"Xiaoxi, even though we have a lot of eels, we don't like to eat apple snails. They are just like the red spider lily that people talk about, which looks beautiful but is actually highly poisonous!"

"Although I also know that golden apple snails cannot be eaten, I really don't know why"

""Xiaoxi, this thing is indeed not edible. Anyway, the older generation taught us so. It is said that many people in our rural areas who have eaten this thing before have sent it away."

Not only Lin Dong said that there was something wrong with the golden apple snail.

Even Lin Jiang and others said so.

Lin Xi was also startled by his brother's sudden shout. The golden apple snail that he had just picked up fell back into the water with a snap.

Hearing what Lin Jiang and others said, Lin Xi's palms trembled even more. It was so scary.

"Apple snail?"

"Isn't this exactly the same as a field snail?"

Lin Xi had no experience of catching fish or shrimp when he was a child, and he had no experience with this thing. At most, he vaguely heard that golden apple snails seemed to be inedible.

"Let me tell you, the golden apple snail you just held has as many as 3,000 to 6,000 parasites on its body. If you want to completely kill these parasites, you must keep it at a high temperature of 100 degrees Celsius."

"If the parasites are not properly processed and eaten, the nematodes contained in them will invade the human brain, damage the central nervous system, and cause eosinophilic meningitis."

"If you don't take this thing seriously, you'll basically have to send it away when it gets serious."

After hearing what Lin Dong said, Lin Xi was so scared that she jumped from the rice field to the shore.

She looked at the cute golden apple snail she had mentioned before, with a hint of fear in her eyes.

"Then I just touched the golden apple snail, will there be any problem?"

Lin Xi shook his hands vigorously.

"Don't worry, there won't be any problem. Just go to the river and wash your hands and feet."

Lin Dong looked at his sister with a smile.

Although the girl's behavior just now was silly and cute, it was unexpectedly cute.

"It's so scary. You just made it sound a little too scary."

"Oh, brother, among the snails we picked, are there any golden apple snails? How do we distinguish them? Do they lay the same eggs?"

Lin Xi wanted to distinguish them.

She remembered that she had eaten a lot of spicy small snails at the night snack stalls, and she was a little scared!

Had she eaten golden apple snails before?

If so, was she going to die soon?

"Of course they are different, and they are very different."

Lin Dong looked around the rice field, picked up a male apple snail that had not laid eggs, and picked up a normal-sized field snail.

"Look for yourself. First of all, in appearance, the butt of the river snail is like a pagoda, very sharp and three-dimensional, protruding outwards; the butt of the golden apple snail is like poop, concave inwards, and very flat."

"Secondly, the difference in color is also very obvious. The field snails are generally dark brown, while the golden apple snails are usually light yellow, so this thing is often called the golden snail."

"Third, the hardness of the two is completely different. The shell of the golden apple snail is very brittle and can be easily crushed by pinching it hard; the shell of the field snail is different. The texture is very hard and it is difficult to crush it by hand......."

Lin Dong explained to Lin Xi how to distinguish the two types of snails from many aspects.

Lin Xi listened and compared the two different types of snails.

"It’s actually true, brother, everything you just said is right!"

"These apple snails are so bad"

"A mere golden apple snail wants to invade my brain and kill me, wishful thinking!"

Lin Xi snorted complacently, then waved her hand, and the golden apple snail was thrown onto a large rock across the ditch with a snap, and it broke into pieces with a snap.

Zhang Wenjing looked at Lin Xi's actions with a smile, and thought that this girl was quite cute.

Lin Jiang and the others couldn't help but laugh.

Girls in the city are surprised by what they have never seen before!

When the crowd walked out of Tianwan, they came to a river, and they began to wash the mud off their bodies, legs and feet. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


"Wuwuwu, brother, what should I do, this thing is so disgusting."

Humans naturally have a little resistance and disgust towards this kind of soft-bodied creature, not to mention Lin Xi, who has heard of the leech's great name....

"Hahahaha, what's so strange about leeches? It's normal to have them in rice fields. It would be strange if there weren't any. Xiaoxi, don't get excited."

Lin Hai almost laughed out loud.

"Okay, listen to your brother Lin Hai, don't move yet, I'll help you deal with it."

Lin Dong took a look and saw that there were only two or three leeches on Lin Xi's calf, not many.

In addition, they had not been in the rice field for a long time, so the time for these leeches to attach to the rice field should be even shorter.[]

""Don't move."

Lin Dong shouted in a low voice, and Lin Xi calmed down after hearing that.

Lin Dong originally wanted to pull the leeches off directly, which was how they usually did it.

But considering that this was his sister, he curled his lips and gently patted the leeches on Lin Xi's calf with his hands. The leeches quickly curled up, and Lin Dong pulled them off easily.

"It's done, there's no problem, there won't be any bacterial infection or poisoning, there's no wound on your calf at all, don't be afraid!"

Lin Dong comforted his sister a few times, and then looked at the others.

"Check your calves for leeches. They won't cause any problems, but they can make people sick."

Lin Hai and the others looked at their legs.

They all had two leeches on their legs, but they didn't take it seriously and pulled them off easily.

Zhang Wenjing did the same. She saw leeches on her legs but didn't take it seriously. She just pinched the leech's small body and pulled it off easily, leaving Lin Xi dumbfounded.

"Sister Wen Jing, aren't you afraid of leeches?"

Just imagining herself touching leeches, Lin Xi felt like she was going to get sick.

"It's nothing. In the past, whether we were plowing the fields or harvesting rice, we had to deal with this thing. We were used to it."

Zhang Wenjing smiled indifferently.

"Well, anyway, I think you are awesome, Sister Wenjing!"

Lin Xi looked at Zhang Wenjing with admiration.

This made the calm Zhang Wenjing a little inflated, and a small arc appeared at the corner of her mouth.

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