The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 41 Within the plan

Xiao Jianqiang's words made the faces of the two leaders look bad.

After a while, Zeng Huangwei forced a smile that was uglier than crying, poured a glass of water for Xiao Jianqiang, and said, Jianqiang, you are the technical backbone of the factory. You have made great contributions to the success of our factory's sewage treatment technology. Come on, sit down first and let's talk slowly.

Xiao Jianqiang put the cup aside and said, I won't allow you to sell your technology to others without permission.

You! Wang Mingdong clenched his fists, and he wanted to punch him impulsively.

Zeng Huangwei winked at Wang Mingdong.

Wang Mingdong put down his fist.

Zeng Huangwei sat down, lit a cigarette, and said, Xiao Jianqiang, this time I made an exception to mention you as the director of the sewage treatment workshop, which is a reward for your contribution to sewage treatment technology. You can rest assured that the factory will not treat any old employee badly. The Spring Festival is coming soon. I'll give Li Ping a note in a while and give you a year-end reward of 20,000 yuan. I've made an exception for this, so don't tell the outside world.

Zeng Huangwei shook the soot in his hand, observed Xiao Jianqiang's expression, and said, Do your essential work well. As for other things in the factory, you don't care, there are some things you don't understand.

Xiao Jianqiang is not stupid, knowing that Zeng Huangwei is going to spend money to buy a seal.

Zeng Huangwei is like this, and Xiao Jianqiang also knows that there is something tricky in it. He said excitedly: Director Zeng! Sewage treatment technology is my son's hard work, it was invented by my son, and the intellectual property rights belong to our old Xiao family. I absolutely do not Will agree that you transfer technology without my permission.

Zeng Huangwei put out the cigarette butt and lay on the boss chair without speaking.

Wang Mingdong said to Xiao Jianqiang: Xiao Jianqiang, if there is no financial support in the factory, can you develop the technology for sewage treatment? If there is no training for you in the factory for so many years, without the environment in the factory, can you develop the technology? The factory spends money to make technology, and the ownership of technology belongs to the factory. Don’t shame you! Be your director Xiao, and don’t meddle in other things!”

Xiao Jianqiang doesn't like to hear these words anymore, Director Wang! If you didn't have my technology, you would spend 20 million to buy second-hand goods from Germany. And you said that the factory uses this technology, I have no opinion, but you put The technology was given to a Qingshan company, and it was patented! Why didn't you tell me about this!

Okay, all the words have been said here, the two sides will also have a showdown.

Wang Mingdong said: Xiao Jianqiang, if you don't want to be the workshop director, it's not appropriate. There are many talented people in the factory. Jiangcheng Paper Factory, it's not like you can't play without Xiao Jianqiang!

This is a very heavy word!

Xiao Jianqiang stood up angrily and said, Whatever you say, it's about transferring technology! I don't agree!


Xiao Jianqiang grabbed the door and left.

Wang Mingdong looked at Xiao Jianqiang's back and roared, This is up to you!

In the office, Wang Mingdong said to Zeng Huangwei: Director Zeng, this Xiao Jianqiang must not stay in the factory! He will do bad things if he continues like this!

Zeng Huangwei did not answer this question, but asked: Sewage treatment equipment and technology, if I leave Xiao Jianqiang, is there any problem?

No problem! Liu Feng and the others have figured it out! Wang Mingdong said: It's just a pressurized device to treat sewage with bacteria. It's very simple! Bacteria can be guaranteed to multiply under high pressure and constant temperature. When we sell technology, in sewage equipment Just bring in a little fungus.

That's good. Zeng Huangwei also breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the technology is in hand, he can say anything. Then find an excuse to open Xiao Jianqiang. According to the regulations, he should make up a few months' wages.

Wang Mingdong is most willing to listen to this sentence. He said: This matter is covered by me. At most, it is a year's salary, 30,000 yuan.

It's the weekend, and the final exam is next week.

It was rare for Xiao Ming to be at home without reviewing for a while. He went to the store in the morning to buy a Lenovo laptop and an iPhone 3GS. The two pieces of equipment together cost Xiao Ming about 20,000 less.

In this era, the best laptop computer is Lenovo, and why do you buy Apple instead of other mobile phones?

It's not that Xiao Ming is not patriotic, but that among the domestic mobile phones of this era, only a few brands such as Lenovo and Dopod can be regarded as smart phones. The mobile phone giants are still Nokia and Samsung. Most of the domestic mobile phones are still at the level of 2G mobile phones (marquee cottages).

Nokia uses the Symbian system, Samsung uses its own operating system, and Android is still in its infancy and has not been widely used.

Compared with these mobile phones, Xiao Ming wants to try the existence of the popular Apple system reported by the media. How is it compared to Saipan?

Xiao Ming's laptop soon came in handy. He learned about java, vb, vc, C++, C# and other computer languages ​​on Baidu, and then compared the Pangu language horizontally.

Xiao Ming had a strong urge to immediately exchange the blue technology exchange currency for the Pangu programming language.

But another voice was telling Xiao Chen Xiao Chen, wait a minute, wait a minute.

All dreams and attempts, wait until high school graduation.

Xiao Jianqiang came back from work today and was in a bad mood.

This was the first time he was in a bad mood since he became the workshop director.

During dinner on Saturday night, He Hui asked why.

Only then did Xiao Jianqiang transfer the sewage treatment technology from Zeng and Wang to Qingshan Sewage Treatment Company, and Qingshan Sewage Treatment Company applied for a patent for this technology and told Xiao Ming and He Hui.

Xiao Jianqiang took a sip of wine and said, They transferred this technology to Hongye Paper Mill in the name of Qingshan Company, and they will charge 1.6 million technology royalties!

What does this mean! Isn't that the factory using Xiao Ming's sewage treatment technology to make money? He Hui's words were summed up in one step.

Yes! Xiao Jianqiang said, That's what it means! All technologies have nothing to do with us now!

He Hui shouted: Oh, why don't you object! This technology was researched by Xiao Ming, not his Zeng Huangwei and Wang Mingdong! This is more than one million yuan! If we knew earlier, we would apply for a patent!

Xiao Jianqiang took another sip of wine and said, Is it useful for me to object? Someone else is going to give me the workshop director now!

Xiao Ming, who had been eating, didn't speak, but he didn't look angry at all.

After taking a sip of the soup, Xiao Ming said, Dad, this is normal and expected.

What! Xiao Ming's words made the two of them stunned.

Xiao Ming said: Mom, you just said about applying for a patent. I have tried and checked the corresponding procedures. It is very difficult to rely on our personal application. Come down and go to the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

Then let others infringe? He Hui used a very fashionable word, infringement.

Xiao Ming said with a smile: It won't happen, the core technology is in our hands, and they can't raise a prodigal son. Dad, I'll give it to you, you do it now.

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