The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 188 Joint recommendation

National Medicine is one of the most authoritative academic journals in the medical field of Xia Guo, and its impact factor can also be ranked among the top 30 in the world.

Many of Xia Guo's major medical achievements affecting human beings were published in National Medicine.

This time, under the recommendation of the Affiliated Hospital of Jiangcheng University, the paper was directly published in National Medicine.

Dean Wang said: We should still have an authoritative medical journal in Xia.

Xiao Ming agrees with this sentence very much. Why do journals such as Nature and Cell become the academic temples in the hearts of scientists, and everyone is proud of publishing papers in these journals?

The fundamental reason is that the United States and the United Kingdom have long held the right to speak in the scientific and technological world. The world's most advanced science and technology are in these two countries, and the world's most advanced and elite scientific research institutions and the greatest schools are also in these two countries.

These two journals have become authoritative because of the advanced science and technology of the country.

Similarly, if one day, the most advanced science and technology in the world will be concentrated in Xia, and the world's scientific and technological workers will be proud to conduct academic exchanges in Xia, then the greatest academic journals must appear in Xia.

Xiao Ming's decision to suppress the gene expression therapy of liver malignant tumors this time was published in National Medicine, just to take the lead and tell the world that Xia Guo's medical technology is not bad.

With the joint recommendation of Jiangcheng University and the Affiliated Hospital of Jiangcheng University, as well as the recommendation of several authoritative oncologists from the Jiangcheng University School of Medicine, National Medicine paid great attention to this paper.

As far as the elements of the paper and the experimental procedures are concerned, Gene Inhibition of Liver Cancer is completely full of academic papers published.

But there is another indicator that is very important in the publication of the paper - compliance and legality!

The most flawed point in the paper is the clinical medical experiment.

In the life science laboratory of Pangu Technology, the clinical medical experiment department has no relevant approval procedures.

And in all cases, only one patient's data met the experimental requirements - that is, a complete cure. The treatment data of the remaining patients are all recovering. This makes the National Medicine more difficult.

The clinical experiment of Pangu Technology is not compliant, which is the biggest problem of the paper.

If the National Medicine publishes a paper, it is a risk!

National Medicine reported the situation to Pangu Technology and Jiangcheng University and the Affiliated Hospital of Jiangcheng University.

The response received as a result was the joint signatures of more than ten oncology experts and professors from the Affiliated Hospital of Jiangcheng University.

The paper must be published, it is related to the survival of thousands of patients! wrote on the signature book.

President Wang also personally called the editor-in-chief of National Medicine, Old man, the content of the paper is very perfect, although only one patient was completely cured, but this is the reason why the time has not come, the conclusion in the paper It also has obvious effects in the treatment of liver malignant tumors and has no side effects. You can't deny me the paper because the clinical experiment is not compliant, right?

Editor-in-chief Liao of National Medicine said: Brother, we both studied medicine from Shuimu University, and I know the importance of this paper.

Editor-in-chief Liao said: We will not change a word of Pangu's paper. If we really have to take responsibility, I will take it with you.

President Wang said with a hearty smile: What responsibility can we take, we will witness the history of liver cancer treatment.

The stakes are very important, National Medicine did not wait for the bimonthly issue as in the past, but published a special issue for Liver Cancer Gene Suppression.

Tens of thousands of special issues of National Medical were printed that day. According to the old rules of academic journals, National Medical will publish electronic versions of papers on SCI, CSSCI and other websites for universities and research institutions to pay for download. read.

The official Weibo account of National Medical also released the corresponding Weibo: Breaking news: Pangu Technology's Life Science Laboratory has made breakthroughs in gene expression inhibition therapy, and liver cancer will be completely cured.

On the back of Weibo, National Medical gave a detailed introduction to the life science experiments of Pangu Science and Technology, and showed that Pangu Science and Technology Life Laboratory had made great achievements in gene expression regulation some time ago. The paper was published in the journal Cell After that, it has attracted the attention of the global biomedical community.

National Medicine said: Inhibition of gene expression therapy will become the best treatment plan for cancer, and can completely cure cancer.

The National Medical Journal is an academic journal, not a joker, nor an internet celebrity or star.

The number of fans of a small Internet celebrity who is not in the mainstream may be in the millions, but the official Weibo of the National Medical Journal cured a poor 160 followers.

The profit rate that academic journals can create in Weibo is 0, and they are not welcome by the Internet.

Xia Guo's netizens like stars and jokes, and of course they don't pay attention to academic journals that seem to have nothing to do with them.

Among the 160 people, more than 10 are employees of National Medicine.

But the remaining fans, the quality is relatively high.

Xiaguo Institute of Science, Xiaguo Life Science Research Institute, Shuimu University, Yanjing University and other major universities, as well as Xiaguo TV, Xiaguo Daily and other major media.

After the National Medicine published Weibo, it first attracted the attention of Xia Guo Academy of Sciences. Especially the sensitive words in Weibo, Pangu technology, gene expression regulation, inhibition of tumor gene expression and so on.

The Academy of Sciences was paying attention to the application of this technology in the medical field when Pangu Technology published the paper on gene expression regulation. They did not expect Pangu Technology to move so fast! Such a major breakthrough in the field of liver cancer in just two months.

The Academy of Sciences reposted the Weibo of National Medicine and commented: Mastering the regulation of gene expression is to master the key to future life science. According to the speed of Pangu Technology's conquering a cancer in two months, in the next five to ten years, human beings will Complete victory over cancer.

At the same time, major universities such as Shuimu University and Yanjing University have also reposted Weibo, the most top universities in the country, and they are most concerned about the country's achievements in academia.

These schools' official Weibo fans are not one or two hundred but millions. Suddenly, netizens realize that Xia Guo's technology company has achieved an incredible achievement.

Just when many self-media held on to Xingcheng Hospital to charge high treatment fees for patients for surgery, public opinion changed overnight.

Pangu Technology is awesome! Overcame liver cancer!

International leading technology!

Are those who made news criticizing Xingchen Hospital's self-media stupid X?

Please don't worry about whether the clinical trial is compliant or not. The most important thing is to be able to treat the majority of liver cancer patients!

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