The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 338 Qinghe Wearable Device Released

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On the big screen, the originally blurred black hole photo gradually became clearer.

Although the photo still cannot fully show the whole picture of the black hole, the quality of the picture is better than that of the black hole photo released last year. This is not a simple beauty function or a simple technical conjecture, but the input of the known properties of the black hole to the quantum computer. program, and then let the quantum chip filter again, calculate and finally image in the massive data of 7000TB.

It's a fairly complex job, and a quantum computer does it in around 10 minutes.

In the photo, people can clearly see the boundary of the black hole. As for what this boundary represents, this is not determined by Xiao Ming and Pangu Technology, but only after detailed research by the world's top cosmophysics laboratory. can be determined.

But there is no doubt that Pangu's quantum chip makes more effective use of the black hole data collected by humans.

Netizens commented: Can this technology be faked? Just modify the picture. After all, it is impossible for human beings to see a black hole with their own eyes in their entire life. Ghosts know whether it is true or false.

The netizen's comments have been criticized by many professionals.

Pangu Technology will never fake it. If you really want to fake it, you won't use photos of black holes, because everyone can think of the way you fake it.

Reply to the landlord, I am an astronomy enthusiast. You can simply modify the picture. This is absolutely impossible. Every pixel of the black hole photo is accumulated by a large amount of data, and there is a strict logical relationship!

At the scene of the press conference, when photos of black holes were unfolded around the flexible screens of the auditorium, the whole scene seemed to be in the depths of the universe, which was a powerful shock to the heart.

Xiao Ming said: The black hole photos and corresponding data sources after quantum computer calculations will be released to the world free of charge, and Pangu Technology will not charge copyright fees.

There was laughter in the audience again.

Xiao Ming asked the staff to take over Intel's server group. The era of binary computers belonging to Intel is over.

The time came to 9:30 in the evening, and the press conference had been going on for two and a half hours.

Everyone thought that the press conference had come to an end, and many reporters were raising their hands to ask questions, and some reporters asked loudly: Has the quantum chip been mass-produced?

How much does a quantum chip cost?

Will quantum chips appear on Huawei and Xiaomi products in the future?

Pangu Technology's future experiments for quantum computers and quantum mobile phones are still the same as Prajna chips, only selling chips.

One question after another, Xiao Ming maintained the discipline of the scene and said: Now please rest for ten minutes, the press conference has just started the first half. As for these questions raised by reporter friends, after the press conference is completed, everyone will have We got the answer. In the second half, Pangu Technology will have more important products to meet with you.”

What! The press conference is only half finished? And the second half?

I thought quantum chips were the protagonists of today, but there are more important product releases?

My God! What is Pangu Technology going to do? Let me take it easy, the quantum chip thing has not recovered yet.

The press conference took a ten-minute break, but the entire Internet continued to be in a state of hot discussion.

The news channel of Xia Guo TV was broadcasting the press conference live, which confused the invited commentators of Shuimu University.

The special commentator is still discussing the future development of quantum chips. He did not expect that there will be a second half of the conference, and there will be more heavyweight products.

A reporter from the news channel said: This time, Pangu Technology chose to hold such a heavyweight product launch after the World Internet Conference. It is indeed beyond everyone's expectations. After today, Pangu Technology will definitely leave a strong mark in the history of human computers and the Internet. one.

But what will be released in the second half of the conference, everyone has a question mark.

It should be the application of quantum chips. The expert is worthy of being an expert. He said that it would be a pity if the quantum chip and the ocean memory plus the micronuclear battery and the flexible screen that appeared on the scene were only used as accessories for the computer.

Many anchors also held prizes in the live broadcast room to guess what products Pangu Technology will release in the second half. If you guess correctly, you will have the chance to win Huawei's latest mobile phone.

Wearable devices! There are also many viewers who are very careful, and they can see some clues through the overwhelming advertisements some time ago.

There is a detail in the advertisement shot by Lin Qiumiao. She seems to be carrying something, and the device similar to transparent glasses must not be a simple decoration.

Ten minutes later, the scene fell silent. Xiao Ming also returned to the stage.

Xiao Ming said: I will first answer a few questions raised by the reporters just now, whether the quantum chip will be applied in Mingqiu, and if it is to be applied, will it appear on terminal devices such as mobile phones or laptops.

Lin Li acted as an assistant this time, put on a box from the audience, and handed it to Xiao Ming.

Xiao Ming unfolded the box and said, The answer is that in the second half of our conference, the era of mobile phones and laptops has come to an end, and our users need faster, more convenient and smarter devices.

When Xiao Ming finished speaking, Yu Zhendong, Rebs, and representatives of companies such as Samsung and Apple couldn't believe it.

The competition of several companies in mobile phones has reached the stage of day-to-day, and Pangu Technology actually said that the era of traditional terminals such as mobile phones and notebooks is over?

What a joke!

Xiao Ming opened the box and took out the folded Qinghe wearable device.

The 3D picture and basic parameters of Qinghe I are displayed on the big screen.

Xiao Ming also said: My assistant, Miss Li Qiuping, will come to the stage to assist me in my work.

It was only yesterday that Li Qiuping found out that the advertisement he shot was actually a wearable device, and it was only yesterday that he tried the performance of Qinghe wearable device.

Today, she will assist Xiao Ming's presentation work at the press conference.

Li Qiuping came, and she bowed slightly to the audience.

Li Qiuping didn't know that when she stepped into the press conference with one foot, she had jumped from a second-tier actress to a first-tier star.

Xiao Ming unfolded the Qinghe I wearable device and put it lightly on Li Qiuping's head.

The audience exclaimed.

This! Is this a wearable?

So thin!

I thought they were bulky glasses, how could they be such a thin object! This can be used as a decoration!

If I'm not mistaken and the screen is not wrong, the total weight of the Qinghe I wearable device is 12g, my God! This weight is lighter than my glasses.

Xiao Ming pressed his hands to keep everyone quiet, and said, In order to facilitate everyone's understanding of our Qinghe I wearable device, the video on the scene will be switched to Miss Qiuping's perspective.

. vertex

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