On weekends, Jiangcheng City in early summer is full of vitality and greenery.

Students who get up early are reading by the lake with books, or men and women are exercising in the morning in the fresh air of early summer.

The little wild cat in the school saw the girls who were eating breakfast leaning over coquettishly, lying on the ground shaking their bodies back and forth begging for food.

The cute girls squatted down and broke the bread in their hands and put them on the ground.

The wild cat sniffed and ate the bread clean, then wiped its mouth with its paws, and continued to lie on the ground lazily, whimpering twice.

The girls took a photo of the orange cat with their mobile phones in a happy mood and posted it in the circle of friends. They were in a good mood all day.

Gao Siqi stayed up all night last night, and Jiang Lizhou's conversation made her feel quite depressed. It also made Gao Siqi make a decision, and the paper must be driven out as soon as possible.

In the experiment of gene expression regulation, the Institute of Molecular Biology of Jiangcheng University has indeed contributed, such as the basic data in the early stage.

However, these basic data are far from being confidential, and these data are public in the experiments of other universities and research institutes. The Jiangcheng University laboratory also published the data on the corresponding academic website, allowing people to use it at will.

Among the confidential data in the laboratory, none of Gao Siqi and others were useful. They conducted additional experiments and obtained data completely according to the experimental method given by Xiao Ming.

During the entire experiment, there was absolutely no use of the Institute's confidential data, let alone theft.

Even if the experimental team used the equipment of the molecular laboratory of Jiangcheng University, it was the fee that Xiao Ming paid every year according to regulations.

Jiang Lizhou said the incident was quite serious, and raised it to the honor of the institute and the country and whether Gao Siqi could graduate smoothly next year.

Yesterday, at the end of Jiang Lizhou's talk, Gao Siqi decided that the only way to make the paper public is to make it clear!

The core technology of gene expression is in the hands of the experimental team, and the instrument for observing and controlling the electric charge is also provided by Xiao Ming (experimental instrument for exchanging surprise value), so there will be no problem in publishing the successful experiment in the form of a paper.

Gao Siqi returned to the laboratory outside the campus after the morning run on campus and continued to write the report.

Xiao Ming and Wen Xueqing, together with the temporarily hired staff, prepared equipment early and set off together for the common place in Jiangcheng City.

These stinky water flows are often concentrated in urban and rural areas. The development of Jiangcheng City is not as balanced as many cities. Behind the developed city center are villages isolated by roads and industrial areas.

Although these villages are on the edge of the city, because the roads do not pass here, and they are isolated by factories and warehouses, they are blocked by water and ventilation, and are selectively invisible to the developers. After all, there is no development value here.

Even the initial water and air were blocked, let alone sewage treatment. The villagers directly discharge the sewage from living and farming into the small ditch, and the water in the small river ditch flows into the river channel, making the small river ditch and the river channel a veritable stinky water ditch.

Don't underestimate the destructive power of rural sewage. Domestic pollutants and feces make the water black and depreciate and breed bacteria. Pesticides and fertilizers make the water toxic.

In oxygen-free, toxic water, there would be no aquatic life at all.

And these sewage will seep into the ground and seriously pollute the groundwater. The polluted groundwater will be pumped up and boiled by the rural households in the suburbs without access to water, which is a vicious circle.

When Xiao Ming and others came to a village, Wen Xueqing was stunned by the sight in front of him!

Weeds and various plastic wastes float on the dark stinky ditch. Several local farmers use the black water in the stinky ditch to water their vegetables as if nothing had happened.

Did you eat this dish yourself? Wen Xueqing couldn't help asking an aunt.

The aunt glanced at Wen Xueqing and said, What to eat? They are all sold to the market. How can I eat so many dishes by myself.

Wen Xueqing felt disgusted for a while, and said, Auntie, the water is dark and you still water the vegetables?

The aunt seems to dislike Wen Xueqing's talkativeness.

He said, What's wrong with water? It's vegetables that drink water, not you.

The aunt's words made Wen Xueqing speechless. The aunt's logic was absolutely perfect, it was the vegetables that were drinking the water, not the people.

But the aunt's cognition did not tell her that the vegetables would absorb the harmful substances in the black water at the same time, and these substances would eventually be eaten by people.

Xiao Ming patted Wen Xueqing on the shoulder and let her focus on her work.

Xiao Ming said: This is a common food safety problem now, and there is no way to change it.

It's just a trivial matter for the aunt to water vegetables with black water, she just doesn't know that watering vegetables with black water is harmful to the human body.

On the land of Xia Kingdom, there are more centralized vegetable, fruit, and meat production bases, using a lot of fertilizers, pesticides, antibiotics, etc., the products produced are not eaten by themselves, but sold to the market for others to eat. It seems that It's none of your business to eat others. Little do they know that when producers go out to buy vegetables and fruits, those who sell vegetables and fruits also think the same way.

Twenty years after the market-oriented economic development of Xiaguo, the pollution problem is accompanied by serious food safety problems. These problems will not break out now, and will one day become a time bomb that affects the country's fortunes.

Xiao Ming put a lot of energy into sewage treatment, apart from self-interest, why doesn't he have no responsibility and mission in it?

Let's get to work. Xiao Ming smiled.

Wen Xueqing sighed and shook her head, and began to organize the experimental tools.

The aunt watched everyone come out with various instruments and equipment, and was excited to put down the agricultural tools in her hand and came over and asked.

What are you doing? Are we going to be demolished? The aunt's eyes were full of excitement and excitement.

In this era, those who still stay at home to farm are relatively old. Besides farming, what they hope most is that their houses will be demolished, their farmland will be expropriated, and they will be able to live in small high-rise buildings and spend the rest of their lives with compensation.

Xiao Ming replied politely: I don't know if it will be demolished or not. We are trying to deal with the sewage in this ditch.

More and more people came around, and the farmers said, You are from the environmental protection department, right? The water in this stinky ditch should have been disposed of long ago!

The aunt also said: That's right! It's really stinky! My son doesn't want to bring his girlfriend here.

Xiao Ming and Wen Xueqing laughed dumbly. It was reasonable to use stinky water to water the vegetables just now. Now that the ditch endangered their own interests, they said that the stinky ditch should be rectified.

Xiao Ming shook his head and asked the workers to install the equipment. In most of the day, the simple sewage treatment equipment located in the deep pond of the Xishuigou was installed. Xiao Ming instructed the workers to open the gate and let the sewage flow naturally to the treatment tank.

Is this the end? the villagers asked in confusion.

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