The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 344 Sleepless Tonight

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At the end of the press conference, the audience and reporters at the scene were still not satisfied.

They enthusiastically asked Xiao Ming questions.

Xiao Ming had to extend the time of the press conference again, adding a final question and answer session.

When asked by a reporter from Xiaguo TV, she asked, Mr. Xiao just said that quantum chips will not be sold to third-party companies, but will only be used in Pangu Technology's products, so I would like to ask if Pangu Technology is willing to be related to the country. Departments cooperate to allow quantum chips to be used in the national defense industry, aerospace, information security and other fields.

This issue is very sensitive, because Xiao Ming has just cut off the opportunity for companies such as Huawei, Xiaomi, and Ali to obtain the right to use quantum chips at the press conference.

When the reporter asked this question, Yu Zhendong, Feng Yuan and others all pointed their ears, hoping to know the answer of Pangu Technology.

Xiao Ming did not answer this question directly, but said very artistically: Is the country a company?

There was laughter.

A reporter from Xinlang asked: Pangu Technology just announced at the press conference that the Qinghe I equipment has been sold, and is it only sold in Jiangcheng? I have a question for Mr. Xiao, one is How much is the total stock of Pangu Technology this time? There is also a user who purchases on site, how many devices can be purchased at one time.”

Xiao Ming is very humorous: The total number of our first batch of equipment is only 20,000. When I say that the equipment will be sold after the press conference, it does not mean tomorrow, because I want to give consumers time to go to Jiangcheng. The first batch of equipment It will go on sale on Saturday a week later.”

The second question is that customers who go to the site to buy can only buy one by themselves. As for whether the scalpers that everyone is worried about find someone to buy and stock up, there is no way we can avoid this.

Xiao Ming replied with a smile: Scalpers are a thousand-year-old problem, just like humans and mice. But I think, according to the price of Qinghe I, if the scalpers stock ten units, it will require nearly 400,000 yuan. The amount of capital is still relatively large. In addition, I would like to inform you here that if you are not particularly anxious to experience the new equipment, you don’t have to go to Jiangcheng to join in the fun. At the latest next year, the output of Qinghe I equipment will increase, and we will also Omni-channel distribution, the price will definitely be more close to the people, and scalpers have no meaning at that time.”

Xiao Ming's answer was applauded by the reporters.

Whether Apple, Huawei or Xiaomi, intentionally or not, they are doing hunger marketing.

These companies all hope that the higher the price of their products, the more people who make an appointment to snap up the better.

Xiao Ming is an exception. He told everyone that the price of Qinghe I equipment will drop in the future, and even discouraged consumers from buying enough at a high price this time. This is the confidence of Pangu Technology.

The reporter asked: Mr. Xiao, is the ultimate goal of Qinghe I equipment to completely replace mobile phones?

Xiao Ming replied: At present, there is still a large difference between the price of Qinghe I equipment and the price of mobile phones, so it will not replace mobile phones immediately, but in the future, the answer is yes.

A self-media questioned: Hello Mr. Xiao, some netizens said that the Qinghe I device can be used for individual combat if some programs are loaded. With the assistance of quantum chips and human-computer exchange assistant Xiaochu, if you join Some programs, then it is the best smart device on the battlefield. Does Pangu Technology have such a consideration?

Xiao Ming said with a smile: This netizen has a big brain, but what he said is true. But Pangu Technology can guarantee that if our equipment falls into the hands of others, it will be used in a crisis for the safety of Xia Guo and the people of Xia country. Pangu Technology will permanently disable the device. This is not to violate the privacy of users, but to ensure the safety of users!”

The audience applauded again.

Moreover, many people have already obtained some information from Xiao Ming's words. If Qinghe I develops a military trial version,

Then it is definitely the best weapon for individual combat.

A self-media: Hello, Mr. Xiao, is there any plan to sell the Qinghe I device abroad?

Xiao Ming: Pangu Technology must choose to satisfy domestic consumers.

Hello, Mr. Xiao, are you worried that an overseas laboratory will disassemble the Qinghe I device to study the quantum chip or the storage device in the sea.

Xiao Ming: I welcome these labs to buy the Qinghe I equipment and then disassemble the equipment for analysis, because they will not only get nothing but also promote the sales of our equipment. But the premise is that they have to come to Jiangcheng as soon as possible to line up.

There was laughter.

A self-media: After the release of the quantum chip, will Pangu Technology consider entering the field of artificial intelligence? What does your company think of artificial intelligence, and will it make efforts in the future? For example, replace artificial labor with robots.

Xiao Ming said: Technology and technologies including artificial intelligence or artificial intelligence robots are not imagined out of thin air. Pangu Technology will go forward step by step.

At twelve o'clock in the morning, the actual end of the press conference was an hour later than expected.

The reporters still had many questions to ask. The exhausted Xiao Ming apologized to the reporters and left the scene under the escort of security guards. Xiao Ming, Lin Li, Qian Yi and other high-level officials will immediately take a special plane to return to Jiangcheng. The Pangu Technology team will meet. Stay in Wuzhen to handle the follow-up matters at the venue.

Wuzhen in the middle of the night restored the ancient Pingjin, but the hearts of those who participated in the press conference were not at all calm.

The reporters went back to their hotel to sort out the press releases in a hurry. It is conceivable that the hottest topic in the past few days is the quantum chip of Pangu Technology and the Qinghe I wearable device.

The CEOs of major technology companies will return to their companies early tomorrow. They will evaluate quantum chips and Qinghe I equipment, and they will likely change their company's strategy.

Presidential Suite of Wuzhen East Lake Hotel.

At one o'clock in the morning, Feng Yuan didn't sleep either. The 996 work system was trivial. He personally practiced the 24-hour work system and held a video conference of all directors.

There is only one agenda for the video conference, analyzing the possible changes in the technology market after the conference.

The video conference was held until 6:00 in the morning. After the meeting, Feng Yuan did not rest, and took the high-speed train to return to Suzhou and Hangzhou.

September 1st.

Last night, regardless of whether Xia Guoren who cared about the product launch of Pangu Technology, as long as he turned on his mobile phone or TV, the first message to be pushed must be the product launch of Pangu Technology.

The world's first, the world's first! Quantum chip released, Qinghe I wearable device released. UC headline.

The technology is far ahead of Omi. Mingqiu quantum chips and Qinghe I devices open up the post-computer era for the world!

The fastest update (the new Bayi Chinese website (м.X81zW.cō)m

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