that it is quite normal for QJ to be a white woman, and even something worth showing off and encouraging, which is why Bailey can't find a job.

Even if he finds it, there will be endless harassment waiting for him.

In the conversation with Kevins, Gao Siqi understood his biggest worry - the study of her child Alice.

Alice is five years old and should be at the age of primary school in Xia Country, but she has not attended school for a day.

All of Alice's education was done at home, taught by Bailey and Kevins.

Because school has to pay tuition, and tuition is sky-high for the Kevins family.

It's a pity that Bailey and Kevins are both illiterate, how much better are the children they educated?

Although Kevins is optimistic about his current life, he doesn't want his children to repeat his days.

Kevins touched Alice's hair and said, I don't want my child to live in a slum when they grow up. The appearance here looks pretty good, but diseases and poverty are all fatal problems.

Speaking of Alice's future, Bella said excitedly: Alice likes to dance, and she said that she will become a great dancer in the future.

Just after saying this, Alice's eyes dimmed.

Without a good education, without professional training and practice, how can you achieve your dreams.

Dreams are vulnerable to reality.

Little Alice looked at Gao Siqi with wide eyes and listened to the conversation between her parents and the guests. She still didn't understand what her parents were mourning. She only knew that the ham sausage tonight was really delicious.

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