The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 29 His gloomy eyes

In the one year since her marriage, she has never felt the warmth of home here.

This place was actually destined not to be her home.

Fortunately, she still has time to look back...

Thinking that he would be reborn tomorrow, Hai Xiaotang was looking forward to it and felt relieved.

She couldn't help but slumped down on the bed comfortably, thinking about how to live her life in the future.

She didn't like to study before, and her mind was filled with Dongfang Yu all day long, so she stopped studying after getting married.

But once again, she could no longer waste her life like this.

She plans to study, but what should she study?

Hai Xiaotang was very distressed. She really didn't know what to study.

Forget it, let’s get divorced first and think about the rest later.

That night, Dongfang Yu did not come back.

Early the next morning, Hai Xiaotang asked someone to carry his luggage downstairs, intending to move the things away first.

The divorce was going to happen today anyway, so it would be better for her to make preparations as soon as possible.

Hai Xiaotang doesn't have a lot of luggage, but there are several big boxes.

Dongfang Yu walked into the living room and saw several suitcases beside him.

He frowned slightly, "What's going on?"

There was only one servant in the living room, and the servant replied respectfully: "Master, these are the things of the young mistress."

Dongfang Yu understood everything immediately, and Hai Xiaotang couldn't wait to pack his things and leave.

For some reason, what Hai Xiaotang had said before suddenly flashed through his mind.

[Brother Dongfang, I really love you. I only love you in this life! Would you please marry me as your wife? I really want to be with you for the rest of my life! 】

Oh, what an irony.

Little girls are little girls, they don’t understand love at all, it’s just willful possessiveness.

She had only been married for a short time before she got tired of it and lost interest.

So Hai Xiaotang doesn't love him at all, he only cares so much because he can't get it.

Now that she got married to him as she wished, she found that being his wife was nothing more than that.

Just damn!

She wanted to marry him willfully, so she designed him to achieve her goal.

After getting married, her teenage dream was shattered, and she wanted to divorce him willfully!

What does she think of Dongfang Yu, a monkey? !

Dongfang Yu became inexplicably angrier and angrier as he thought about it, and his eyes became terrifyingly gloomy.

Hai Xiaotang had just come out of the restaurant after breakfast. When she saw him, she subconsciously wanted to speak.

But when she saw his gloomy eyes next, she couldn't say a word.

The man stared at her coldly for a few seconds, then walked upstairs with a cold breath.

Hai Xiaotang didn't know what happened to him, but she still chased him.

Dongfang Yu strode into the bedroom, took off his suit and threw it aside a little irritably, and started to pull the buttons of his shirt again.

Hai Xiaotang followed in and said thoughtfully: "I've packed my things. I can leave directly after signing."

"..." Dongfang Yu turned his back to her and did not respond. His tall body was very cold.

Hai Xiaotang hesitated and asked, "When will the lawyer ask me to sign? I don't need anything, I just need to take away my own things."

"..." Dongfang Yu still didn't respond. He had already taken off his shirt, revealing his strong and sexy wheat-colored upper body.

Hai Xiaotang planned to leave after saying the last words, "Don't worry, I will keep the divorce a secret. It's up to you to decide when to announce it. I will do what I say..."

As soon as she finished speaking, the man who had been silent suddenly turned around!

Concubine plans to update separately in the future. I will update 2 chapters at night and at least 2 chapters during the day. I will update occasionally~ This way I can write the plot based on your reactions and have some status~ Babies, don’t forget to favorite and vote, every time you see it When the data goes up, I feel so motivated~

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