The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 231 Recalling Chang'an

(Make up for yesterday, there will be two more in a while.)

Professor Li agreed, but the actual operation was more difficult.

Reimbursing airline tickets for employees of outside companies with school funds is an obvious violation.

Jiangcheng University abides by the rules and will not allow Professor Li to do so. Xiao Ming admires the fact that he acts according to the rules.

How could Xiao Ming embarrass Professor Li and ask Qian Yi to buy the airline tickets for the employees, not to mention the airline tickets for several school leaders of Jiangcheng University.

Jiangcheng University is not only Xiao Ming's school, but also cooperates with Pangu Technology in the fields of laboratory and medical treatment. It is necessary to continue to maintain a good relationship between the two parties.

Qian Yi selected 30 outstanding people based on the company's employees' scores last year. Among them are researchers from the Life Science Division, developers of the Pangu System, and logistics from the Administration Department, etc. No matter your position, educational background, etc. High or low, as long as you work hard and dare to innovate, you can get high points and enjoy the company's benefits for outstanding employees.

The employees who were fortunate enough to visit Dongyang with Xiao Ming couldn't help but get excited. This was the first time since the establishment of Pangu Technology.

But Gao Siqi, Lin Li and others had no way to go because they had jobs.

Gao Siqi and Wen Xueqing looked at the announcement on the company's WeChat group, sighed deeply and said, I will sell it to Xiao Ming for the rest of my life!

Xiao Ming comforted, Add chicken legs at the end of the year!

Gao Siqi, Then where do you reward us for traveling?

Xiao Ming Jiangcheng Reservoir.

Gao Siqi ...

Xiao Ming told the employees who were about to leave for Toyo on the WeChat group, saying, This time, I will go to visit and see the construction of Toyo, their enterprise, management and technology, and then travel.

Xiao Ming said, As a native of Xia, we hope to bring back the good scenery, rather than stay outside and only see it when we travel.

Xiao Ming's words touched the employees deeply. Many employees hated Dongyang in their patriotic feelings, but envied Dongyang's environment, air, education, medical care, technology and products in some feelings. This is a contradiction.

A country that imitated Xia in ancient times, and invaded Xia in modern times by imitating the West, and a country that has won 18 Nobel Prizes in 18 years, does make the people of Xia feel complicated.

Therefore, only by asking for advice humbly and bringing excellent things back to Xia is what Pangu employees should do.

On November 28, Toyo Kyoto, the weather was fine.

Xiao Ming, Qian Yi and others took a charter flight to Kansai Airport, and then took a special car to Kyoto.

The excellent employees followed the local tour guides to visit some scenic spots. After Xiao Ming attended the United Nations Environment Conference, they concentrated in Kyoto.

Kyoto, one of the ancient capitals of the East, this ancient city modeled on the construction of Chang'an City in the Tang Dynasty was exempted from the bombing of the Mi Army under the suggestion of Liang Sicheng.

People in Xia pursue their dreams in the prosperous Tang Dynasty and pursue their dreams in Chang'an, not by looking back at those ancient buildings, but in the rare historical prosperity of Xia.

There is some irony, Xia people must go to the East to recall the prosperity of Xia.

In Kyoto in November, the autumn is cool and the sky is high, and the maple leaves along the road are all red.

Looking down from a height, the ancient buildings of the city are densely spread out in the forest.

Dreams are like Chang'an.

The maple leaves are thousands of branches, and the river bridge hides the sunset. Qian Yi blurted out the song Jiangling Sorrowful Hope to Send Zi'an while looking at the scenery along the road in the car.

This is not only the mood in Qian Yi's heart at this time, but also the mood in the hearts of many Xia people.

The prosperous Chang'an has been submerged in the dust of history, but the scene here is not the Xia Kingdom.

There is nothing wrong with the United Nations Environment Assembly's selection here. The environment is beautiful. If you look at the houses on the road, they are hundreds of years old. They don't look shabby with the passage of time, but the older they get, the more flavorful they are.

Qian Yi enjoyed a beautiful time in the car.

The driver and security eldest brother suddenly said, If it were in Xia Guo, these shabby houses would have been demolished long ago, so what are we doing with these shabby houses, let's build high-rise buildings, plazas and shopping malls, this is enough! It would be great if the house could be 70 years old without being demolished!

Xiao Ming and Qian Yi laughed dumbly. The driver's words were not rude, which was true in many cities in Xia.

Don't sigh, I want to look back at the ancient capital and take you to Hengdian when I return home. Xiao Ming comforted.

Cut! There is no background there.

In fact, an idea had been buried in Xiao Ming's heart for a long time. This time, when he came to Kyoto to attend the United Nations Environment Conference, Xiao Ming's desire was stronger.

He said to Qian Yi, I want to build a great city, a modern city integrating technology and environment!

Jiangcheng? Qian Yi blurted out.

Jiangcheng! Xiao Ming replied affirmatively.

Granvia Hotel, the main venue of this environmental protection conference is also the place where the guests stay.

Because it is an academic conference, in addition to officials from more than 70 countries around the world, most of the people who come here are experts and scholars of environmental planning, and there are also many members of unofficial environmental protection organizations.

Xiao Ming learned that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency officials were across from his room. During this time, the U.S. was quite self-willed and withdrew from the Paris Agreement and a number of environmental protection organizations.

In the context of the downward pressure on the domestic economy, the priority of the United States is to develop the economy, and environmental protection must be sidelined.

Just as Xiao Ming got off the car and was about to enter the hotel, the reporters who were waiting here rushed over and asked questions in various languages.

Will Mr. Xiao cooperate with Dongyang this time to promote his own sewage treatment technology?

The five US technology companies have just reached an agreement to restrict Pangu Technology in terms of market and technology. Is Mr. Xiao not worried about the performance of the Prajna chip and Pangu system in the market this time?

Will Mr. Xiao promote his Prajna chip and Pangu system in Toyo this time? Although there are hundreds of millions of users of the Pangu system, most of them are in Xia. The American reporter's question was quite acute. Without really going international, do you plan to promote the system and chip to Toyo this time?

Most of Xiao Ming's security was the responsibility of the conference organizer, except for the three people he brought here.

The three kept close to Xiao Ming and prevented the reporters from approaching, and the organizer's security guards lined up to block the reporters coming in.

The oriental people in the Kansai region are inherently short in stature, and it is still a little difficult for Western reporters who are tall and big.

The security brother silently complained, How come there are more reporters interviewing Xiao Ming than the administrator of the United Nations Environment Programme?

Passing by Xiao Ming, the participants from other countries gave Xiao Ming a cold look. A meeting that was not outstanding has also become a global blockbuster because of the appearance of Xiao Ming. Everyone has more ideas. of.

Xiao Ming smiled, looked at the American reporter, and said, I can understand your question not because of how good my English is, but because I am wearing Yigou's real-time translation system, and you deserve a good product. .

( = )

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