The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 215 tit for tat

(should be chapter 216)

Seeing Xiao Ming's serious attitude, Qian Yi knew that Xiao Ming was not joking. It was indeed rude and unsightly to use none of your business. But these four words are much more civilized than the United States, which makes sense under various laws.

The rudeness of Pangu Technology is rude on the surface, and the rudeness and savageness of the Americans are in the bones.

Such a response was already quite gentle.

After publishing Weibo, what should Pangu Technology do? It should sign a contract with Dell, and it should charge HP.

Xiao Ming's instruction to the senior management was that Pangu Technology should follow the path of Pangu Technology and not care too much about external factors.

Even if people all over the world don't need Prajna chips, Pangu Technology is only one less profit point. Xiao Ming will still let Pangu develop quantum chips.

In many cases, the dedication to science and technology cannot be measured by money. In the process of fighting, many scientific and technological workers are not guided by money, but the driving force to explore the world and change the world.

Netizens were stunned after Pangu Technology posted a Weibo post against the US Congress and the New York District Court.

This is the first time a company dares to use such a rude tone to confront the US Congress and courts.

Many netizens are worried about this behavior of Pangu Technology.

The U.S. is not just the U.S., there are countless allies behind it. In doing so, Pangu Technology is basically giving up the global market.

I feel the same way! As long as the U.S. is behind the scenes, how dare U.S. allies cooperate with Pangu Technology?

More public opinion has applauded Pangu Technology.

That's how it should be, the Americans are really domineering! Why use their domestic laws to govern Xia State's technology companies!

None of your business! Hit one!

We don't need the U.S. market at all. There are 1.4 billion people in Xia. Even if the average person has a computer, they need a full 700 million chips. If nothing else is considered, Pangu Technology will use the market for these 700 million chips. Just eat it.

Agree upstairs, Xia Guo spends more than 1 trillion soft sister coins to import US chips every year, Pangu Technology does not need to think about the US market at all. It only needs to replace the position of US chips in Xia country, it is enough.

More than one trillion soft sister coins! Hundreds of billions of meters! This is how Xia Guo's foreign exchange is spent. Prajna chips really have a trillion-dollar market!

I don't say anything, I just support Pangu Technology. I will support whoever does something good for the country and the people!

Pangu's reply really embarrassed the relevant departments of the United States, and others did not take the laws of the United States seriously at all.

It seems that in retaliation for Pangu Technology's contempt of the New York District Court's judgment, the New York District Court applied to the Federal Court for a judgment to formally ban the Prajna chips from entering the US market.

The U.S. Congress was also quite annoyed by Pangu’s reply, and they informed allies in Europe and Asia through informal channels and warned that certain industries in these countries would suffer U.S. retaliation if they bought Prajna chips.

United States, NASA headquarters.

The technical team responsible for the space shuttle and the probe has purchased ten Prajna chips through various channels. NASA is also preparing to contact Pangu Technology and propose that the two parties jointly develop chips in the aviation field.

But all these ideas ran aground after Intel, Congress, and the New York District Court for a while.

The negotiating team that was going to be dispatched to Xia Country could only stay at home and stand by.

In fact, during this period of time, the relationship between NASA and Xia Guo's aerospace department was relatively harmonious.

The launch of Xia Guo's Chang'e lunar exploration satellite and the preparation of Tiangong space station made NASA dare not underestimate Xia Guo's space power.

The two sides have entered a relative honeymoon period in the past five years, and have cooperated in many technical fields.

NASA also has small calculations. In the case of insufficient funds, it is not meaningful for NASA to launch the space station alone, but it is different to cooperate with Xia Guo. Under this calculation, NASA has recently been in close contact with Xia Guo's aerospace department.

NASA also hopes to rely on such closeness, and the three companies (Pangu Technology, Xiaguo Aerospace Department, and NASA) jointly develop a series of chips and systems suitable for aerospace.

This time, this plan is completely yellow.

These people in Congress are really food buckets! said Petty, director of the Center for NASA's Detector Technology Division.

It's more than success! It's better now, and the cooperation has fallen through before the cooperation has begun.

Petty continued to complain: The people in Congress and the New York District Court didn't realize how good the Prajna chip would be in the aviation field!

Then what do we do now? the subordinate asked: Do you still let Jonathan and the others go to Xia Country?

Petty said angrily: Go, what are you going to do! Be honest and smuggle some chips for your own use. But be sure to tell them! Don't disclose the fact that we use Prajna chips. Otherwise, the congressmen will find them. Before things are done, the investigation will be on our heads.

The subordinate shrugged his shoulders and said, Our taxpayers' money is spent on these rice buckets, and they drag the entire country down.

Speaking of this, Petty was even more angry, If it weren't for the discussion among the members of Congress, we would have landed on Mars in the last century, and maybe we have established a base on Mars!

Complaints return to complaints, and NASA can only send people to Xia to buy chips, and then smuggle human flesh back to the United States.

On Pangu Technology's side, they also saw the US ban on sales again, and Xiao Ming was ready to confront him.

At the beginning, Pangu Technology had no intention of killing Intel, but it seems that it will not work now.

Xiao Ming fully understood the means by which the United States paid Pangu Technology quickly and ruthlessly.

Xiao Ming is ready to change the positioning of the chip division.

He called Lin Li to the office, and on the big screen, Xiaochu had already made the division of product registration for the Prajna Chip Industrial Park.

Lin Li simply took a look at the picture, groaned for Intel in his heart, and said, Intel is over!

On the big screen, Xiao Ming intends to subdivide the Prajna chips into five categories, ranging from low-end chips of 99 to high-end commercial chips of 4999. This is to erode Intel from every part of the market.

Xiao Ming said: Except for the 4999 high-end chips, if our production capacity can't keep up with the rest of the chips, we will outsource the technology to a domestic chip company appropriately, and we will extract a certain fee from it. I think there are already many companies waiting to be fed. already.

Lin Li took a deep breath and said, This move is really cruel.

Lin Li's mind immediately showed the top chip companies in Xia Guo, and he said: I think Xiaxin International, HiSilicon, Datang, Spreadtrum and other companies are very interested, Xiaomi, Meizu, etc. Companies also want to grow across industries.”

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