The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 358 Technology and Art

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When Wu Jiang arrived at the Pangu Technology headquarters in Jiangcheng again, he was told that Lin Li was taking Cameron to visit the Internet Ecology Laboratory.


Which Cameron? Wu Jiang asked.

The Cameron from Star Wars. Qian Yi said, spreading her hands.

What is Cameron doing?

It must be for the filming thing!

Wu Jiang was a little shocked. Cameron, as a world-class director, was able to come to Pangu Technology in person, it must be a matter of cooperating with Pangu Technology to make a movie.

Since Cameron has recognized the technology of Pangu Technology, Fangda Film and Television still has any doubts.

The shooting of Three-Body Problem is none other than Pangu Technology.

Wu Jiang asked again: Mr. Qian, when is Mr. Lin free?

Qian Yi said with a smile: Mr. Wu, when President Lin leaves, let me hand over this cooperation agreement to you. If you feel that you have no objection, just sign it.

Wu Jiang looked at the conditions in the contract. The filming of Three-Body Problem will be dominated by Pangu Technology. Fangda Film and Television can use the filming rights to hold part of the shares, and the obligation of this part of the equity is the operation of the film. As for the selection of actors, the way of filming, etc., as long as the right to make suggestions, there is no right to decide.

Wu Jiang was a little stunned. Isn't this anti-customer-oriented?

But thinking that Cameron was discussing cooperation with Pangu Technology, and that two so-called trailers of Three-Body Problem were released on the Internet, Wu Jiang felt that this agreement should be carefully considered.

Prajna Village, Pangu Technology Internet Ecological Chain Laboratory.

Cameron got his wish and put on the Qinghe I device.

The dreamlike Pandora star, glowing plants, elf-like creatures, and huge stars that can be seen by looking up, are falling.

Not far away, the blue-blooded man left a back image for Cameron, submerged into the forest, and left Cameron with infinite reverie.

Cameron walked forward step by step, he seemed to be able to feel the grass on the ground and feel the fantastic alien world.

This kind of feeling, this level of realism, is definitely not something that can be produced by relying on computer post-effects.

Lin Li also wore the Qinghe I device and also entered the fictional Pandora star.

Mr. Cameron, because we have limited time after receiving your call, we only did this scene. I hope you like it.

This is our ideal Pandora star. Cameron took a deep breath and said: If it wasn't for the smell of electrical appliances, I would really think that I was living in Pansha star, too real!

Lin Li laughed and said jokingly: We can take Qinghe I equipment to the suburbs and go to the forest and grassland to shoot.

Cameron asked Lin Li in detail about the virtual community shooting, and he said: Can you do those special effects flying in the sky? And the actors I chose, they are all shot in the virtual Pansha star, right?

Lin Li said, Of course!

At this moment, a purple flower on the ground spit out a bubble, the bubble wrapped Cameron and Lin Li, and then the two slowly flew into the air with the bubble.

Although it was only a virtual scene, Cameron did not feel the feeling of weightlessness, but when he saw the changes in the scenery in front of him and the changes in the distance of the scene, he was completely convinced by the black technology of Pangu Technology.

After the visual impact was strong, Cameron immediately made a decision, and Avatar 2 was pushed back! In cooperation with Pangu Technology, shoot here!

Lin Li also added: Maybe in a few years, we will try this scene again, and then we will really feel what is true.

Lin Li is not joking, but Xiao Ming once revealed that the Qinghe I device is only a primary wearable device. Xiao Ming's ideal wearable device is completely controlled by the mind, and can trigger neural sensations in the cerebral cortex, so that Users can feel weightlessness, pleasure, pain and other sensations in the virtual world,

You can even feel the ups and downs, as well as hunger, fullness, cold and warmth, etc.

Whenever Xiao Ming proposed this idea, Lin Li always stared wide-eyed. After all, this idea has exceeded the limit of his own cognition. If human technology can really develop to this stage, then the definition of human will be of great significance. Change.

The virtual world will be parallel to the real world. People with disabilities or inconveniences can live in the virtual world like normal people if they want.

Cameron has been paying attention to the filming of the movie, so he didn't pay attention to Lin Ligang's very meaningful words.

Cameron said: Mr. Lin, I think we can talk about the cooperation in detail. You have opened a precedent for filming in a virtual community.

A day later, Lin Li and Cameron attended a press conference together.

Pangu Technology participated in the filming of Avatar 2 in the form of technical shares, and Avatar 2 will be filmed entirely in the form of a virtual community.

And Cameron also moved the location of Avatar 2 from the United States to Prajna Village, Xiaguojiang City.

At the press conference, Cameron said: Avatar 2 will definitely open up a new era of movies, not only the way we shoot will change, but also the way audiences watch movies in the future. This will be the most beautiful The era belongs to the best era of filmmakers!

As the representative of Pangu Technology, Lin Li said: Ten years ago, the first Avatar brought us too many memories, and today Pangu Technology can cooperate with Mr. Cameron to film Avatar 2 It is our honor. I think with the joint efforts of both parties, Avatar 2 will definitely bring different surprises to everyone.

Lin Li looked at the camera and said, Quantum chips and Qinghe 1 have brought a new way to filming. We also want to send an invitation to Fonda Film and Television. The world's film history needs not only an Avatar, but also an Avatar. Three Body.

After Lin Li finished speaking, the reporters in the audience burst into warm applause. Lin Li's words really spoke to everyone's heart.

This press conference is not only a major event in the film industry, but also a major event in the technology industry.

You must know that the United States rejected the technology of Pangu Technology, and Cameron obviously brought a bad beginning.

After the press conference, many Western media criticized Cameron.

To put the filming in Jiangcheng is a trampling on the history of film.

Is there a national security threat to filming using quantum chip technology bases?

A consortium in the United States even shouted directly to Cameron: As long as you cooperate with Pangu Technology, then your movie will not be released in the United States!

To these threats, Cameron replied: I have been pursuing a perfect movie in my life. Today, Pangu Technology has shown me such perfection. If the investor fires me from the crew, then I will obey the arrangement. I continue to shoot Avatar, so I stick to my idea. I also announced that Avatar 2 will be available to audiences initially early next year.”

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