The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 233 Environmental Conference

Lu Xiaoming, who had been in a hurry for a day, didn't have the heart to play tricks with the waiter. After giving the waiter a tip, Xiao Ming lay on the bed and rested.

The next day, the United Nations Environment Assembly.

Representatives of environmental protection departments of various countries and various environmental protection public welfare and scientific research organizations around the world gathered together.

Because this is the first time that the United States has participated in a UN environment-related meeting after the United States withdrew from the Paris Climate Agreement, and Xiao Ming, the boss of Pangu Technology, participated, the meeting attracted a lot of media attention.

Before entering the venue, Xiao Ming had a brief exchange with Steiner, Administrator of the United Nations Environment Programme, and then sat down.

Steiner's influence on Xiao Ming is that he is committed to the coordinated development of global economic development and environmental protection, but it is very difficult to implement. After all, the goals of different countries, factions and politicians are different. A community with a shared future is on the lips.

At the beginning of the meeting, the participants put on earphones, and the earphones were connected to the instant translation system of Yigou Conference. Even if the United States is convenient to ban many technological products of Pangu Technology, it has to wear translation headphones at this time. English is the main language of the conference, but it is not the only language. After all, this is the home of the Orientals.

The United Nations is a jar of mud. Steiner spoke enthusiastically about environmental protection and water source protection above. The people below were thinking about how to get the most benefit from this meeting.

For example, developing countries and underdeveloped areas can sell sewage indicators to developed countries, while developed countries try to find ways to send polluting industries to areas with lower prices.

After his opening statement, Steiner said: In terms of sewage treatment, Pangu Technology in Xia Guo has made a great breakthrough in technology. Their sewage treatment technology is low-cost, easy to use and high in efficiency. It has been used in many Xia Guo. The city has been applied. The treatment technology can completely treat industrial sewage and domestic sewage, and protect the environment to the greatest extent.

Steiner advertised Pangu Technology's sewage treatment system in front of almost the whole world.

Over the past year, we have also had many organizations and individuals who have made significant contributions to environmental protection, who are...

Steiner mentioned a series of names of organizations and individuals. Xiao Ming has heard a little about these companies, and many of them are companies affiliated to large Western consortiums.

They may have helped backward countries in Africa and Asia to improve their environment, or they may have donated a lot of money to environmental nonprofits, but they have gained more.

For example, a pharmaceutical company mentioned by Steiner,

Investing in local companies in West Africa to purchase raw materials needed for medicinal materials, these raw materials are irreversible damage to the local ecological environment, and on the other hand, they donate to environmental public welfare organizations in North Africa and other places to support local ecological construction, showing their kind attitude.

There are too many such companies, and environmental protection is only one of the means for them to show their good image to the outside world.

In fact, the UNEP Earth Champion medal, like the Nobel Peace Prize, has far greater political significance than practical significance.

Steiner finally said: Ladies and gentlemen, after careful research by our expert team, we have decided to award the 2019 'Earth Guardian' medal to Xiao Ming, who is committed to water environment improvement, environmental protection and sewage recycling! We also thank other organizations and individuals for their contributions to the improvement of the natural environment!

Applause erupted from the venue.

Among them, Xia Guo's reporters and officials stood up and applauded. This honor is well deserved for Xiao Ming!

Steiner said: Mr. Xiao Ming please come to the stage.

Xiao Ming was wearing an improved tunic suit, which Qian Yi asked the designer to tailor for Xiao Ming.

Qian Yi said that only the Chinese tunic suit can show the temperament of the people of Xia.

The two Dongyang etiquette handed the certificate and medal to Steiner, and Steiner and Xiao Ming shook hands and handed the honor to Xiao Ming.

I hope you can make persistent efforts to contribute to the cause of environmental protection, Steiner said.

Xiao Ming said: This is the common goal of human beings.

After taking a group photo, the podium was handed over to Xiao Ming.

In fact, in the face of those politicians and interest groups with different thoughts in the audience, what Xiao Ming said is empty talk, but on the issue of environmental protection, Xiao Ming still said: Environmental protection is not a simple problem, but a long-term problem. The battle. Pangu Technology, as a technology company whose mission is to change the way of life of mankind and create a new future, should contribute its own strength in this battle... Thank you!

Xiao Ming's words won everyone's applause again, but how many of these applause are polite, so I dare not comment on this.

The Xia State media cheered.

Pangu Technology won the United Nations Medal for its sewage treatment technology!

Xia Country, Xia Country is Xia Country again! Xia Country has made indelible contributions to the world in the field of environmental protection in recent years!

We have become an environmental protection country!

Some Western media began to send news, but the content is not flattering.

Because of the technology transaction with the United Nations, the 'Guardian Award', which symbolizes environmental protection, was awarded to Xiao Ming, the founder of Pangu Technology.

Xiao Ming will also pay for the sewage treatment in Asian and African countries after winning the award.

After the awards ceremony, Xiao Ming held talks with the UNEP delegation.

Western media guessed right, this award is not for nothing. Steiner hopes that Pangu Technology will support sewage treatment in many countries in Africa and Asia.

Xia State officials also hope that Pangu Technology can give the United Nations face. In terms of expenses, both the United Nations and Xia Guo will provide certain funding, but both human and material resources must rely on Pangu Technology itself.

This is a good opportunity to show our national strength. Xia Guo said.

It is indeed the goal of Pangu Technology to let the company go out. It is indeed a good opportunity to let these countries and consumers know about Pangu Technology by taking sewage treatment as an opportunity.

Qian Yi and the representative of the United Nations discussed specific cooperation matters, while Xiao Ming took a breath of fresh air on the balcony outside the conference room.

This is a demonstration of Xia Guo's economic strength! I don't know if that sewage treatment technology is useful.

Several Western officials were chatting on the balcony.

Sewage treatment is a big order. Veolia has been planning for more than ten years. Now I don't know what it feels like to be eaten by Pangu Technology.

What is there to worry about? Many cities in the Xia Kingdom are using Veolia's technology, and the international standards are also used by Veolia. Are you worried that Pangu Technology will take away the fat from Veolia and the Western consortium?

Hahaha! That's the truth. This award is an economic transaction between Xia Guo and the United Nations. The United Nations wants to ask Xia Guo for funds. How can you give money without giving you a little sweetness?

People in Xia have less people and more money. Just now, Xiao said that Pangu Technology is a company that creates the future as its own responsibility. Let's see if he can get rid of the encirclement and suppression of companies such as Google.

That's right! Anyway, that medal is only a few meters in cost.

Suddenly, everyone's chat ended, and they saw Xiao Ming smiling.

( = )

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