The Black Book

Chapter 65 Diao Chan is a rat

"What should I do? The application is not approved again?"

Just when Zhu Haomiao was scratching his head in distress, Ye Wanning and Li Cang stood up and said in unison again.

"I will apply!" ×2

After saying that, the two looked at each other in surprise, staring at each other stubbornly.

"I will do it!"

"No! I will do it!"

Looking at the two people who were on the verge of a fight and refused to give in, Zhu Haomiao narrowed his eyes, his eyes gradually became sharp, and he felt that the abacus beads were falling on his face.

"You don't want to take Diao Chan for yourself, do you?"

The two people who were staring at each other fiercely obviously froze in expression, and turned their heads slowly and stiffly, one looking left, the other looking right, avoiding Zhu Haomiao's sight, pretending to look at the scenery.

"Look into my eyes and talk!!"


After the awkward silence, Ye Wanning smiled dryly and changed the subject very stiffly.

"Oh, so it's called Diao Chan. It's really a little beauty, so cute~"

"Woof! Ha~"

As if sensing the owner's dissatisfaction, the little guy barked like a fox pretending to be powerful, and breathed at Ye Wanning fiercely.

"You dare to be fierce to me? You have no conscience, I just fed you grapes!"

And seeing Ye Wanning's deflated look, Zhu Haomiao was both angry and amused.

"This guy is not the Diao Chan from the Three Kingdoms, but the greedy one!"

"Ah? Diao... Greedy?"

Surprised for half a second, but thinking of Zhu Haomiao just saying that it can eat food dozens of times its own weight, Ye Wanning and Li Cang couldn't help but pursed their lips.

"That's appropriate..."

But Zhu Haomiao was not ready to let them go, and directly brought the topic back on track.

"Tell me, why do you apply in your name?"

After her trick was discovered, Ye Wanning simply stopped pretending and put her hands on her hips.

"Because our application will definitely be approved, and when you enter the Fantasy Realm, we can help take care of Diao Chan, isn't that good?"

Hearing this, Zhu Haomiao frowned slightly.

What he was most worried about was that Diao Chan would be left alone after entering the Fantasy Realm. What if he starved to death after being away for more than ten days?

After thinking for a few seconds, Zhu Haomiao nodded slowly.

"Okay, but you are only the nominal owner, and I will take care of it normally."

Ye Wanning and Li Cang looked at each other in surprise and chuckled.

"No problem!"

Then, Ye Wanning excitedly handed grapes to Diao Chan, and the little guy accepted them all and stuffed them into his mouth.

"Diao Chan, I will be your sister from now on, do you hear me?"


The little guy didn't care what she said at all, and stuffed grapes into his mouth by himself.

But while feeding, Ye Wanning raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"Do you think there is a possibility... Diao Chan is a mouse?"


After only half a second of silence, Zhu Haomiao and Li Cang shook their heads.

"Impossible, it doesn't have the big teeth of a rodent."

"But it has cheek pouches like a hamster!"

Lifting Diao Chan off Zhu Haomiao's head, Ye Wanning pointed at both sides of its cheeks.

"Look, there are very weak space-time fluctuations in these two places. It didn't eat those grapes just now, but stored them in the cheek pouches of the different space on both sides of its cheeks."


Zhu Haomiao's heart moved, remembering that Diao Chan would inexplicably hold various foods in his hands and chew them. He originally thought that it was the reserve food it hid, but he didn't expect it to be something hidden in the cheek pouches!

"But won't the food rot if it's stored in the cheek pouch?"

"Probably not, I guess time is still inside there..."

Ye Wanning kneaded Diao Chan's cheeks, causing the little guy to bar his teeth and claws, pretending to bite.

The next second, a banana was stuffed into its hand, and the little guy instantly smiled and stuffed the banana into his mouth with his mouth wide open.

I hadn't noticed it before, thinking that it had eaten it.

But this time, Zhu Haomiao finally saw clearly that Diao Chan's cheeks were pushed up high, but the banana, which was longer than its body, strangely disappeared into its mouth bit by bit.

It looked like a greedy hamster!

"Look, the space around its mouth is compressed, and the closer it is to the throat, the greater the compression ratio. Its mouth is like a space-time funnel. In theory, it can swallow food that is much larger than its own volume in one mouthful..."

Pointing at the mink who was desperately poking the banana into his cheek, Ye Wanning's eyes were filled with a faint colorful light, and she murmured with interest.

Zhu Haomiao and Li Cang frowned at the same time and looked at each other subconsciously.

"Can you see the distortion of space-time?"

"No, can you?"

"I can't either."

"Who can observe space-time with the naked eye?"

After saying that, the two seemed to have matched some code, tacitly picked up the drinks on the table and lightly touched them, and looked at Ye Wanning at the same time.


"Are you two sick?"

"No, continue."

"Keep going! Eat! If you don't eat, the food will get cold!"

Ye Wan Ning stamped her feet in anger, and her magnificent chest suddenly surged. Zhu Hao Miao just glanced at her instinctively, and was so scared that he immediately looked at his nose and heart, silently chanting the Heart Purification Mantra.

Amitabha, Wuliang Tianzun~

No biting!

No biting!


After some self-hypnosis, Zhu Hao Miao successfully suppressed the restlessness in his heart and focused all his attention on the table full of delicious food.

After eating a sumptuous lunch, Ye Wan Ning started a new round of committing suicide without hesitation.

"Test No. 279, trigger condition test..."

"Xiao Shui, sit down."

"Cang Cang, you're standing here, still acting like you always are. If he gets mad, beat him up!"


Zhu Haomiao raised his hand and hesitated to speak, wanting to seek some humanitarian treatment for himself, but looking at the handsome figure next to him who had changed into a golden holy robe, he swallowed back the words that came to his lips.

I am a tough guy, how can I be compared to this bitch?

With an inexplicable competitive spirit, Zhu Haomiao sat upright and watched Ye Wanning take a deep breath and slowly come over.

It wasn't until the tips of both sides' noses almost touched each other and warm breath blew on the young man's face that Ye Wan Ning stopped with a blushing face.

"Do you feel anything?"

Zhu Haomiao felt like he was sitting on pins and needles. He always felt that the sharp sight of a steel knife came from beside him, and he was about to chop off his dog's head at any time.

It feels so scary to have sex with his girlfriend in front of the sufferer!

Brother Li, can you please stop standing behind me? My vest is getting cold...

" special feeling."

Looking at the beautiful face so close at hand, although Zhu Haomiao felt a little uneasy in his heart, he still suppressed the astringency smoothly.

"Huh? Isn't that enough?"

Ye Wan Ning frowned in distress, bit her pink lips lightly, as if she had made some determination, and leaned forward slightly.

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