The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 109 Should I burn money or burn it?

Is there anyone who has changed jobs recently? Seeing the recruitment information of Yigou, it is quite tempting!

Of course it's tempting! Except for BBA, Zhongxing, and Huawei, how many Internet companies can offer this kind of annual salary at this time.

Yes, my classmate boasted that he earned 400,000 yuan a year at OFO last year. He was laid off last week and is now looking for a job with an annual salary of 200,000 yuan.

I want to resign! I've already submitted my resume!

In Jiangcheng, such a remote second-tier city, do you really want to go?

Why does my intuition tell me that Jiangcheng will rise?

I also matched my resume in the past, but the qualifications are not enough. Haven't you seen the above recruitment conditions? You must have practical experience in Microsoft, Penguin, China Star Warwick and other companies.

It is impossible for Internet companies not to burn money.

It's just that some companies burn money to advertise, do marketing, and grab the market.

原For a dog to develop, it must also burn money.

In Yigou's financial book, there are more than 60 million yuan left after Huawei's capital injection, and Yigou's profit of more than 1 million yuan in the past two months.

Not much money, but enough to last a year and enough to support system development.

The average annual salary of Warwick is about 600,000, the annual salary of Microsoft Xiaguo engineers is about 500,000, and the average annual salary of Ali and Penguin is about the same.

Yigou's asking price for an annual salary of more than one million yuan is enough to make many people envious.

Moreover, there is a little anticipation in people's minds!

Yigou is an Internet company that has been favored by Warwick shortly after its establishment. Yigou Translation and Ozawa Voice are even more popular in the market. Now joining Yigou is equivalent to participating in the initial development of Yigou. Woolen cloth?

Are you sure you want to resign? Zhongxing Communications, software development department.

Director Zhang Rong's desk has the resignation report of Lin Li, the leader of a key project development team. Lin Li, who is nearly forty years old, has made the most important decision in his life.

The last time he made a decision was at the age of 25, when he gave up the opportunity to go to Microsoft headquarters in the United States and left Microsoft to come to Zhongxing.

Your decision now is quite unwise. You are not a young man in his twenties. Zhang Rong's heart made waves. After all, Zhongxing treated Lin Li not badly.

The current employment situation is very bad. Many Internet companies just raised hundreds of millions yesterday and may go bankrupt tomorrow. You have to think carefully.

Like many code farmers in their forties, Lin Li is facing a mid-life crisis.

On the one hand, the physical strength and energy are not as good as before, the high mortgage loan, the education of the children, and the pension of the parents of himself and his wife, all these make Lin Li unable to breathe.

On the other hand, in Zhongxing. He stopped at the middle level of the department, because of various willingness, he could not go up, and he was doing the most tiring work with a poor salary and was under the most pressure.


Lin Li clenched his fists.

Zhang Rong made the last reservation: Lin Li, as far as I know, your monthly mortgage loan is more than 30,000 and 40,000 yuan. You have resigned now, how can you pay for the house? And your child is in a private primary school, and the annual cost is also More than one hundred thousand?

Lin Li said, I'm going to sell the house in Shenzhen.

What! Zhang Rong was startled and said, Lin Li, are you crazy!

Lin Li said, Mr. Zhang, I've already thought about it, and I'm going back to my hometown, Jiangcheng, to apply for a translation dog company.

Yigou? What kind of small business is Yigou? How much is the salary?

Lin Li said: It is a small Internet company with a salary of one or two million. I have received an interview notice, and I am confident that I can succeed in the interview.

Lin Li bowed slightly as a gesture of gratitude to his old boss for taking care of him for so many years, and then left Zhongxing without looking back.

Looking at the back of Lin Li leaving, Zhang Rong sighed deeply. This is already the third engineer in the department to resign this year.

They are the backbone elites who can do things and are willing to do things, why can't they keep talents.

However, what the hell is that translation dog? Can you open an annual salary of one or two million?

Zhang Rong searched the Internet for information about Yigou, and found that it was just a small company that cooperated with Huawei. He really couldn't understand why Lin Li chose such a small company in a second-tier city.

Guangyao Building, Yigou headquarters.

After rigorous screening and personal interview with Xiao Ming, a team of 25 computer engineers was formed.

In addition to examining the applicant's business ability, Xiao Ming's interview is more important for logical thinking.

In the conference room, Xiao Ming said to everyone: Everyone used to be the elites in the IT industry. Some of you worked for Microsoft, and some of you worked for Zhongxing and Penguin. You may have been the leaders in the IT industry, and some of you belonged to yourself. brilliance.

Xiao Ming's eyes swept over everyone, with maturity that did not match his age.

From today, everyone should forget the past glories, and we will start a new business together, starting from scratch.

Xiao Ming said: Yigou will sign a confidentiality agreement with everyone. Before the project is completed, everyone can't disclose their actual work, not even their family members. If I see any news about the project outside, including on the Internet, The translation dog will pursue legal responsibility.

so serious? Is it to develop a big project?

The engineers looked at each other, and everyone was at a loss.

Everyone is guessing what major projects Yigou will do. Smarter voice or more powerful translation software?

Even if there is a cooperation with Huawei, Yigou is obviously a very small company.

Qianyi price confidentiality agreement was sent.

Everyone was taken aback when they saw the title of the agreement - the non-disclosure agreement for the developers of the Pangu operating system project.

Looking down, the first paragraph is an introduction to the Pangu operating system project.

Yigou intends to develop a PC-side intelligent operating system and a mobile terminal operating system.

Now, the engineers are talking.

Operating system? Developing an operating system!?

Based on the Linux kernel?

Or make in-depth development on Android technology, like Xiaomi and Huawei?

Everyone is an elite in the IT industry. A small Internet company is like spending money to develop an operating system. Let’s not talk about whether it has such strength. Whether it can gain a place in the world of WIN, Android and IOS, everyone has a huge question mark.

There are not many companies that develop their own operating systems, and Ali is one.

However, Ali OS can only meet the needs of its own devices, and it seems impossible to compete with Android in the market at present.

Ali, whose market value is more than 500 billion meters, has no idea to develop a system that can compete with Android and IOS. Are you a small company?

Engineers are now suspicious of Yigou's strategic positioning, and even whether Yigou is going to invest in this project in Warwick.

Xiao Ming said: I know that everyone has a question mark in their hearts, and please keep the question mark in your heart. Because time can give you the best answer, you will become the founders of a great era.

Xiao Ming did not say too much, nor did he give a brainwashing and passionate speech. He believed that engineers would come to their own conclusions after entering the working state.

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