The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 1 When protein enters the small intestine

What happens when protein enters the small intestine? a bespectacled biology teacher, Liu, spit in the classroom, and her long teaching career has made her successfully grow from a gentle and charming little girl to a terrifying female man, So Some of you can still make mistakes in simple questions!

The students below are all drowsy. The third year of high school is the most critical period. However, after being bombarded with multiple rounds of exams, the students have obviously become a little dull. The problem.

What will it become!? Teacher Liu's voice raised three tones, trying to use his voice to mobilize the enthusiasm of the students.

Still no one answered, Mr. Liu patted the table hard and said, Someone's answer is that it will turn into shit! One of your classmates wrote on the test paper that protein will turn into shit when it enters the small intestine!

The teacher who marked the answer smiled and asked which class teacher taught it. I was also laughing at that time. Some student wrote this answer. After a long time, it was a student in our class who taught it. , you threw all my face away!

Ha ha ha ha!

The dull classroom atmosphere became warm, and the sleeping classmates suddenly laughed.

Compared with boring knowledge, adolescent boys and girls have a different interest in duozi and weird words.

Mr. Liu broke off half of the chalk and threw it on Xiao Ming, who was at the exam window on the right, and said angrily: Xiao Ming! I'm going to end get out of class and I'm still sleeping! I'm talking about you! Protein enters the small intestine and turns into feces. You wrote it! Only your small intestine has this special function!

Hahaha! The classmates were excited and looked at Xiao Ming one after another.

Xiao Ming, who was still drowsy just now, suddenly raised his head and stared at Teacher Liu, his eyes were cold and a little scary.

Xiao Ming's eyes were very indifferent, which was different from his usual listlessness, which surprised Teacher Liu.

Senior high school students are in a period of severe rebellion and depression. Last month, there was a high school girl with good grades in the city's No. 1 middle school who jumped off the building because she was scolded by the teacher.

When Mr. Liu thought of this, his tone immediately softened and he said, The college entrance examination is coming soon. The teachers have not given up on you, and you have no reason to give up on yourself.

Xiao Ming tried his best to calm down, a little unaccustomed to his own changes.

Before the first Chinese class, he had heart palpitations and difficulty breathing. During the class, he lay on the desk and rested uncomfortable. Finally, he felt that his thinking was getting more and more blurred. Then it was cold and then lost consciousness.

When he woke up again, it was the penultimate biology class in the morning. That is to say, Xiao Ming had been lying on the table for several hours without any response. His body was cold and his heartbeat was weak, like a dead person who had come back to life.

At the same time, Xiao Ming, who was a little dizzy, had a lot of vague memories. He felt that he had lived for a long time on a high-level intelligent planet called Pan Shaxing, where there were anti-gravity vehicles, suspended housing, and spaceships, where humans used A biochip called EV device communicates and plays games. People live on highly industrialized energy blocks and energy reagents, and many, many more...

Xiao Ming is a technology warrior on this planet, who earns a living by conquering low-tech planets in the universe to obtain resources.

The memories of the two worlds were intertwined, Xiao Ming suddenly stood up and looked around with wide eyes.

Xiao Ming's action startled Mr. Liu again. She hurried over and said, Xiao Ming, are you all right? Are you feeling unwell? Do you want to go home and rest.

The classmates also stared at Xiao Ming who was a little abnormal.

In everyone's impression, Xiao Ming is quite a low-key student. He usually sleeps on his stomach or reads novels in class. He does not cause trouble and does not make trouble. His grades are also stable. All luck.

Such a low-key and reserved student Xiao Ming,

How could you make such a rash move in the classroom?

Xiao Ming stood up in a daze like a curse, and then staggered to sit down.

The extra memories flooded into the brain, and there seemed to be something inexplicable in the brain.

Pan Shaxing! Xiao Ming said to himself, his voice a little louder.

Hahahaha! The students who were still worried just now burst into laughter. Today, Xiao Ming is really full of jokes!

Xiao Ming, you've read too many novels, or you've lost your mind.

There is no Pansha star here, only Cerulean star here.

Xiao Ming suddenly had a thought, that he had just been resurrected after a sudden death.

Memories of the past are so close yet seem so far away—

His family was quite ordinary. His father was a worker in a local paper factory, and his mother set up a stall outside the community to buy non-staple food. There was only one son, Xiao Ming, in the family.

It's a pity that Xiao Ming, a student with excellent grades, became unbalanced after he accidentally missed the place in Jiangcheng No.1 Middle School in the middle school entrance examination.

Throughout high school, Xiao Ming gave up on himself and his grades plummeted. When he regained his senses, it was too late. The courses in high school cannot be made up in one or two days. , making Xiao Ming self-enclosed.

He completely gave up on himself and began to indulge in the virtual world of games and novels. He stayed up late for a long time without eating on time or exercising, and his body became weak, and he turned a good pair of skin into skin and bones.

Last night, it seemed that I stayed up late last night to read novels until five in the morning, came to school without breakfast in the morning, and finally died suddenly in class.

Alive! Xiao Ming, who had experienced life and death in a short period of time, was very frightened. He was greedy for the current air and everything.

But Xiao Ming felt that he seemed to have been in Pan Shaxing for decades. That world was so real and long. He blinked his eyes hard and looked at the world, Everything is real!.

Xiao Ming reconfirmed the world he was in. It is now November 20, 2009. The most advanced electronic products are HTC Touch HD and iPhone3G; the most advanced civilian means of transportation is jet aircraft...

No anti-gravity vehicles, no hyperspaceships, no energy blocks...

But why do you think the exam questions on the blackboard are so easy? !

Xiao Ming's eyes widened and he was stunned! He was sure that he would know the questions on the blackboard! The key is that the reason for his meeting is not because of the serious study meeting in the third class of Jiangcheng No. 3 Middle School, but because of the Pan Shaxing study meeting in memory!

Is the death dream real?

Mr. Liu is still complaining that many people have made many low-level mistakes in this exam, such as simple recessive and dominant diseases will not be counted, and the logic of setting the experimental group is not clear. Of course, the most basic mistake was that Xiao Ming's small intestine turned into shit after digesting protein.

At this moment, Xiao Ming stood up again and walked to the podium.

Xiao Ming, what are you going to do? Mr. Liu was very worried about this student today. He was going to communicate with the head teacher. These students with extremely poor grades should take the initiative to persuade them to go home and rest. in high school.

Under the bewildered eyes of everyone, Xiao Ming wrote on the blackboard with chalk.

He was writing the complete sequence of protein absorption by the human body in a wireframe. Xiao Ming felt that he had really learned this knowledge, and he had learned it very solidly!

A few minutes later, when the protein metabolism drawing was finished, the students below and Mr. Liu were dumbfounded.

Protein metabolism is not a difficult knowledge for ordinary students, but it is not for poor students.

Even if Xiao Ming has just read the book and can write it silently on the blackboard, it is already very good!

Teacher Liu was also amazed at Xiao Ming's chalk writing, which was neat and sharp! Even better than the Chinese teacher's blackboard writing!

Xiao Ming put down the chalk and said to Teacher Liu: Exogenous proteins are decomposed into amino acids and small peptides in the intestines, ... the small peptides are thoroughly hydrolyzed by aminopeptidase, carboxypeptidase and dipeptidase and enter the blood.

right! I am really plenary!

Xiao Ming is a little incredible!

After speaking, Xiao Ming returned to his seat.

The classmates burst into applause! Teacher Liu also took the initiative to applaud!

Surprisingly, Xiao Ming, a scumbag, still has the opportunity to express himself like this!

At this moment, Xiao Ming's body was startled, and something appeared in his mind.

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