The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 270 Competing for the Hot Search List

Think about what it's like, man, when you don't have to charge your phone for three years.

No need to hunt around the room for a power plug and be confined there like a dog!

The application of micronuclear batteries will be limited to mobile phones, as well as our laptops, our cars, and even a micronuclear power plant can be created in the community in the future.

There is no need to refuel the car, and there is no need to find a charging pile for the new energy vehicle. It is indeed the perfect time!

But have you heard that the micronucleus battery was invented by the people of Xia, and it is quite small, not as big as a button.

Then I don't believe it, the people of Xia have such a level?

People at Oxford and Imperial's Institute of Physics don't believe it either, and there's a lot of quarrel over it now.

The latest news is that the physics community in Europe is verifying the detailed data of the paper with Nature, and no laboratory can repeat the experiments of Pangu Technology.

The incident became more and more intense, and it became the hottest news in Europe during this period of time.

The BBC also invited physics experts from many well-known universities, such as Imperial College London and University College London, as guests during the prime time in the local area to have extensive discussions on the impact of Pangu Technology on the European physics academic community.

The BBC host said: Today, our program team asked two professors to come to the studio, just to discuss with you a hot topic in the academic world recently. Pangu Technology claims to have developed a micronucleus battery using C14 as an energy source. If If the experiment is true, then it will have a huge impact on the global energy industry. What do the two professors think about this?

The professor of Imperial College expressed strong doubts about Pangu's paper, and also put forward one, two, three, four and five points to refute Pangu's paper one by one.

A professor of physics at University College London was more cautious, saying: Actually, after this period of discussion, the academic community has already come to a common understanding of price comparison. That is, the theory of Pangu's thesis is not controversial, mainly in the application On. We were skeptical of the experiment because we couldn't replicate it.

BBC host: However, according to our investigation, Pangu Technology has not issued any statement on the doubts of the academic community, and we have reason to doubt whether the purpose of the paper is to generate popularity and then promote Pangu Technology's products.

Pangu's chips and operating systems are currently blocked by the Big Five in the U.S. and European markets.

Perhaps we hope to use this paper as a breakthrough to let consumers in the United States and Europe re-understand Pangu Technology.

European media launched a vigorous discussion, Xia Guo's media seemed to be half a beat slower, and almost no media reported on the publication of Pangu's scientific paper in Nature magazine.

On Xia Guo's largest Internet social media Weibo, the first hot search is a war of words between a certain star and a certain star, and the second hot search is a statement from an entertainment company to its own company's artists.

The top ten hot searches are all entertainment news, either a certain niche or a certain Huadan. Either cheating or bickering.

Lv Hua, a student of Xia Guo who was studying in the UK, wanted to go online to see what the Xia Guo media had to say about the matter, but there was no news at all.

People in China don't care about technology? Lu Hua was still saying to his friend Xie Chen, who was also an international student: Why is it all entertainment news, and the key word I searched for Pangu Technology was still about lithium batteries.

Xie Chen spread his hands and said, Isn't this normal? Amuse yourself to death!

Lu Hua was a little anxious. Micronuclear batteries will affect the future of the energy industry. Why don't the people of the Xia people pay attention to it! They didn't see that the energy giants didn't make a statement, but they were staring at the news during this period of time!?

Lu Hua said: I can, I want to be a news porter.

Xie Chen said, I'll help you.

It has only been two days since the paper was published. In two days, the European academic community has experienced a major earthquake, which is not enough for Xia Guo's acceptance of the type of news.

Celebrity sports news is transmitted in seconds, and similar technology news may take one to two days.

Lu Hua has his own circle on Weibo. He shares what he has seen and heard abroad, and what foreigners think about the people of Xia, which has attracted the attention of netizens, so he has more than 100,000 fans.

This time, he collected all the reports on Pangu Technology from Western media such as BBC and The Times, and automatically translated them into Chinese with Xiaochu Translation and posted them on his Weibo, and commented: This may change the future. Energy moment.

Lu Hua took @pangu technology by the way.

What puzzled Lu Hua was why Pangu did not mention the publication of the paper on its official Weibo account.

In fact, before Lu Hua's report, there were also many self-media reports on Pangu Technology's micronucleus battery paper, but under the crazy attack of entertainment news, it takes a certain amount of time for such niche news to ferment.

And Lu Hua arrived just at the right time, detonating the public opinion circle of Xia Guo.

#carbon14micronuclear battery# has become a hot topic on Weibo, and it has become the first in the hot search list, successfully surpassing the popularity of the hottest Xiaosheng Xu Kaka.

This time Xu Kaka's fans quit.

What the hell is a micronucleus battery! He actually killed our Xu Kaka! Let's beat him!

What is Pangu Technology? Archaeology? Can archaeology be as handsome as our Xu Kaka? Can we dance and sing as beautiful as our Xu Kaka? Trash topic, get out of here!

Did Pangu Technology buy the hot search! Go, go do it!!

The official WeChat account of Pangu Technology is now managed by Super Junior. In addition to the daily news of Pangu Technology, it mainly posts some insignificant jokes.

Super Xiaochu didn't expect that Pangu Technology's Weibo was so inexplicably lying.

Hundreds of thousands of Xu Kaka's fans inexplicably poured into the official WeChat account of Pangu Technology and left messages below.

Pangu get out of the microblogging world! Dare to grab our Xu Kaka's seat.

Isn't it a technology company? I thought it was archaeological.

Isn't it a company that sells systems? Without our Xu Kaka's endorsement, can your products be sold?

Pangu Technology implements open management of public opinion on Weibo, and anyone can leave a message. In doing so, Pangu Technology mainly wants to use this platform to interact with users and collect everyone's suggestions on products, but this is the first time it has been abused like this.

Being abused is not the result of the Five Hegemons Alliance. It is Xia Guo's star brainless fan, what a mess of Xu Kaka.

Super Junior is about to get angry.

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