The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 241 President Xiao

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There are still a small number of students like Wang Xiang, and most of the students have their own ideas to apply for the Pangu Academy of Science and Technology.

After two days of recruitment, interview, written test, re-interview, practical operation and other assessment methods, Xiao Ming selected 12 students including Wu Lin from more than 4,000 people.

Such a student is less than one-tenth of Xiao Ming's enrollment plan, but there is no rush to educate and cultivate talents.

It is better to be short than to waste, even if only one student is recruited in the end, the Pangu Science and Technology Basic Academy must be established.

Xiao Ming thinks so, but the employees inside Pangu Technology and people outside do not think so.

Pangu Technology announced not long ago that it would invest 10 billion yuan to invest in natural basic science and technology.

This approach vaguely means a challenge to traditional education.

Curious people are waiting for the results of Pangu Technology's schooling, while more people are waiting to see the jokes of Pangu Technology. They have to see how many students are willing to give up their determined future and enter a training institution of a company.

Now the results have come out, and as expected, more than 4,000 applicants are not too many, only more than ten students have been recruited, and the number is even smaller.

Netizens are also talking about it.

This study should be impossible!

Poor Pangu Academy of Science and Technology, originally thought that 10 billion would be so stupid, but I didn't expect that there are only twelve people.

I admire the courage of Pangu Technology, but the reality gave Pangu Technology a resounding slap in the face.

Inside Jiangcheng University, many students who didn't want to see Xiao Ming were also waiting to see Pangu's jokes.

Only twelve people were recruited, and we rented our venue to run the school, which is a waste of resources.

I heard that there are still several senior students in the second school. These people are not enough to be admitted to the postgraduates of ordinary schools, so they easily entered the Basic Academy of Pangu Science and Technology. Is there any teaching quality?

Even within Pangu Technology, many employees complained after seeing such a result.

Ten billion! How good is it to use it as a project, really want to hit the heads of these twelve people?

Actually, the boss's idea is very good to revitalize basic technology, but it is not necessary to set up a special college.

Facing the doubts and discussions from the outside world, Xiao Ming said to Qian Yi: Even if ten teachers teach one student, we must continue to do it unswervingly.

Different from the national postgraduate entrance examination, the postgraduates of the unified admission have to wait for the re-examination next year, and then wait for the enrollment in September next year, while the basic college of Pangu Science and Technology can start soon.

Classes are held in the classrooms of Jiangcheng University, graduate students, the Quantum Physics Laboratory in Pangu Science and Technology Park, and the Life Science Laboratory in Banruo Village.

The textbook for the class was co-written by Xiao Ming and Xiaochu, citing many classic natural science and technology knowledge of Pan Shaxing, and then expressing it according to Xia Guo's logic and language.

The teacher for the class has also been determined, and the experts, professors and Xiaochu of Pangu Technology will serve as the temporary positions. After there are more students in the future, professors from Jiangcheng University and other colleges and universities can be hired to explain basic courses according to the knowledge level of the students.

And Xiao Ming serves as the president of Pangu Science and Technology Basic College, which is directly managed by Pangu Science and Technology Headquarters.

Ten of the students recruited this time are fresh graduates of various universities, and their senior year courses have ended. Two of them are social candidates, who are going to quit their jobs to study at the Academy of Basic Sciences.

After discussing with the students, Xiao Ming decided to set the start time of the 2020 and the first graduate class of the Academy of Basic Sciences after the New Year's Day holiday in 2020.

On this day, Xiao Ming was going to personally preside over the opening ceremony.

For the convenience of students, the opening ceremony was held in the auditorium of Jiangcheng University.

There was no ornate arrangement, only the audio equipment was adjusted in the auditorium, and only signboards were made outside the auditorium.

Xiao Ming, Lin Li, Gao Siqi, Qian Yi Jiangcheng University Vice President Guo Mingguo, and Dean of the School of Economics Li Lingbo will all attend the opening ceremony.

At ten o'clock in the morning on January 2, twelve students, their friends and parents entered the venue one after another.

Many Jiangcheng University students also joined in to watch it.

The opening ceremony of the twelve people is simply dead laughing.

I thought that Pangu Technology was playing like this, but I didn't expect it to be so serious.

Don't talk nonsense, Pangu Technology attaches so much importance to this matter, I think these twelve people will be the backbone of Xia Guo's technology industry in the future.

At 10:30, Xiao Ming and others entered the venue. The small auditorium, which could only accommodate 1,000 people, was not absent, and many people came to join in the fun.

At the front desk, twelve students were sitting with their heads in danger. They were somewhat nervous and apprehensive. This was apprehension about the uncertainty of the future, but apprehension about their dreams.

After the host Qian Yi gave a simple opening speech, the topic was handed over to Xiao Ming.

Xiao Ming looked at the twelve people one by one, and said, Happy New Year everyone, welcome twelve students to join the big family of students of Pangu Science and Technology Basic Course.

Polite applause.

Xiao Ming said: Everyone here is older than me, and I should be called the university's first teacher or senior sister. There is one of you who is studying in the university, senior sister Wu Lin.

Xiao Ming nodded to Wu Lin.

Wu Lin was a little embarrassed, her face was red, but she was very excited.

However, technology does not discriminate. In Pangu Science and Technology Basic College, we judge the level of knowledge and self-cultivation. Xiao Ming founded Pangu Technology, so I stand on this stage.

When the twelve heard this, they would not feel that Xiao Ming was pretending to be bragging and bragging.

Pangu Technology has created a new era of Xiaguo Technology, some capital said.

Xiao Ming continued: I think everyone will go through a lot of psychological processes from signing up for the exam, to breaking through the exam, and then to receiving the admission notice. The fact that you can sit here proves that there is a spark of technology in your heart. People. In your life, you should always leave something other than money, and you made the right choice.

Xiao Ming's words touched the hearts of the twelve students. If it wasn't for their persistent pursuit of basic science and their admiration for Pangu Technology, they would not give up the future that can be judged and face uncertain challenges here.

Xiao Ming looked at the students in the back row who were watching the excitement, and said with a smile, I think from the day everyone got the admission letter, I have heard more or less criticism of the Pangu Academy of Science and Technology. Before entering the venue, I also heard a lot of rumors, saying that some of you are ordinary second-degree students who can be admitted to the basic college, and they say that our college is a gimmick and a marketing.

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