The Black Technology Era of Xueba

The 243rd chapter major achievements of the quantum laboratory (2)

Pangu Science and Technology Park, the headquarters building is particularly conspicuous in the empty suburbs.

The grand main project is still under construction. Xiao Ming designed five conjoined headquarters buildings with a height of 99 meters.

The design unit of the building is the Shanghai Tongji University Architectural Planning and Design Institute. The structure of the building is very peculiar. The four main buildings are inclined 30 degrees to the center of each other. 37.818 meters, the uppermost part is also closed, is a huge terrace.

The top floor of the headquarters is the place of Pangu Technology Hotel and entertainment, while the terrace has a sports field and a huge helipad in addition to garden vegetation, an infinity swimming pool, and a hot spring pool.

The highlight of the building is that the four buildings do not rely on the link of reinforced concrete, but rely on the most traditional mortise and tenon structure of the Xia Kingdom. They seem to be together, but they are actually independent of each other.

In addition to the headquarters building, other supporting buildings, greening and general leveling of the park have basically been completed.

This is a science and technology park with a total area of ​​3,300 mu, and it is also a huge park.

Even at the end of January, there are many plants full of life, showing a proud green in the face of the cold winter.

The Quantum Physics Laboratory is located at the core of the park. It is surrounded by green trees and lakes and looks very inconspicuous.

The laboratory is the place that Xiao Ming focuses on, so it was completed a few months ago. The equipment and instruments in the laboratory are all designed by the staff of Pangu Technology according to the principles and drawings provided by Xiao Ming, and they are built by themselves. unique.

Walking into the laboratory, the experimenters continued their busy work and did not stop because of Xiao Ming's arrival.

This is Xiao Ming's rules and regulations for the laboratory. Unless there is an emergency, even if they arrive here, the researchers do not have to get up to greet them.

Xu Limin took Xiao Ming to the central control room, where all the core data of the quantum experiment was stored, and all the data was encrypted by the Pangu system and Super Xiaochu. Unless Xiao Ming wanted to, no one could get the information inside.

Twenty quantum entangled pairs were packed into the color center, and we were able to super-create a 150-qubit quantum chip.

The entanglement of twenty qubits is the most advanced technology in the world that Xiao Ming knows.

Two years ago, Google created a 72-qubit chip with 9-qubit entanglement technology, which can perform calculations of 2 to the 72nd power at the same time, and the computing power exceeds 5,000 Intel i9 chips.

Xia Guo successfully broke through the 10-qubit entanglement state a year ago, surpassing Google in name.

IBM also recently announced a 50-qubit chip based on an 8-qubit entangled state, and Intel, Apple, etc. have also made major breakthroughs in related technologies.

But whether it is Xia Guo or Google, the technology of quantum chips is made, but the application is quite difficult.

There are three main drawbacks to their technology.

The first drawback: Although a powerful quantum chip has been created, because it is quite difficult to control the quantum entangled state, only a few prescribed calculations can be performed with the quantum chip.

What does it mean? This means that the quantum chips of Google or IBM or Xia Guo can neither be used to watch movies, nor can they be used to surf the Internet, nor can they be used to play games. They can only solve a few specified equations. From quantum chip research to commercial use, everyone still has a long way to go.

The second drawback, including Xia Guo, all the quantum chip computers currently on the market are really huge!

Because of the superconducting technology currently used in quantum chip computers, a series of harsh conditions such as sound insulation, heat insulation, electromagnetic isolation, and operating temperature close to absolute zero are required.

This allows a small quantum chip to run in an isolation device, and the isolation device basically occupies an area of ​​10 to 20 square meters, and all the isolation devices add up to dozens of tons.

No user is willing to use dozens of tons of notebooks on their feet, and no user is willing to buy a computer weighing dozens of tons.

Even if this computer is very fast, it can crack the roommate's password in seconds to get his **.

The third disadvantage is energy consumption!

Not to mention the energy consumption of controlling the amount of entanglement and doing calculations, it is terrifying to control the energy consumption of those isolation devices.

First you have to plug in industrial electricity, install a special transformer and 360 volts before you can use it. Whenever you count the amount of running time, you will hear the sound of electric current from the substation outside, and you have to prevent the substation from overheating and causing a fire.

Secondly, to run a quantum chip computer for an hour, you have to be prepared to pay a few hundred electricity bills.

Even if the computing speed of the chip is fast enough, no one will use this power-hungry, big Mac, and only solve a few specific equations to be stupid and lacking quantum chips, unless you are stupid. Consumers are of course not stupid, so there is no market for quantum chips from companies such as Google except in the field of scientific research.

But the quantum chip of Pangu Science and Technology Laboratory is different.

Using silicon carbide as a carrier solves the problem that companies such as Google and IBM must use superconducting and isolation devices.

The entangled electron pairs are loaded into the color cores and controlled by a laser. When the laser irradiates the spintronics, they will show different entangled states, which also solves the problem of controlling the entanglement of quantum pairs and energy consumption.

The color center in the silicon carbide crystal is a point defect in the transparent crystal. The defect point can capture electrons, and of course the volume is small.

The lab's 20-qubit entanglement chip is just 3 square millimeters in size and has negligible mass.

And Xiao Ming's ultimate goal is to build a mature wearable quantum device on this 3 square millimeter chip, and the size of the wearable device must be easily carried by humans, not wearing a large helmet.

Xu Limin first invited Xiao Ming to watch the chip introduction video made by Xiaochu and the current scientific research results.

Xu Limin said very excitedly: I dare to say that we are a hundred years ahead of mankind in the chip industry. As soon as our quantum chip comes out, then the real era of artificial intelligence will come!

It should be an immature artificial intelligence. Xiao Ming said silently in his heart.

Because in Pan Shaxing's technology catalog, the real era of artificial intelligence comes after the advent of biological intelligence chips.

However, quantum chips can already satisfy all human computing and prediction fields. Xiao Ming thought that the chip would definitely come out, but he did not expect it to be so soon.

Xu Limin said excitedly: What Google, what Intel, what Apple! We can hang them for a hundred years, and let them find no flaws!

Xu Limin seemed to be anxious to demonstrate the results of his experiment to Xiao Ming. He said, We already have a chip installed and used. Would you like to see its power?

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