The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 15 Of course paying will pay off

The mental power reagent can ensure that the human body is not hungry within a day, and it can ensure its own energy supply without getting any food. It is more able to maintain the human body's mental strength and maintain a high level of activity within a week, making people mentally concentrated, and allowing poor students to better review.

During this week, apart from his own review, Xiao Ming devoted all his time to the math tutoring of Wan Tao and Chen Lin.

Xiao Ming did not help in vain. During the tutoring, he obtained 1350 surprise points, of which 200 surprise points were continuously generated by classmates and teachers after the first consultation. Of the remaining 1150 points, 600 points were generated by tutoring Chen Lin, and 550 points were generated by tutoring Wan Tao. Although the surprise value is not as good as the last medical examination, it is better than nothing.

Therefore, Xiao Ming also named Chen Lin and Wan Tao new names - Cow No. 1 and Cow No. 2.

I wonder if the two classmates know that their status in Xiao Ming is that the cows that are constantly producing milk will beat Xiao Ming violently.

In the two math classes on Friday afternoon, the math teacher will conduct random tests. The in-class test is to complete several math problems in half an hour, and then comment on it immediately after completion. The teacher does not collect the papers and does not give marks. It is a self-test.

At the end of the third year of high school, cheating in the classroom test has little meaning. Even if you don't do the whole test paper, no one will criticize you.

Xiao Ming sighed secretly, he was looking forward to the exam, and only constant exams will bring constant surprise.

However, Chen Lin and Wan Tao attached great importance to this test, which was the first test for them after a week of special training.

For the first time, the two showed a serious attitude when doing math problems, instead of just writing on the short answer questions - solution, colon.

After the test, the teacher first announced the answers on the slide, and then began to comment on the test paper.

I'm Cao! Chen Lin shouted at first, and then said excitedly to Xiao Ming regardless of classroom discipline: Xiao Ming! My three-dimensional geometry question, I'm absolutely right!

Wan Tao also said in surprise: Solid geometry, I only got one fill-in-the-blank question wrong.

Surprise value from Chen Lin: +100.

Surprise value from Wantao: +110.

Because it was class time, the roar of the two quickly caught the attention of Teacher Fang and classmates.

Teacher Fang has observed the changes between the two in the past few days. Under the leadership of Xiao Ming, the two poor students are listening to the math class and actively practicing.

Mr. Fang stepped down from the podium, picked up Chen Lin and Wan Tao's test papers and examined them carefully.

Then Teacher Fang frowned and took a deep breath.

It only took three minutes for him to announce the answer. If he had enough time to copy the multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank questions, he would definitely not have enough time to copy and transcribe the simple questions.

There are many mistakes in the test papers of the two people, and the answer questions about functions even only wrote: Solution, colon, copy the questions.

But the accuracy of the solid geometry of the two is very high, and the answers to the questions are also neatly written, and they are all right!

Did it yourself? Teacher Fang asked suspiciously, this is definitely not the level of a poor student.

I must have done it myself! Chen Lin also seemed to experience the joy of learning.

You have to do it yourself! Wan Tao's head lifted up, quite stunned.

Not bad. Teacher Fang encouraged after putting down the test paper: Stereo geometry is good, but other questions need to be strengthened. Your foundation is a little weak, but it is not too late to work hard now, make persistent efforts!

Although Teacher Fang has some doubts, how did these poor students change their sex. But now it's class time, he still focuses on the class, and he will learn more about the rest.

Wan Tao and Chen Lin were quite excited, they straightened their chests, it was the first time they were so serious in class.

Teacher Fang returned to the podium, but the students were whispering below.

Wantao and Chen Lin transformed? They just said that the geometry is all right?

No way! My geometry is all wrong! said a student whose grades were much better than Wan Tao.

Wan Tao and Chen Lin have indeed changed their minds. Don't you know that Xiao Ming has set up a study group for poor students? He has been tutoring Wan Tao and Chen Lin on geometry problems this week, and it seems to be working well.

Surprise value from Jiang Xiaoyu: +20.

No way! Xiao Ming tutoring others?

Surprise value from Chen Deng: +15.

What's wrong, Xiao Ming is the tenth in the class in the first medical examination! Top 100 in the school!

Can poor students participate in the study group for poor students? I want to participate too! Some poor students were also itching to see that both Chen Lin and Wan Tao had improved their grades.

Xiao Ming's progress is so fast, there must be a way to learn. He must have taught Chen Lin and Wan Tao. The three of them are an iron triangle.

Xiao Ming stared at the test paper, feeling dark in his heart, this wave gained 110 points of surprise for the whole class, but it was not enough!

Xiao Ming stepped on Chen Lin with his foot.

Chen Lin groaned in pain and said, Master, what's the matter?

Since joining the study group, Chen Lin and Wan Tao have worshipped Xiao Ming as their teachers.

Xiao Ming whispered, Tell the class out loud, who will teach you math.

Understood! Chen Lin dong stood up and said, I'm all right about three-dimensional geometry, it was taught by Xiao Ming! Xiao Ming's math is super good, and his teaching method is also very good, much better than what the teacher teaches!

Then Chen Lin sat down. The last sentence was much better than what the teacher taught him. He added it himself.

Xiao Ming covered his head, this guy's IQ...

This shout startled the whole class.

But everyone noticed the fact that Chen Lin was taught by Xiao Ming.

Surprise value from Feng Baichuan: +20.

Surprise value from Quan Baibing: +15.

In this wave, Xiao Ming gained another 220 surprise points.

Teacher Fang was writing questions on the blackboard, but he was shaking while holding the chalk. There was only one sentence in his ear, Xiao Ming's way of teaching people is good, much better than what the teacher taught! Isn't this sentence hitting Teacher Fang in the face?

You have been in labor education for three years, and you have not scored 60 in math. Xiao Ming helped you for a week, and you will be able to do the questions.

Chen Lin, get out of here! Teacher Fang roared.


After self-study on Friday night, Jiangcheng West Street.

The spicy hot mist from the small hot pot made the three noses sweat.

Wan Tao said, The little hot pot is a treat for Chen Lin. I have a gift for you.

Wan Tao took out a paper bag and handed it to Xiao Ming.

The tote bag is printed with blue letters - NOKIA.

Xiao Ming, you don't have a mobile phone yet, the latest Nokia E71 is here for you!

Nokia E71! The latest full-keyboard mobile phone is priced at around 2,500 on the market. Wan Tao was so generous and gave it to Xiao Ming directly.

Wan Tao took a sip of Coke and said, I showed my dad the test paper, and my dad complimented me on my progress. I said that you helped me wholeheartedly. This is a gift from my dad. Continue to be so good, and I hope Master can help me a lot in my studies in the future!

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