The Black Technology Era of Xueba

The 184th chapter medical explosion point (2)

This is the patient's case and treatment record. After the patient was diagnosed with cancer in our hospital, he has been treated in our hospital. He underwent a liver tumor resection about a month ago, and then underwent chemotherapy in our hospital for a month to control his condition. .

Dr. Wang said: But 20 days ago, the patient disregarded the doctor's advice and left the hospital to go home. Three days ago, the patient went to our hospital for re-examination, and it was found that the foci changed again after the operation, and appeared 2 × 3 cm. tumor.

From a professional point of view, Dr. Wang said: We can confirm that the new tumor in this area is a malignant tumor through color Doppler ultrasound.

But it's very strange! Dr. Wang took out the blood biochemical indicators and said: We found through the blood biochemical indicators that the malignant tumor has no effect on the body. In other words, the tumor seems to hang there and has no effect.

After Dr. Wang's introduction, he projected Shuai Zhengguo's case and other materials on the big screen.

The doctors in the oncology department were amazed.

Although the gap between blood biochemical indicators and healthy people is still relatively large, it is not the case of a patient with advanced liver cancer.

Yeah! These data show that the patient is recovering!

Biochemical indicators and color Doppler indicators diverge.

Is the patient's sample wrong or is there something wrong with our machine?

The doctors were talking.

Dr. Wang said: Please don't talk about it for now. I can guarantee that there is no problem with the machine, and there is no problem with the patient's blood sample.

What's the situation?

It shouldn't be!

Is the tumor benign?

It's not like cancer.

At this time, a doctor asked: Did the patient go overseas for treatment, so his condition improved?

Are you talking about targeted therapy? A doctor said: The targeted therapy in the United States may indeed be effective, but blood indicators like this are completely contradictory to color Doppler ultrasound... Targeted therapy will not have such an effect!

Just when everyone was arguing and couldn't understand the reason, Wang Tao, Dean of Jiangcheng University School of Medicine and Professor of Oncology Department of Jiangcheng University Affiliated Hospital, came to the Department of Oncology.

He said: Everyone, stop arguing, I know this patient.

President Wang!

President Wang is here.

Wang Tao said: He received Pangu Technology's gene expression inhibition therapy. This therapy is Pangu Technology's latest liver cancer treatment method. Pangu Technology has found out the gene expression of liver cancer genes and inhibited the cancer expression of the genome by means. For the cells that have been expressed as malignant tumors, it is also used to suppress the continued expression of tumor genes, so that the tumor cells die by themselves. This will completely treat liver cancer.”

Pangu Technology? the doctors exclaimed.

Someone asked, Is the Pangu Technology you are talking about the Pangu Technology of Jiangcheng University?

The development of domestic operating systems and sewage treatment?

Yes! Wang Tao projected Pangu Technology's treatment plan on the big screen and said, This is their treatment plan. The clinical trial has not been applied for, so the agreement between them and the patient is private.

When Wang Tao said this, everyone understood.

It was President Wang who gave Pangu Technology a chance and also gave patients a chance.

Dean Wang said: Now we should discuss whether to cooperate with Pangu Technology to incorporate gene expression suppression therapy into our clinical trials.

This is an opportunity for Jiangcheng University Affiliated Hospital and an opportunity for patients.

President Wang has also been concerned about the treatment effect of Shuai Zhengguo. The current treatment effect is far beyond his expectations. If this treatment method is really applied to the clinic, liver cancer will indeed be saved.

Dean Wang even thinks that the field of transplanted gene expression cancer can continue to be studied. In the future, human beings can truly conquer cancer not by radiotherapy and chemotherapy, not by targeted drugs, but by inhibiting gene expression.

The meeting is no longer an issue involving one department.

It is related to the future of Jiangcheng University Affiliated Hospital. Except for President Wang, other senior management of the hospital joined the meeting after receiving the report.

In Xingchen Hospital, the patient's operation is in full swing.

The experimental team has performed surgery on fifteen people, and all were successful.

It is the direction that medical workers should strive to make the treatment of malignant tumors simple and easy to operate.

Zheng Xuanyu completely gave up her summer vacation and devoted herself to laboratory work.

The laboratory does not complete the operation for the patient, but to follow up and observe the treatment of each patient. The initial observation period is half a year, and the long-term observation period is three to five years.

After half a year, if the patient's condition does not recur and there is no malignant tumor in the liver, it can be concluded that the experiment is temporarily successful. Then it is concluded that the experiment was successful.

Zheng Xuanyu studied medical experiments, and the methods and statistics of medical experiments did bring a new kind of blood to the laboratory. Gao Siqi valued it very much, and even asked Xiao Ming directly if he could transfer Zheng Xuanyu to Jiangcheng University.

Xiao Ming laughed, which also showed that the undergraduates who could be favored by the Molecular Medicine Laboratory of Yenching University did have considerable strength.

At the end of July, most of the patients had just completed the operation for half a month or even a week. Many people's malignant tumors have not disappeared, but the patients have seen hope in life.

They don't have the physical discomfort that comes with chemoradiotherapy in the hospital, the frailty after surgery, or even the physiological changes that come with liver changes.

After the treatment, the patients felt that they did not have liver cancer at all. They felt that they were no different from ordinary people.

Sun Cheng is forty-eight years old and has stage II liver cancer. He is fortunate to be one of the volunteers.

After being diagnosed with liver cancer eight years ago, Sun Cheng updated a log on Weibo every week, mainly to encourage himself not to lose the courage to live.

This desire for life and positive and optimistic spirit also brought Sun Cheng more than 300,000 fans. These fans include ordinary netizens and patients. The fans were moved by Sun Cheng's spirit, and many people raised funds for him.

Sun Cheng, whose economic conditions are not bad, has tried the most advanced treatment methods in the world, including targeted drugs in the United States and a new generation of targeted drugs being developed in the Stanford University Medical Laboratory.

It's a pity that none of these drugs could save Sun Cheng's dying life, until Sun Cheng met Pangu Technology.

Sun Cheng also posted on Weibo that he received Pangu Technology's treatment, which attracted strong attention from the patient circle.

Many liver cancer patients across the country have left messages on Sun Cheng's Weibo or privately messaged Sun Cheng directly, hoping to go to Jiangcheng for treatment.

Xingchen Hospital is on fire.

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