The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 322 Wearable first person

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Xiaochu said that the cost of producing wearable devices is now very high, and this sentence is not wrong at all.

Before the product is mass-produced, all the costs in the early stage must be calculated. Mingqiu quantum chips, micronucleus batteries, sea memory, and graphene flexible screens are the costs. In addition, the process design of the appearance, the printing of the mold of the equipment, and the assembly of the final equipment are all costs.

Assembling such a sophisticated wearable device, of course, requires specialized manpower and equipment, and these are also costs. But in the foreseeable future, these costs are nothing at all.

The lab hands over components to Linli's team, and the final equipment will be manufactured and installed by Linli's team.

During the second period, Xiao Ming re-divided the functions of the Physics Laboratory and the Pangu, Tiangong System Department and Prajna Chip Department managed by Lin Li.

Pangu and Tiangong System Department and Pangu Ecological Chain belong to Pangu Network Ecological Division.

Yu Hong is the minister.

The Prajna chip department and some functions of the physics laboratory (Mingqiu quantum chip, Canghai memory, micronucleus battery) belong to the newly established Pangu New Materials Hardware Division.

Lin Li was the minister.

The newly established Pangu Technology Future Products Division will mainly produce wearable devices in the future. This division is temporarily jointly managed by Lin Li and Xu Limin.

Since then, Pangu Technology has formed a headquarters (logistics, personnel, finance, etc.), three divisions (Network Ecology Division, New Material Hardware Division, Future Products Division), two laboratories (Physics Laboratory, Life Science Laboratory), two subsidiaries (Pansha Sewage Treatment Company, Huayi Company), a large-scale technology company with a scientific research academic institution (Pangu Science and Technology Institute of Basic Science and Technology).

In addition, Pangu Technology also owns some equity interests in sewage treatment plants, hospital cancer treatment centers and some equity interests in Banruo Technology Resort.

The clear division of functions can maximize the enthusiasm and creativity of employees.

But Xu Limin had an opinion, and the old gentleman was dissatisfied, This division of our laboratory will suffer.

The physics laboratory is the most money-burning department and the poorest department, because it cannot sell products to make money like the new material hardware business department.

Qian Yi only said: Professor Xu, you can be the most authoritative department in the company, and everyone expects you to launch new technologies and new products. The funds for the physics laboratory are all borne by the headquarters and allocated by the boss. The assessment does not refer to the assessment standards of other business units.”

Only then did Xu Limin say, That's about the same.

At the end of July, after careful polishing by the product division, the final wearable device was developed.

Lin Li brought the device to the headquarters, and Xiao Ming became the first wearable device user.

When Lin Li put the packaged box in front of Xiao Ming, even Xiao Ming who had seen the 3D rendering was amazed.

The box is very small, only a fist.

The design of the outer packaging is also very technological, and the product department has used the thought.

Lin Li said: This should be the first time that our company has made a real terminal product. People in the product department are talking about it, should we also learn from Huawei or Xiaomi, please click on the stars to advertise?

Try the product first! Qian Yi couldn't wait.

In Xiao Ming's office, almost all the senior management gathered here. They all know that today's moment can determine the future of the company.

This is a real wearable device, which is a whole era more advanced than the VR and AR devices developed by Microsoft and Apple.

Xiao Ming said: You can ask Qianyi to handle the problem of product advertising. You can find suitable personnel and create suitable ideas, but the specific content still has to wait for the company to decide to release the equipment before shooting.

Xiao Ming unpacked, and the perfect wearable device appeared in front of him.

The device was folded four times, about ten centimeters in length,

It has a metallic luster, and there is a hardware concentration area at the fold.

The device has three wearing modes, one is to wear it directly from the forehead, and the sensor brings the hardware area close to the temple to keep the device stable; the other is to pull out the ear clip from the temple and clip it to the ear like glasses. Wearing rimless and lensless glasses is similar; the third method is similar to a sports headgear, where a thin material (there are magnesium-lithium metal and sports fabrics, sponges and other peripheral options) is drawn from the temple and placed on the back of the head.

Such a thoughtful design is suitable for users of all ages, including fashion, business, and sports.

Xiao Ming unfolded the device and put it on his forehead, exactly the upper edge of the brow bone.

Looking at Xiao Ming wearing the device, Qian Yi nodded with satisfaction and said, It's very good! It's very thin and thin, I thought it was like Sun Monkey's tight hoop spell, so it looks more like thin and thin rimless glasses.

The total weight of the device is less than 15g, and Xiao Ming wears it on his head without any discomfort.

Xiao Ming asked kindly: What if I am short-sighted? Have you considered this situation?

There is no myopia in Pan Shaxing. Xiao Ming sees a special lens repair technology in the medium technology catalog, but before that, the experience of myopic users must be considered.

Xia is a country with a large population and is also a country with frequent myopia. According to incomplete statistics, the population of Xia's myopia has reached 490 million, a very terrifying number.

Lin Li said: This is considered in the design. There are two ways. One is to use the same mode as ordinary users. By adjusting the distance between the device and the forehead, the flexible screen can completely cover the glasses.

There is also a mode that adjusts the viewing distance of the screen, that is, the flexible screen itself is used as glasses, so that users still have the money to buy glasses.

Xiao Ming gave Lin Li's team a thumbs up. The products are just small details, and Lin Li did a good job.

Lin Li said, The power button is at the temple.

Xiao Ming lightly touched the power button.

Xiaochu's voice sounded in his ears, The owner welcomes you to use the Pangu wearable device. Next, you will scan your iris, and iris recognition will be the only way to authorize the use of the device.

Xiao Ming said: Think about the name of the wearable device.

Xiao Ming said: Expand the screen.

If the voice is not in the aspect, tapping the power button twice with your finger has the same effect.

Xiao Ming is using the daily work mode, so only the screen on the right is unfolded.

Very comfortable interface.

From Xiao Ming's vision, the image of Xiaochu and several shortcut buttons appeared in the air of the real scene.

Because the resolution and fidelity are very high, Xiaochu didn't see a virtual existence, but a two-dimensional character actually came to the real space.

A more comfortable experience is that Xiao Ming moves the field of vision at will, and Xiaochu and the shortcut buttons will follow the field of vision. When Xiao Ming is walking, Xiaochu and the shortcut buttons will automatically shrink and hide (can be set to not be hidden).

And Xiao Ming didn't feel Yu He's visual fatigue.

. m.

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