The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 261 Restlessness and Restlessness (2 in 1)

Pangu Technology's decision is to cooperate with Xia Guo's enterprises to transfer the production technology of lithium batteries.

Xiao Ming received all the reports from Yangcheng.

If there is no micronucleus battery project in hand, then everything Liao Changxue does is what a factory manager should do.

Displaying products, negotiating contracts, and selling are the necessary steps for a product to win market acceptance.

But unfortunately, what Liao Changxue did was not what Pangu Technology needed, and Pangu Technology did not have a more in-depth plan in the field of lithium batteries.

At least, Xiao Ming currently has no plans.

Giving Yangcheng to Liao Changxue, our lithium battery technology can cooperate with any battery factory with a good reputation in Xiaguo. The cooperation is not simply to help the other party to manufacture, but to transfer technology in an all-round way.

Xiao Ming said to Qian Yi: We can transfer the technology to the partner, of course we want to get the benefits of the product, which is similar to the patent fee.

This is the easiest way for Pangu Technology to deal with the outside world. This was the case with Ozawa’s voice assistant at the beginning, and this was the case with the initial phagocytosis I colony sewage treatment technology.

This kind of cooperation is quite beneficial to Pangu Technology. Pangu Technology will obtain great benefits without investing any capital.

Because they do not own the equity of the other party, they will not bear the risks of the other party. No matter whether the other party makes money by using the technology to manufacture batteries, as long as the technology is used to produce a battery, the patent fee for one battery will be charged.

Xiao Ming said: We will choose about three partners from the entire battery industry, and the negotiation will be completed through a bidding mechanism. We will cooperate with whoever offers the highest price. The cooperation agreement is only signed for two years, and the bidding will be re-bid after two years.

Qian Yi interrupted Xiao Ming several times. Finally, after Xiao Ming finished speaking, he couldn't help asking: Boss! Are you sure we want to transfer the lithium battery technology? this really good? ?

Qian Yi saw the profits of lithium batteries, and the world is promoting new energy vehicles. The most critical nodes are battery technology and engine technology.

If nothing else, it should not be a problem for Pangu Technology to occupy all the high-end markets in the world with its lithium battery technology, and the value of this part of the market should be around 10 billion meters.

Qian Yi also made an account by herself. According to the data she obtained from the Yangcheng factory, the cost of producing a battery in the factory is about 5 yuan, the price is 20 yuan, and the profit is 15 yuan.

Note that this is a battery, not a set of batteries.

An L1 lithium battery is similar in size to a AA battery.

And driving a Tesla requires 7,000 L1 batteries, and the total cost is 56,000.

The cost of the Panasonic 185600 battery is 18 yuan, the price is 25 yuan, and the profit is only 7 soft sister coins, which is less than half of the Pangu Technology L1 battery.

In addition, the performance of the L1 battery is completely out of any Panasonic battery, so the battery of Pangu Technology has an absolute competitive advantage.

As long as you enter the market, you will be able to monopolize the market.

Qian Yi confirmed to Xiao Ming again: Are you sure we want to transfer the technology? Sure. Xiao Ming said: Pangu Technology does not have so much energy, human energy is limited, the same is true for the company, we have to Apply limited energy to more important things.

In addition, the entire energy market is huge, and we don't need to eat it all. In the energy market, we also need friends.

For example, Xiao Ming said: People who are in the oil business will basically not touch the coal business, because the profits of coal can no longer satisfy the appetite of the oil giants.

The future of the new energy battery industry will also be a combination of high and low.

The high-end market with the most profit will belong to Pangu Technology, then the mid-to-low-end market will be shared by Xia Guo's enterprises.

Only at this time did Qian Yi vaguely realize that Xiao Ming still had a lot of cards in his hand that he had not played. As Xiao Ming's subordinate, all Qian Yi needed was to obey orders.

I'll send an email to Liao Changxue right away.

You go in person. Xiao Ming said.


Qian Yi immediately went to Yangcheng with Xiao Ming's intention.


What? Liao Changxue couldn't believe his ears when he got the company's order. Isn't it all about making a fortune by himself when a company has this technology? How can you still be willing to share quantitative technology?

Samsung, LG, SKI, Panasonic, BYD, CATL, these companies have more or less mastered the technology of new energy batteries, but they will not share it with other factories.

This is a fragrant bun! Liao Changxue really couldn't understand what the headquarters was thinking.

Have you misunderstood the boss's intentions? Liao Changxue said suspiciously.

Qian Yi handed the naming letter to Liao Changxue and said, It is because you will not believe it, so the company sent me here. This is the way Pangu Technology does things. You have just come, and I hope you can integrate into this environment as soon as possible.

Liao Changxue looked at the order letter and then at Qian Yi.

Qian Yi is the nominal CEO of the company. This time, it must be Xiao Ming's arrangement to come to do this in person.

After closing the document, Liao Changxue said with a wry smile, I may be new here, and I really don't know the company's intentions, but I choose to execute it.

Liao Changxue said: Then I will organize the negotiation. As long as it is a company of Xia Guo, as long as it has a good reputation, we all welcome it. I will choose one to three companies to cooperate with according to the company's requirements.

Qian Yi said: The bottom line of the company is on the last page of the document, and the rest of the negotiation power is left to you. Do it well. The boss said that the company's new energy department needs better talents.

Come on. Liao Changxue was still brooding, The technology is about to be transferred, so what kind of talent is needed.

Qian Yi smiled and said nothing.

On the same day, the announcement that Pangu Technology L1 battery was looking for a partner was posted, which shocked the entire new energy industry.

Pangu Technology is crazy! It's really crazy! said a car company in Xiaguo who was waiting for Pangu Technology to cooperate to provide new energy batteries. In such a big market, they don't want to do it themselves, and they want to transfer technology?

After getting the news, some small lithium battery factories said: Ningde era produced several high-performance machine-like batteries in their arms like treasures, for fear that they might be lost or leaked. We went to find them for technical guidance and they were like thieves. Pangu Technology welcomes cooperation with great fanfare and also transfers technology, isn’t that too generous?”

Pangu Technology is not short of money! This is a company that monopolizes the operating system industry of Xiaguo's chip industry. Why would it transfer technology if it is not short of money?

However, companies such as BYD and Ningde Times, which are leading the industry in Xiaguo, are a little confused.

They have seen the performance of the L1 battery, far exceeding Panasonic, let alone the battery produced by itself.

They are researching what kind of battery technology Pangu Technology is. It has not yet touched the threshold. Pangu Technology actually announced its active cooperation.

So the problem is in front of the two companies.

It is to choose to strive for cooperation with Pangu Technology, and immediately obtain the world's leading lithium battery technology. Still continue to find ways to research, invest a lot of manpower and material resources, and strive to surpass the L1 battery in technology.

Emotion makes everyone choose the latter, and reason makes everyone choose the first.

Research is something that takes a lot of effort and money, and it doesn't necessarily pay off when you put in it.

How many companies shouted slogans, saying that they surpassed Samsung SDI in three years, and surpassed Panasonic in five years. Now that many years have passed, they are still running behind their butts.

Cooperation must be a win-win situation.

Send someone to talk to Liao Changxue? BYD's executives began to waver. They are all Xia Guo enterprises, and they all have to face the competition from Dongyang and South Korea. We are already on the same front.

This is a technology transfer cooperation. After the technology transfer, we will obtain all the technologies for the production of L1 batteries and become the world's leading lithium battery manufacturer in one fell swoop. We will save a lot of research funds and time. After obtaining the L1 battery production technology, we will The focus and energy can be placed on the research of next-generation batteries.”

Our BYD cars will have the same range as Tesla!

Ningde Times: Contact Pangu Technology and Liao Changxue immediately to see what conditions they have!

Technology transfer! It is clear that it is technology transfer! It is not a simple authorized production. After acquiring the technology, it is no longer an illusion to grab the market of Samsung, LG and SKI!

I think South Korean companies are starting to get nervous.

Some brands think that they have disappeared and gone bankrupt at a loss. In fact, they are still alive and well and have become the top of the industry.

In the complex and ever-changing market and consumer demand, these companies are constantly adjusting their response strategies in order to strive to survive in this market.

This is true of Panasonic, and it is true of Samsung and LG.

Maybe we can not buy Samsung and LG mobile phones, but we can't ignore Samsung and LG's integrated circuits, batteries, etc.

The two companies that have just lived very well in the battery industry are basically monopolizing the mid-to-high-end battery market.

When the two companies were celebrating a bad time together, they found that the industry they were proud of suddenly became difficult to do, and found that they were originally technologically advanced, but turned out to be technologically backward.

I won't say anything about Panasonic, how Pangu Technology is also involved, and it has achieved the first place in the industry without noticing it, and also passed the test of Tesla.

At the Samsung SDI headquarters, all executives stopped taking vacations and gathered to discuss countermeasures.

What's going on in Yangcheng! All kinds of news are flying all over the sky!

Is the performance of the L1 battery as good as the legend?

Jin Songzhai, the head of the SDI department, threw one question after another, and the people in charge of the Xia Guo business department were sweating profusely below.

The news we got is that it has indeed passed the acceptance of Tesla, and Tesla has already shipped some of the batteries back to the United States. I heard that the battery pack will not be loaded on the car immediately, but a series of in-depth studies will be conducted to confirm that Pangu Technology's source of technology.

It's really so powerful. Jin Songzhai said very depressed: When did this company emerge! Why is there no news at all in the past.

It is a subordinate department of Pangu Technology. It just accepted Panasonic's battery factory a month and a half ago, and has produced batteries that surpassed Panasonic in a short period of time.

Jin Songzhai just felt that his heart was blocked!

Samsung SDI department has also achieved today's achievements through continuous progress, exploration, scientific research and experimentation.

Why did Pangu Technology become a leader in the industry in less than two months after it just entered the industry.

What made Jin Songzhai breathless the most was that Pangu Technology could just use this technology to make money by itself, but there was still some kind of technology transfer cooperation. All companies in Xia Guo were welcome to cooperate.

If this is really successful, there are two or three companies that have mastered the technology of L1 batteries and are achieving large-scale mass production. Where is the market for Samsung?

The technology of L1 battery can not only be used for new energy vehicles, but also can be used for mobile phones, tablets, notebook computers, etc. after improvement, these are the main profits of Samsung SDI.

Could it be a smoke bomb released by Xia Guo? said a senior executive of SDI. After all, many Xia Guo enterprises hoped to cooperate with us and introduce our battery technology some time ago, but they were all rejected by us. This time Xia Guo Most of the battery companies sing praises for Pangu Technology, and they are taking this opportunity to put pressure on us.

Higher-ups are still more narcissistic, but this is also the nature of South Koreans.

Jin Songzhai asked back: You said that Xia Guo's company took this opportunity to put pressure on us, so so far, has any Xia Guo enterprise contacted us again?'s really not that good. He slapped his face for a second.

Jin Songzhai was angry and said, There will definitely be no companies looking for you again, because these companies have all gone to Pangu Technology!

I need an L1 lithium battery from Pangu Technology! I don't believe the data outside, and I doubt Tesla's tests. I need you to test the performance of the battery with Samsung's own equipment!

Jin Songzhai got angry: If the battery performance of the other party is indeed as strong as the announcement after the test, then we will all wait for the punishment from the headquarters!

The employees of SDI have had a very good life in recent years. They share the high-end market with Panasonic and make huge profits every year. These are the wealth brought by monopoly.

Now that the monopoly has been broken by Pangu Technology, people in this department are still a little confused and don't know what to do next.

Looking at the dazed employees, Jinsong

Uh... this... well, not really. Slap in the face for a second.

Jin Songzhai was angry and said, There will definitely be no companies looking for you again, because these companies have all gone to Pangu Technology!

I need an L1 lithium battery from Pangu Technology! I don't believe the data outside, and I doubt Tesla's tests. I need you to test the performance of the battery with Samsung's own equipment!

Jin Songzhai got angry: If the battery performance of the other party is indeed as strong as the announcement after the test, then we will all wait for the punishment from the headquarters!

The employees of SDI have had a very good life in recent years. They share the high-end market with Panasonic and make huge profits every year. These are the wealth brought by monopoly.

Now that the monopoly has been broken by Pangu Technology, people in this department are still a little confused and don't know what to do next.

Looking at the dazed employees, Jinsong

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