The Black Book

Chapter 253 Li Lin

"Uncle Liu, you are exaggerating. I am just an ordinary person."

What nonsense are you talking about!

This girl will help me with chores in the future. Who will do the work if you beat her down?

But when he heard what he said, Liu Hongbin slowly turned his head and looked at him with a black question mark on his face.

He had learned a lot about him in the past few days. Everything this guy did shocked his worldview and made him doubt his life.

He defeated the three Japanese gods with one team.

He fought against the will of heaven with his own strength, beat up eight sons of destiny, forcibly twisted the world line, and reshaped the long river of fate.

This is close to the level of the creator. Going up is only to destroy the world and create the world...

An [Abyss] who ascended with [Abyss Energy Level], you tell me that you are an ordinary person? ! !

Do you want to listen to what you are saying? !

All kinds of vulgar words rolled in his chest, Liu Hongbin was about to say something, and finally thousands of words turned into a faint sigh.

"Xiao Zhu, being too humble is hypocritical."

Zhu Haomiao: "…………"

On the other side, complex eyes wandered between Zhu Haomiao and Liu Hongbin. Bai Linglong seemed to understand something, bit her lips tightly, and nodded as if resigned to her fate.

"Uncle Liu, I understand, I will do my best to assist him."

Hearing this, Liu Hongbin nodded with relief and patted her shoulder as if to comfort her.

"Linglong, your mother and I have been old comrades for many years. Don't blame Uncle Liu for speaking frankly. Some words are spoken for your own good. Hiding them will hurt you instead."

After accepting the facts, Bai Linglong's suppressed emotions gradually calmed down, replaced by curiosity like a cat scratching.

A pair of beautiful eyes quietly looked at Zhu Haomiao. She wanted to know what kind of terrible inner self this seemingly weak and slender little brother had, which made Uncle Liu so disregard his face and bluntly cut off all his desire to compete.

Realizing that the girl had gradually adjusted her attitude, Liu Hongbin nodded secretly and smiled at the two of them.

"Okay, it's almost time. If you are ready, you can go in."

Liu Hongbin made way, and the chaotic film containing all colors was revealed in front of the two. Looking at the squirming and rolling film, Zhu Haomiao looked at Bai Linglong and signaled with his eyes.

You first?

"No, you first."

After accepting his position as a younger brother, Bai Linglong quickly entered the state.

Seeing this, Zhu Haomiao was not hypocritical. He smiled and nodded, then strode into the door and disappeared in front of the two in a blink of an eye.

Until the boy completely disappeared, Bai Linglong gritted his teeth and looked at Liu Hongbin.

"Uncle Liu, within the scope of what can be disclosed... who is this guy?"

After hesitating for two seconds, Liu Hongbin sighed.

"Linglong, humans cannot be compared with monsters. That is asking for trouble. Do you understand?"

Liu Hongbin's meaningful whisper echoed in her ears. Listening to the word "human" that he emphasized, Bai Linglong seemed to understand something in a trance, and felt a chill running through her back.

"Although I can't tell you in detail, since you are lucky enough to work with an existence of this level, use your own eyes..."

"See how incredible one of the most terrifying existences in the world is..."

"But remember, don't try to stand shoulder to shoulder with him. That is a destruction of your [Dao Xin]."

With a faint warning, Liu Hongbin patted Bai Linglong's shoulder and turned away, leaving the girl alone looking at the door where Zhu Haomiao disappeared, biting her lips stubbornly.

"I want to see... what kind of monster that guy is?"

While whispering like a mosquito, Bai Linglong took steps with reluctance and curiosity, followed Zhu Haomiao's footsteps, and stepped into the rolling and squirming door.


After the dizzy feeling of weightlessness and falling, Zhu Haomiao slowly opened his eyes while lying on the bed, and countless hazy and illusory memory fragments flashed through his mind.

Li Lin, 15 years old, the only son in the family, lost his mother since childhood. More than a year ago, his father died in battle outside, and he inherited his title of [Pingyang Earl]...

Afterwards, after the three-month mourning period, Li Lin, who had lost his restraints, completely let himself go. He learned to eat, drink, whore and gamble without a teacher. In just over a year, he squandered the accumulation of several generations of [Pingyang Earl]...

Carefully digesting the information in his memory, Zhu Haomiao pinched his eyebrows with a headache.

Good news: the place of birth is in the imperial capital of [Dazhen], so there is no need to run around.

Bad news: The identity of the advent is a prodigal son...

How can I play the role of a prodigal son without revealing any flaws?

Zhu Haomiao pondered, thought seriously, analyzed carefully, and finally woke up suddenly.

Do I need to act if I have the [Book of Black]?

I just need to be more restrained!

Soon, the disillusionment of the first advent dissipated little by little, and Zhu Haomiao sat up from the bed and subconsciously touched his waist.

His fingertips touched the familiar touch of leather, and the boy's mind moved. A snow-white little head instantly emerged from the mouth of the leather bag, looking around excitedly and curiously.


Let Diao Chan out and let her run around. Zhu Haomiao began to examine the environment he was in.

The antique bedroom was luxurious and elegant, but except for a bed and some daily necessities, the room seemed empty. There were several empty wine jugs scattered on the ground, and the whole space was filled with a strong smell of alcohol.

Did he drink himself to death?

No wonder my head hurts so much and I feel a little nauseous...

Rubbing his temples, Zhu Haomiao stood up and opened the window. The cold air outside hit him in the face, which made him feel refreshed.

After wiping his face, Zhu Haomiao walked to the smooth and shiny bronze mirror and carefully looked at the boy in the mirror.

It can be seen that the boy has a good foundation. His parents should be beautiful people with very delicate facial features.

But the dark circles under his eyes, which are obviously due to excessive drinking and sex, and the dead fish eyes without spirit instantly lowered his appearance by two levels.

In addition, the sinister look that could not be concealed between his eyebrows, the thin and sickly appearance, and the wretched and sneaky temperament made people feel disgusted at first sight.

Just like... a rat in a dark ditch...

Rubbing his chin, Zhu Haomiao stared at himself in the mirror and did not take this little thing to heart.

Because he knew that no matter how Li Lin looked, under the penetration of the real projection, the illusion and the reality would eventually tend to be unified.

That is to say, "Li Lin" will look more and more like himself in real life!

Moreover, for me who has the power of [Lust], appearance is the least thing to worry about.

The most important thing is that appearance is determined by the heart, and temperament can be changed with a thought.

With a thought, Zhu Haomiao slowly stood up, his habitually hunched back straightened up little by little, and his wandering eyes gradually gathered and condensed, with a hint of spiritual light.

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