The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 249 Is this going to fight?

It comes from hackers, so what organization or country is it from? Have you ever taken any information from the Pentagon?

A series of problems gave Abraham a headache, because the United States has made too many enemies, from South America to East Asia to West Asia, Africa and Europe. Some allies and the U.S. look peaceful, but actually like to stab them in the back.

Check our information in detail. Abraham ordered, I don't believe that the enemy has come in, just take a look and go back.

The technicians checked the traces of the server again according to Abraham's order, and checked the traces of each classified computer being turned on and the data being copied.

At 3:00 a.m. Washington time the next day, all inspections were completed.

Got nothing!

Abraham was sweating, how could this result.

There are only two possibilities for such a result. One is that the hackers are quite advanced in technology, even more advanced than the most secure network security technology in the United States. These hackers can enter and exit freely without leaving any traces.

If this is the case, then the major institutions in the United States will face a great security test. The security protection mechanisms of the Pentagon, the White House, and major departments in the United States will be useless, and others will come and go freely.

The only way these departments can protect their information from leaking is to isolate computers and networks.

This approach is absolutely unrealistic. In modern office, all the data of the computer is copied with mobile media and not connected to the Internet, and it is absolutely not displayed.

In this way, all departments in the United States really have no secrets at all.

The second possibility is that the hacker is just a cybersecurity enthusiast, and he just wants to try how powerful the cybersecurity mechanism of the U.S. Department of Defense is. Therefore, after looking at it, I left without taking any information, so I can't see any trace of the copy on the server.

Emotion led Abraham to believe in the second possibility, but reason led him to believe in the first possibility.

Anyway, this matter must be investigated to the end.

Abrahamra spent the night at the Pentagon, and he reported the matter to his boss early the next morning.

The top management of the Pentagon was also very nervous, and after receiving instructions from the White House, the following decision was made.

All secret-related servers are temporarily disconnected from the Internet, and we will talk about it after we find out the reason.

The matter of the Pentagon being invaded by the outside world is handed over to the CIA for investigation. Before the investigation is clear, the Pentagon's secret-related servers will stop working, and all secret-related work guidelines will be carried out with reference to the work norms of the last century.

The second thing, punish employees who use Prajna chips! Even if the chip is used on the employee's personal computer, all information is not classified.

In fact, the Pentagon turns a blind eye to the use of Prajna chips by employees. After all, Prajna chips can help employees deal with cumbersome documents, such as some word processing, some PPT production and so on.

However, after this incident was publicly reported, it was obviously a violation of the judgment of the US court, so there was only punishment.

The third thing is that the CIA will lead the Pentagon to cooperate and actively investigate Pangu Technology, North Korea, West Asia and other countries to see if the invasion is related to them.

It is actually very simple to check whether the secrets are leaked. If the above-mentioned companies or countries have major research results involving US technology in a short period of time, or know the future policies of the US military and take corresponding countermeasures, then the Pentagon must have leaked secrets.

The Pentagon is still working intensively, but Xiao Ming is extremely leisurely.

According to the news from Super Junior School, Rongfei Industrial Group received a key commendation from the relevant departments of Xia Guo a few days ago. Moreover, an engine project that has been studied for 20 years has all been abandoned. Rongfei Industry is cooperating with several key engine research institutes in Chang'an City, Shenbei City and other places in Xia State to study a new generation of engines.

The new generation of engines will fully match the J20, and can be applied to the next generation of Xia Guo's fighter jets.

The technology of the F119-PW-100 engine is not only applicable to fighter jets, the technical details of which are also applicable to the manufacture of large passenger aircraft.

Xiao Ming knew that the aviation industry and the military in the entire Xia Kingdom were very excited now, so he couldn't help but report the news so that the people of the country would know this great news.

But Rongfei Industry can only hold it in the heart and cannot express it. After all, it is still unclear how such a big pie came to be.

At the same time, the relevant departments are also investigating the source of this email. The email is very useful, but the unknown origin is still worrying.

Xiao Ming listened to Xiaochu's report on the bustling Rongfei situation and said, Send an email to Huawei.

Xiao Ming said: According to the content of the email, according to reliable information, Apple and Qualcomm have teamed up with some domestic manufacturers. In the near future, domestic mobile phones may be equipped with the IOS system, and the same time may happen to laptops and tablets.

Xiao Ming has kindly reminded Huawei that it is not something Xiao Ming can control about how these companies will deal with it. IOS + domestic mobile phones + low price will definitely not shake the status of Prajna chips, but it will definitely affect the profits of Huawei and other manufacturers. damage.

In the mobile phone market where real guns are being fought, an inattentiveness is not a problem of losing profits, but a problem of losing the entire market.

This time, the market of Apple and Qualcomm is not the high-end market where Prajna chips are located, but the mid-to-low-end market with more and more common users, which is also the foundation of Huawei and other mobile phone manufacturers.

Apple is developing from high-end to low-end, Huawei, Xiaomi and other mobile phones are developing from low-end to high-end.

Today, when the high-end market is dominated by Warwick, the war has finally come to the low-end.

And in this market, there is no absolute certainty that just playing cards with patriotism.

To say patriotism, O, V, Meizu and other manufacturers that cooperate with Apple have more or less domestic shadows.

When it comes to patriotism, this can’t be eaten as food. What consumers want is to save thousands of dollars and live a stable life, not to talk about patriotism every day, but to spend a lot of money. Money out to buy the word patriotic.

Why does Xia Guo's dislike of Toyo has become more and more serious over the years, but the sales of Toyo's cars in Xia Guo still rank among the top three?

It is not that consumers are unpatriotic, but that this is the most rational and cost-saving way of consumption. Consumers also have to eat, pay mortgages, and support their families.

The same is true for the mobile phone industry. Xiao Ming believes that if Apple lowered the price of flagship phones to around 3,000 yuan and mid-range phones to around 2,000 yuan in the early years, then there would be basically no Huawei or Xiaomi in the current mobile phone market.

Xiao Ming's mentality is very good, but Huawei's side is very anxious.

Knowing that Xiao Ming was about to go to Yangcheng, Warwick headquarters immediately dispatched Xiao Ming's old friend, who is now Huawei's COO, Sun Jiang, to meet Xiao Ming before he left.

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