The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 178 Need for clinical experiments

The clinical problems mentioned by Xiao Ming are actually the final stage of testing the experimental results.

Theoretical technology in the laboratory is successful, and it cannot be proved that it will be successful in clinical practice.

It is still quite difficult to conduct clinical experiments in Xia Country!

Not to mention all kinds of complicated procedures, it is also a question mark whether it can obtain the cooperation of the hospital.

Moreover, in the medical field, clinical trials involve not only medical technology issues, but also patient safety and ethical issues.

After all, the life science laboratory of Pangu Technology is a private research institute of a private company. In the field of life science research, most of the keys are in the state, in the hands of university research institutions such as Yenching University and Jiangcheng University.

When Xiao Ming mentioned clinical problems, Gao Siqi also fell into contemplation.

We don't have a dedicated hospital, and we don't even have the qualifications for clinical trials, she said.

If I apply now, how long will it take? Xiao Ming said after thinking for a while.

Xiao Ming is not an expert in medical experiments, so he raised this question.

Zheng Xuanyu, an expert in this field, said: If you have a hospital background or a scientific research institution that cooperates with the hospital, the time will be faster. The application is as short as three to five years, and as long as ten to twenty years. This is the case in Xia Guo and the United States. After all, a new drug and new treatment had to ensure that every indicator was absolutely safe from the success of the experiment to the launch of the market. But you are like this now...

Zheng Xuanyu said: This is obviously impossible now. There are still analysis reports for drugs or treatments before they enter clinical trials, followed by complete animal medical experiments, and finally human clinical trials. Human clinical trials have four stages. The process is quite lengthy.”

Taking the anti-cancer targeted drugs in the United States as an example, Zheng Xuanyu said: Now we see the latest anti-cancer drugs in the United States on the market. In fact, the project was established more than ten or twenty years ago! The same is true in Xia, where ordinary drugs are developed from research and development. It will take at least three or four years to be on the market, and drugs similar to anti-cancer drugs that are related to the safety of human patients have been running for ten years!

Xiao Ming knew that this was a law and a regulation, but he also expressed serious misunderstanding.

Take patients with advanced cancer as an example. They are already in the advanced stage of cancer, and they are all counting their fingers to live. If there is really a special medicine, it is too late to take it immediately. Where is there any concern about life safety?

The premise here is that the drug does work!

Xiao Ming said speechlessly: It takes ten to twenty years for the approval of the market. I don't know how many patients have no chance to wait for such a long time.

Gao Siqi also sighed.

Xiao Ming felt a little funny at this time. The gene expression regulation laboratory was completed in full accordance with the experimental guidelines of Pansha Technology, and the results were expected, and it would definitely be able to treat cancer.

A method that has long been proven to have no side effects has to go through a long approval process here, which is indeed a bit dramatic.

But this is also normal. It is impossible for Xiao Ming to go to the relevant department with a treatment plan and say that there is absolutely no problem with this technology. You have to believe me.

Zheng Xuanyu put forward a feasible plan, she said: We have two options, one is to apply for a clinical trial license according to the routine steps and wait for the approval of the relevant departments. The other is to cooperate with the hospital and recruit people who voluntarily try new drugs. patients, but the latter is at greater risk.”

What does the last plan mean, can you be specific? Gao Siqi asked.

Zheng Xuanyu nodded and said, Actually, not only in Xia, but in the United States, many of the most advanced anti-cancer drugs either have not completed their procedures, or have their own shortcomings, and have not obtained marketing licenses. The market refers to these drugs as Defective drugs. However, there is strong demand for these imperfect drugs.”

Taking the United States as an example with the most advanced and complete cancer medical technology, Zheng Xuanyu continued: Many research institutions in the United States cooperate with hospitals to provide patients with 'defective' drugs, even if these drugs are defective,

It can also relieve the pain of the patient and prolong the life of the patient. People have come to the brink of death, and it can be regarded as a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Gao Siqi said: You are talking about the United States, this is the Xia Kingdom, is this okay?

Before Zheng Xuanyu answered the question, Gong Luyue interjected, There are more defective drugs in Xiaguo, what folk anti-cancer secret recipes, what traditional Chinese medicine treatments, etc. Which of these folk traditional Chinese medicines and prescriptions have been approved? Anyway, patients are all It’s because of a sudden illness that you go to the doctor. In the face of life and death, it’s good to have a ray of hope that you can survive. You are cured because of the credit of these folk doctors, and if you eat to death, you have cancer, damn it.”

Gong Luyue inadvertently revealed the darkest and most absurd side of Xiaguo Medical. The patients she mentioned were definitely not a minority. Most of them chose conservative treatment by believing in the so-called folk traditional prescriptions after being consulted in large hospitals. The final outcome of these patients is death.

Therefore, any approval and any clinical trials are empty words.

After Gong Luyue's speech was finished, Xiao Ming also felt deeply helpless.

Zheng Xuanyu continued: I just took the United States as an example, but the same is true of Xia. Many universities, official and unofficial scientific research institutions have cooperated with hospitals to sell defective drug treatments to patients. These drugs are not approved for marketing. , are also in experiments. But the drugs are more or less effective and can prolong the survival expectations of patients.”

In the process of using defective drugs, the hospital only acts as an intermediate platform and does not make any guarantee for the patient, while the pharmaceutical company signs an agreement with the patient and does not guarantee the patient's survival rate. But the cancer is advanced and everyone is dying. , many patients still report to try unmarketed new drugs with the mentality of fighting for it. This method gives patients a chance to survive, and also gives pharmaceutical companies an opportunity for informal clinical research. After all, from the perspective of medical experiments, formal clinical The time and money spent on medical experiments are enormous, and few companies can afford it.”

Zheng Xuanyu is worthy of being an expert, she has a very thorough understanding of medical experiments, If these informal clinical experiments are proven to be effective, the medical laboratory will apply for higher-level funding with sufficient data to continue research, or simply transfer the experimental project. It is exclusively sold to more professional and powerful pharmaceutical companies, and these pharmaceutical companies go through complex procedures such as clinical trials, approvals, etc. This is the status quo of global pharmaceutical research.”

So, it's up to you how you decide Zheng Xuanyu looked at Xiao Ming.

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