The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 100 Pride and Prejudice

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Ozawa's cartoon image appeared on the big screen. The cartoon image was further designed by Huaze Art on the basis of Qianyi's initial design. Ozawa had his hair tied and dressed in Hanfu, with a strong ancient style.

Lao Yu said, Ozawa, let me introduce myself to everyone.

Ozawa waved to everyone and said, Hello everyone, I'm Ozawa, the smart voice assistant for everyone in the future. I will do my best to solve the difficulties and troubles you encounter in the process of using the terminal, free everyone's hands, and let the terminal Easy to use...

After a brief self-introduction, Ozawa curtseyed to the stage.

原Gou HQ, the staff applaud! The heart in my throat finally fell, just like Xiao Ming said, in today's homogenization of mobile phones, in today's chip, memory and other hardware is similar, Huawei will never give up using Ozawa to achieve Apple and Samsung. Overtaking a corner.

At the press conference, warm applause also broke out, but most of these applause are polite, and people have already started to discuss.

The opening remarks are good, and the characters are also good, I'm afraid it was recorded.

Isn't it obvious. For the press conference, no mistakes can be allowed.

But then a series of gorgeous operations of Ozawa's voice assistant caused the exclamations and applause of the press conference.

Lao Yu said, Ozawa, please use the UBER applet in the WeChat section to call me an online car-hailing. The starting point is the press conference site and the destination is Big Ben.

When Lao Yu spoke, he didn't say it word by word, but in a very natural tone.

Generally speaking at this speed, many mobile phone voice assistants cannot fully recognize what the user is saying.

At the same time, Lao Yu pointed his mobile phone to the camera, and the interface of the mobile phone and the big screen are the same, that is, the picture on the big screen is the projection of the MATE20L in Lao Yu's hand. Lao Yu told the people watching the press conference around the world that he did not perform any operations with his hands.

Good master. Ozawa's voice assistant began to operate.

WeChat was opened, the UBER applet was opened, and then he ordered a car according to Lao Yu's request.

All the process took less than twenty seconds.

Such a gorgeous demonstration not only shows the intelligent performance of Ozawa's voice assistant but also the response speed of the Kirin chip.

Soon, an online car-hailing car arrived at the press conference.

The front door security guard's phone was connected to the scene, and the security guard said, The car is here!

Lao Yu said: Giving a MATE20 to the driver, telling him this is a test at the press conference, and apologizing to him.

Wow! The people at the press conference exclaimed.

My God, so advanced.

If it was another voice, it would definitely not be able to recognize it! Even if it is recognized, it will not complete such a complex task.

In the live broadcasts of major domestic media, there are various screen swipes.

Ozawa! Ozawa finally came out! Unfortunately, I used Ozawa well, I don't know how to stop it.

Reply upstairs, why did it stop, because it has cooperated with Huawei! Now only Huawei mobile phone has the right to use it, and other mobile phones are cold!

So the British are dumbfounded!

Because I just mentioned that Ozawa's voice assistant is a cooperation between Huawei and Yigou, everyone knows that Ozawa's voice assistant is a masterpiece of Yigou.

And behind the translation dog is Xiao Ming. Even if the audience doesn't know Xiao Ming, it doesn't prevent Xiao Ming from getting a lot of surprise points. It's only after a few layers of relationships that he arrives at Xiao Ming, and his surprise points will attenuate.

Xiao Ming complained: The way to collect surprise points for cheaters.

Then there is the following boring situation.

Surprise from thirty people including Felix Bloomfield and Lionel Colvin and Eric McIntosh: 100 points...

From Abraham Bruce and Albin McCracken...

Even though Xiao Ming set the surprise reminder limit to 100 points,

The lengthy names of the British and the reminders that kept popping up in his mind still gave Xiao Ming a headache.

Seeing that Xiao Ming has been shaking his head, Qianyi asked with concern, Boss, are you all right?

It's okay, watch the press conference!

Xiao Ming simply turned off the surprise value reminder, and just went to check the balance at that time.

At the press conference, some reporters did not believe in this evil. They took out their iPhones, summoned SIRI, and said, SIRI used the UBER software to call a car for me, from my current location to XXX.

There are a lot of people, SIRI does not fully recognize the user's voice, and answers randomly.

The reporter only repeated the above words to the mobile phone, all SIRI can do is to open the UBER software, that's all.

The Ozawa voice assistant not only opens the software, but also operates the software according to the user's instructions, which is not available in the voice assistants of all brands of mobile phones in the world.

At this time, a BBC reporter stood up and said, Can I try it myself?

Western reporters do not believe that Huawei has such an advanced voice assistant, which is close to artificial intelligence, and he also does not believe that what Apple SIRI cannot do, Huawei can do it.

The BBC reporter's approach resonated with many people present, and the voice assistant needs a third party to verify.

Welcome. Lao Yu invited a BBC reporter to the stage and handed him the phone.

No! the reporter said. I think I might need a new phone.

There was an uproar.

Such an approach is obviously a great distrust of Warwick and Ozawa's voice assistants.

If at Apple or Samsung's press conference, there will never be a reporter asking for a replacement test phone.

Just because the protagonist of the conference at this time is Warwick, from Xia Guo!

Xia Guo's Internet has been fried.

Damn it! This request is too much! It's obvious that you don't trust Warwick!


At the translation dog headquarters, Ma Yanjun said with righteous indignation: One day, the center of modern technology will be transferred to Xia Kuo, and I will see how those Western reporters are still fussing.

Lao Yu's complexion really changed, but he is someone who has experienced ups and downs. Huawei's development to this stage is not made by PPT, but is a patent, one by one Huawei people have worked hard and worked hard to come here.

Change the phone. Lao Yu said to the assistant using the headset, Bring up a few more.

Ten MATE20Ls were picked up by the assistant. The BBC reporter randomly selected one, and then greeted his companion to come up. He will use the BBC's lens for filming and live broadcast.

Because in the concept of BBC reporters, projecting the mobile phone screen onto the big screen may be controlled by the background.

After the mobile phone was activated, the reporter also gave up connecting the mobile phone to the on-site version of WIFI, but plugged in his own mobile phone card and downloaded some commonly used software with traffic.

After everything was ready, more than ten minutes passed.

The test can be started, the reporter said.

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