The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 237 Basic subjects are very important

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In Toyo's companies, except for Panasonic, the rest of Xiao Ming are full of vigilance.

Orientals are not good people, and they don't have much goodwill towards Xia. This is a fact that has been proved by countless bloody lessons from a thousand years ago to today.

If you want to do business with Toyo companies, you must first ensure your own safety, otherwise this is not a necessary option for Pangu Technology.

Sony has indeed been miserable during this period, and its hardware products have almost lost the market except for the East and Southeast Asia.

Although the PC and mobile terminal industries are still there, after that, Toyo's domestic market and a very small part of overseas markets, and Sony mobile phones, which once created sales myths, have long since fallen from the altar.

How terrible was the sales of notebooks at the beginning? Terrifying enough that Jobs wanted to put it on it.

In the entertainment service industry, although Sony is still the industry leader, it is facing the encirclement and suppression of new Internet entertainment companies, and life is difficult.

The fact that Pangu Technology can cooperate with Sony is a good opportunity for Sony to develop a turning point. The 5G era has come to us. If the combination of 5G + Pangu/Tiangong, Sony may really be able to restore the hugely profitable PC and mobile phone markets.

After all, Sony saw the counterattack of Xia Guojiasan mobile phone, and the counterattack of Jiasan mobile phone relies on Tiangong system.

For Pangu Technology, it is just the icing on the cake for opening up the Oriental market.

But in order to disgust Google by the way, it is not bad to be able to sign a nominal cooperation agreement with Sony.

You must know that Sony's notebooks, mobile phones and other products, as well as products in the field of artificial intelligence, have a very close relationship with Google.

Sony demanded to have the code of Pangu system on the condition of opening up the Oriental market, and hoped that Sony would have the right to deeply customize Pangu and Tiangong systems to launch Sony versions. Sony's purpose in doing this is to save Sony's PC and mobile phone markets.

This condition was rejected by Xiao Ming. Disclosing the code is a trivial matter. If this opening is opened, then the Pangu ecosystem will fall apart like the Android ecosystem, and each will be king.

Sony's request was rejected by Pangu Technology.

The talks between the two sides did not show anything substantive, but a memorandum of cooperation was signed. Pangu Technology welcomes Sony's opportunity to develop entertainment applications in the Pangu Ecological Chain, and also stated that some of Sony's games and music will be launched on the Pangu Ecological Chain.

After Sony's visit, the outstanding employees of Pangu Technology will continue to stay in Dongyang for three days, while Xiao Ming and Qian Yi will take the opportunity to return to Xia Guo.

Tokyo, Sony headquarters.

A negotiated deal between Pangu and Panasonic is on the table of Sony chief Kenichiro Yoshida.

The words Prajna chip and Pangu system agency are quite dazzling.

Yoshida's face was quite ugly. Since Pangu Technology has already cooperated with Panasonic, why did it come to Sony's conditions.

What Panasonic can give Sony can give, why did Pangu Technology choose Panasonic first and then play Tai Chi with Sony?

Comparing the cooperation agreement signed with Pangu Technology and Sony, Yoshida said angrily: The people of Xia are playing with us! They are playing with us!

Many of Panasonic's products overlap with Sony's. It would be very unfavorable for Sony to obtain the right to use the chip and operating system first.

The cooperation with Pangu Technology must continue, but the purpose of cooperation is not mutual benefit but to obtain technology!

Of course, Sony knows that five technology companies in the United States have joined together to target Pangu Technology. Don't they need a company to respond internally?

On the flight back to Jiangcheng, the work of Pangu Technology has been released. Pangu Technology has reached an agreement with Toyo companies such as Sony and Panasonic.

Is it appropriate to release news now? Qian Yi still cares about Dongyang's market. This is the first step for the company to officially enter the international market.

If they were found out by Google, would they put pressure on the Dongyang market? Qian Yi was a little worried.

Xiao Ming said, Does Google and the others know that they will put pressure on the Toyo market. Toyo people are more self-respecting. Whether they will always obey the arrangements of the United States in the technology market is another matter.

Qian Yi asked again: But we haven't reached any substantive agreement with Sony. Even if no documents are signed today, Sony can use the Pangu ecological chain to upload their games and other programs.

For Google to see, Sony is an important ally in the Google camp, and now Google is going to be bigger.

Xiao Ming is not optimistic about the cooperation with Sony. After all, neither side has shown the best cooperation attitude in this negotiation.

Google will definitely communicate with Sony to inquire about the situation at the first time, and Sony will definitely explain to Google, but the seeds of mistrust have been planted, and it is uncertain when it will explode.

Xiao Ming, who returned to Jiangcheng, did not rest, but started to prepare the basic subject research laboratory.

This visit to Panasonic made Xiao Ming aware of the gap between Pangu Technology and world-class companies. This gap cannot be filled with one or two technologies, but requires long-term accumulation of basic technologies and talent cultivation.

Xiao Ming has basic natural technology in his hands, but there is no talent.

Pangu Technology currently has two options. One is to cooperate with universities such as Jiangcheng University, Jiangcheng University of Science and Technology, and Hujiang University to prepare research institutes for four basic disciplines of mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology.

That is, Pangu Technology and these colleges and universities jointly recruit graduate students, and Pangu Technology and colleges and universities jointly cultivate basic discipline talents.

One is that Pangu Technology itself founded the Institute of Basic Natural Sciences, recruiting people and cultivating them for their own use.

Lin Li, Gao Siqi and other technical executives suggested cooperation with universities. After all, colleges and universities have complete student education experience and venues.

Xiao Ming also tended to cooperate with colleges and universities at the beginning. After Pangu Technology showed the idea of ​​preparation to major colleges and universities, it received strong support from major colleges and universities.

School-enterprise cooperation is a necessary condition for the survival and development of modern schools. It would be an honor for schools to cooperate with a happy technology company like Pangu Technology.

The promise is the promise, but here comes the problem.

The meaning of Hujiang University and Jiangcheng University of Science and Technology is to put the cooperation with Pangu Technology in the enrollment of the existing postgraduate majors of the university, so that the procedures are simple and easy to operate.

Jiangcheng University is relatively obedient to the meaning of Pangu Technology, and has established a new research institute and a master's degree.

But here comes the problem

Professor Li is consulting Xiao Ming on this matter, The establishment of a new master's program requires five conditions, subject coverage, academic team, scientific research, education and talent training, and working conditions. Let's see if we can do it in three years.

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