The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 145 This is the world of keyboard warriors

Xiao Ming and Gao Siqi and others were planning to devour 1 colony at school. This is the final step in the experiment of phagocytosing 1 colony. If the result is achieved, then the colony that can handle comprehensive sewage will be successful.

After receiving Lin Li's call, Xiao Ming had time to read news and Weibo.

Sure enough, the security gates of the Pangu system and Tiangong system have spread from abroad to China.

Xiao Ming knew without thinking that this was a lie deliberately aimed at Pangu Technology by competitors.

Xiao Ming and Lin Li's team are the most aware of the security issues of the two systems. If Pangu and Tiangong are not safe, then there is no safe operating system in the world. This is obviously a malicious attack against the Pangu system.

Xiao Ming and Gao Siqi said hello and returned to the company. Lin Li and others had long been restless and anxiously waiting for Xiao Ming.

At the request of Xiao Ming, Pangu's official website is not allowed to close comments or delete posts.

Therefore, Weibo is full of criticism, ridicule, doubt and many life attacks.

Do you want to turn off the comments? Qianyi asked.

From Yigou to Huayi to now Pangu Technology, the team members have never encountered such a serious crisis of public opinion.

safety door!

Today, when information security is particularly important, if your product has security flaws, it is basically useless.

Xiao Ming understood the whole story and knew that the news came from the foreign media, and the irrational public opinion covered those sensible remarks when the domestic navy soldiers played again and again.

After all, in the Internet world, right and wrong are not proved by facts, but are typed out by keyboard.

In this world, trolls live well, and righteous people usually die miserably.

Xiao Ming thinks that the most funny and innocent is the Tiangong system.

The Jiasan mobile phone equipped with the Tiangong system has only sold 3 million units in total, and there are more than 5 million sprayers.

Xiao Ming sneered and said, Safety door, this should be a reward for our products from the West!

Warwick Sun Jiang called Xiao Ming. On behalf of Warwick, Sun Jiang said that he fully believed that Tiangong and Pangu had absolutely no safety problems.

Sun Jiang: Slandering Xiaguo's enterprise security is a common practice in the West.

Huawei has experienced countless times, and it's good to get used to it.

Sun Jiang also imparted some experience to Xiao Ming, such as appropriate disclosure of security information, participation of third-party organizations, etc.

Then Xiao Ming asked a question that left Sun Jiang completely speechless.

Has Warwick entered the U.S. market after taking these measures?

Sun Jiang: ...

Apparently not!

Proving yourself according to the opponent's ideas is absolutely ineffective, and the best way to solve the problem is strength!

Xiao Ming asked Lin Li to find the first video of the security door through technical means, then the industrial software engineer complained that his software was imitated by Xia people.

Following this clue, Lin Licai discovered the truth of the problem!

Lin Li said angrily: Where is the information leak! This is obviously the design concept of the two companies came together! And Xia Guo's company developed the program in advance!

A certain industrial precision design program has always been in the hands of Westerners. After the launch of Xia language and Pangu system, Xia Guo’s software company can overtake Omi’s progress in a corner. Of course, Xia Guo’s software company uses Xia language on this software. The software was launched half a month earlier than the Americans.

This is not a leak but a technological breakthrough! The arrogant Americans classified it as their own product because the security door was leaked!

And Twitter said that the Asian woman whose privacy was stolen could not find her personal privacy that was stolen and leaked after searching the entire Internet. Digging deeper, this woman is a technician at a branch of Google in Asia.

A Google employee will use a plus three mobile phone with Tiangong system, and it happens to leak? Plus three mobile phones have only been launched for less than a month.

After a lot of aggregation and analysis of the news, Lin Li said: Apart from these two people, no real user has complained to us about security and leakage issues.

Qian Yi was a little speechless: After working for a long time, those millions of trolls are all joining in the fun?

Xiao Ming shrugged and said, Isn't it?

Pangu Technology has started to take action and announced the relevant facts on the official Weibo.

Reasonable netizens roared: This is an American tactic, don't you have any brains? It's just Microsoft and Google trying to kill Xia Guo's technology!

Why are we Xia people so brainless! Just think about it and know who's cake was distributed after Pangu OS was launched!

But the troll comments have become, Don't explain, explanation is cover up!

Jiasan Mobile also said on Weibo: Westerners criticize Tiangong OS for leaking secrets as just another means of slandering Xia Guo's industry. I hope the Chinese people will work together not to be fooled!

Plus three mobile phones completely underestimated the urination of some brainwashed Chinese.

As soon as this Weibo post was posted, there were even more trolls below!

Haha! Educate us with patriotism?

Do you want to be like Huawei, marketing patriotism to cheat money?

The chip is from Qualcomm and the memory is from Samsung. What do you want me to love you with?

There are also quite a few sane comments.

I am a real user of Pangu OS and Tiangong OS, and I don't feel like leaking secrets! Instead, I feel more secure. The user commented with a long comment: In the past, I used an Android phone, as long as I searched for something in TB, Immediately after opening the browsing software such as UC browser, advertisements for such products will appear. On the PC side, use the webpage to search for the same thing, and the lower part of the webpage is also full of advertisements of such things. But now I use Pangu OS and Tiangong After OS, nothing like this has ever happened.”

This comment was liked and commented by real users of Pangu and Tiangong.

Agree! I am a user of Jiasan mobile phone. There are no advertisements at present. I feel that Android is not safe. I hope everyone is reasonable.

The Pangu system is super safe. In the past, all the advertisements that appeared in my whiteness were advertisements. Now I use the Pangu system to automatically block the advertisements for me.

I am a Tiangong OS user, and I feel that my information has not been leaked.

But real user reviews were quickly sprayed by keyboard warriors.

The navy hired by Pangu Technology upstairs has been identified!

It's better to use the WIN system!


Slot!! Lin Li looked at the comments of netizens and was angry.

However, Xiao Ming laughed and said: You can never win a war of words with netizens. Believe it or not, there is no problem with our information security. These trolls will apologize immediately.

They are really idle! Lin Li was completely speechless.

Xiao Ming personally wrote an announcement and posted it on Weibo, saying: Any individual or team who finds the security loopholes of Pangu and Tiangong will be rewarded 10 million yuan by Pangu Technology! Pangu will adhere to the free policy to serve the people of Xia!

After this Weibo was just released, Xiao Ming also received important support.

Ali's official Weibo announced: All computers and servers of Ali's company will use the Pangu system. I hope everyone will support the development of Xiaguo Technology. The road ahead is very difficult. We will continue to forge ahead @Pangu Technology.

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