The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 59 I feel like crying for no reason...

Before I knew it, it was dawn.

Hai Xiaotang was lying on the table sleeping in a daze when he heard his grandfather yelling.

"Someone, come quickly!"

Hai Xiaotang suddenly woke up from his sleep!

She stood up and wanted to run out, but her legs were too numb. As soon as she took a step, she fell hard to the ground again.

"Someone, come quickly..." Grandpa's voice outside was very anxious.

Hai Xiaotang guessed that something might have happened to Grandpa Tao!

She gritted her teeth and pushed herself up, running out with difficulty.

Grandpa Tao's bedroom is next door. Hai Zhiyuan just came over to see if he was up and found him fainted on the ground, a little unconscious.

Hai Zhiyuan's cry attracted Acheng and Hai Xiaotang over.

"What happened to Grandpa Tao?" Hai Xiaotang asked in surprise.

"A Cheng, take him to the hospital quickly!" Hai Zhiyuan did not answer, but directly ordered Acheng.

"Okay!" Acheng picked up Grandpa Tao and rushed outside.

Hai Xiaotang also quickly supported Hai Zhiyuan and caught up with him.

However, when going down the stairs, I wonder if Hai Zhiyuan was emotionally unstable. He lost his balance and almost fell down the stairs!

"Grandpa!" Hai Xiaotang hurriedly supported him, but he lost his balance and fell down on the steps!

"Ah..." Hai Xiaotang cried out in pain, feeling like his butt was broken in half.

Hai Zhiyuan held the railing and asked her with concern: "Xiaotang, are you okay?"

Although Hai Xiaotang was in pain, he raised his little face with a smile, "I'm fine. Grandpa, are you okay?"

"I'm fine too, are you really fine?" Hai Zhiyuan asked worriedly.

"Well, I'm fine..." Hai Xiaotang smiled happily.

Because she finally avoided her grandfather being injured.

As long as grandpa is fine, it doesn't matter if she is really injured.

However, thinking of Grandpa Tao's situation, Hai Xiaotang's mood became solemn again.

Tao Weimin was quickly sent to the hospital for rescue.

Hai Xiaotang and the others sat outside the operating room and waited for him, but they didn't wait long before the door of the operating room opened.

"The patient's condition has reached its worst point. There is nothing we can do. It's only for a day or two. Please be mentally prepared." The doctor came over and said to them solemnly.

After hearing the doctor's words, Hai Zhiyuan's eyes were very sad, but he didn't have any extreme reaction.

They have long looked away from birth, old age, sickness and death.

He was just a little sad and reluctant...

But this day will come sooner or later. Tao Weimin has been suffering from illness, and he probably wants to be freed from it for a long time.

However, he still had an unfulfilled wish, so he kept holding on and did not leave.

It's been two days.

Tao Weimin held on for two days with a sigh of relief.

Hai Zhiyuan and Hai Xiaotang also accompany him in the hospital every day.

But he couldn't hold on any longer, but he hadn't seen his grandson for the last time...

When Tao Weimin regained consciousness, he called his grandson's name.

Hai Zhiyuan held his hand tightly and comforted him: "Old Tao, Tao Yi will be back soon. Just hold on, and we will wait."

Tao Weimin nodded slightly, but a tear fell from the corner of his eye.

He was scared and couldn't wait any longer.

Hai Xiaotang couldn't stand such a scene and walked out of the ward in discomfort.

Standing in the corridor, she took a deep breath, but still couldn't suppress the tears in her eyes.

In fact, she wasn't particularly sad, she just wanted to cry for no reason...

She thought about her past life. Did her grandfather also want to see her before he died?

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