The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 111 Sales Outbreak

The number of staff in the Yigou headquarters on the 13th floor suddenly increased. A group of computer and software engineers came to the big office early every day or typed on the keyboard or communicated with each other.

Some serious atmosphere is out of tune with Yigou's active working environment.

Will there be any new projects for Yigou? An employee quietly asked Qian Yi.

Qian Yi said: What the employee handbook says, do your essential work well, and don't ask what you shouldn't ask.

The employee grinned and cautiously returned to his seat. Qian Yi had never been so serious before.

Xiao Ming came back to the company every once in a while to check and check the progress of the engineers. Part of his energy is now also focused on school studies. Some courses with fewer hours have entered the final stage. Xiao Ming needs to prepare well for the final exam.

November 10.

These few days will be the days of Xia Guo's Internet carnival. Under the test of encouraging consumption, netizens will go shopping frantically after the early hours of this day. The sales volume of Huawei MATE series and the number of activations of Ozawa's voice assistant will affect the future of Yigou. .

After dinner, the boys in dormitory 613 did not eat chicken together, but sat on their seats and swiped frantically with their mobile phones.

Tonight at Warwick MATE20, there is a 200 coupon, and it's a rare opportunity to grab one! Chen Fang said.

I'm going to grab a few down jackets for the winter, but I freeze to death.

I haven't washed my hair for a week, I'm just waiting to grab a bottle of shampoo today, get 20 for JD bath products over 50! This is the goal of Gong Lieyang's participation in 1111.

Xue Hai said angrily, I just said that our dormitory has a strange smell, but it turned out to be your boy!

Chen Fang laughed, Yangzi, I suggest you snap up an electric hair clipper, shave yourself bald, and wipe your head with a towel. You have left over the money for shampoo and water, and the hair clipper is charged in the classroom. Charge it up and save on electricity bills.”

Gong Lieyang was not modest at all, and said, This is a good idea.

Everyone was speechless.

Xiao Ming, what about you? What are you going to buy?

Xiao Ming said, I'll just join in the fun.

Xiao Ming pays attention to the sales of Yigou Translation after the member discount event held on Double Eleven, and pays more attention to the sales of MATE series mobile phones.

November 11, early morning.

People are either willing or forced to participate in this crazy Internet event.

According to the background data, Huawei mobile phone sales exceeded 100 million in less than four minutes, and MATE20 jumped to the top of the sales list of various mobile phones, selling more than 1,000 units in three minutes.

Sales continued to grow. One hour later, in the statistics of mobile phone sales, this year, Huawei surpassed O and V mobile phones for the first time to become the first! Among them, the biggest contribution is Huawei's MATE20 mobile phone.

Finally got it! Chen Fang finally used the voucher in his hand one hour after the official website of MATE20 was out of stock.

What is Ozawa's voice like? I can finally experience it in a few days. Chen Fang couldn't sleep tonight. He repeatedly watched the parameters and test videos of MATE20, especially the part where Ozawa's voice controlled various software. , watched it seven or eight times.

The crazy Double Eleven continued until the early morning and still did not end. On November 11, the students of Jiangcheng University devoted most of their time to major shopping websites.

On the afternoon of November 11, Ma Yanjun called Xiao Ming with a very excited voice.

Boss! Do you know how much the MATE series has sold so far?

Ma Yanjun couldn't wait for Xiao Ming's answer, and said urgently: 6.8 million! A full 6.8 million units! It broke the record of all Huawei mobile phone sales in one day!

Although there are still two or three days before the mobile phone reaches consumers, it is not entirely certain whether consumers use the Ozawa language.

But comparing the sales of Huawei MATE series mobile phones on Double Eleven in recent years to last year, Xiao Ming will find that the sales of MATE series are much more than last year, thanks to Ozawa's voice.

Thanks a lot!

Ma Yanjun hadn't had a good night's sleep in the past few days.

Ma Yanjun said: There is still half a month before the first window period of the contract. I will pay close attention to the use of Ozawa's voice.

Just as Ma Yanjun hung up the phone, Qian Yi's call came over. It must have been a good news for calling so early.


Qian Yi said excitedly: Boss, as of 5 o'clock this afternoon, the number of VIP consumers of Yigou has increased by 1.145 million, and our VIP sales have reached 32 million yuan! It's a record! Moreover, today may be the Everyone is testing the reason for VIP, the number of people who are online at Yigou at the same time is 4.13 million, which exceeds the number of people who are online at the same time as Youdao!”

Good news indeed!

If the hot sale of Huawei MATE20 represents the future of Yigou, then the hot sale of Yigou Translation VIP represents the present!

It means that the employees of the translation dog can live a good life at the end of the year.

VIP sales reached 32 million yuan! This is enough to prove that Yigou has jumped from a small Internet company to the middle and upper reaches of the entire Internet industry.

One day's sales can reach 32 million! Then Yigou has enough strength to negotiate with those third-party download platforms. Reduce the current 30% to 50% rake rate to 20% or 10%.

Don't underestimate the commission. According to the current commission ratio, only about 18 million of the 32 million translation dogs will get it.

Xiao Ming immediately arranged a task for Qian Yi and said, I'll take care of it on the Warwick platform. You can talk to Lentil, Penguin, Xiaomi, OV, 360 and other platforms to see if it can be reduced to about 20%.

Why many mobile phones are reluctant to use the Android system platform and are willing to deeply develop their own systems on the basis of Android, a very important reason is that their deeply customized systems have their own application markets, and these application markets are the most important money-sucking for major mobile phone manufacturers platform. As long as you have consumption on the app - the king of pesticides to buy skins, eat chicken to buy images, recharge VIP for major games, etc., the platform will have a commission.

Qian Yi understood the importance of this incident to Yigou's survival, and said, I have made contact with major platforms and are applying for price adjustment.

Needless to say on the Huawei side, because Yigou has a strategic partnership, the fee will be reduced to 10%.

But Qian Yi's side didn't go well.

Negotiations with the largest third-party app marketplace, lentils, came to a deadlock.

Because lentils have many programs and wide coverage, it has become a favorite third-party application market for many users. The number of users is more than 100 million, and it even exceeds the application market customized for some mobile phones.

The lentils with unique advantages have enough cards in the negotiation of the commission.

If the monthly consumption of the APP is less than 500,000, then 40% will be taken; if it is more than 500,000, then 50% will be taken for the part exceeding 500,000.

On Double Eleven, more than 1 million users downloaded Yigou through lentils, and the consumption amount was 4.13 million, and lentils insisted on taking 2.015 million.

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