The Best Small Farm

Chapter 3: american friend

  Chapter 3 American Friends

  Li Han got up early in the morning and led Millie to play for a while. He packed the documents that he had sorted out yesterday and put them in his backpack. He drove a pickup to the city. Some loan procedures needed to be handled. He was finally busy with the loan in the morning and got a farm loan of 10,000 US dollars. Li Han was very happy and planned to treat his belly. He only drank a cup of Americano in the morning, and Starbucks raised another ten cents for a cup of Americano. It was two dollars.

Back in Kemising Town, Li Han went directly to Maria's restaurant and ordered a large chicken leg sandwich and a large cup of coffee. After filling his belly, Li Han and the old black pickup were talking nonsense and chatted about the moment just across the corner. Moved in a mother and daughter, it's really not serious, patronizing and looking at the buttocks.

   "Hey, old pickup, you've already entered the grave below, don't bring the bad guy anymore, he's a man for thirty minutes." Maria carried the big coffee pot and leaned over with her big **** twisted.

"Maria." Li Han rolled his eyes speechlessly, American-style jokes, Li Han was still a little uncomfortable, especially when it came to men's struggle in bed, Li Han blushed, making Maria and everyone laugh Laughing loudly, twisting his big buttocks, throwing a wink, he turned to greet the guests who came in. "Hahaha, our little Han Li is shy, really cute little guy."

But Mi Xing Town was not that big. Besides, Li Han had moved here for four years. Most of the people knew him. The big guy greeted Li Han with a smile and sat down at will. Maria twisted her big buttocks and stood up. Very plump **** come and go to add coffee to everyone.

   Li Han finished his coffee speechless and said to the old pickup, and left. Li Han shot back at the suspicious look of the old pickup. "Damn it, Mickey, this bastard." Mickey is a female friend of Li Han, who is bold and hot, and has a hot body. Li Han and Mickey are just ordinary friends. Unexpectedly, Li Han, who was a little shy, turned out to be Superman, and the title of Thirty Minutes Man was Mickey and his friends chatting leaked.

   Li Han was just a little annoyed, after all, this is nothing in the United States, and even because it is favored by more beautiful women won by Li Han, he often gets used to laughing too much. Li Han still has work to do. He came to the agricultural machinery store. Li Han found Kaidi who was playing basketball in the store, Li Han's friend, Ke Mi Xing's football teammate, and the youngest son of the owner of the store. "Caddy, I need some parts, can you help me find them?" It is also important to buy replacement parts. Some parts do not need to be purchased brand-new. The price is too high and not cost-effective. Most of the old machines can be used after dismantling them.

"Han, what do you think? These things were purchased by Kelly and I from Xiaowang Farm yesterday." Kady said and led Li Han to a pile of scrap parts. There was at least a truckload of parts, and most of them were all over the top. There was rust, Li Han looked at it, it was not a big problem, as long as a part of the rust was polished off.

Xiaowang Farm is a real big farm. The parts replaced every year account for one-third of Kemising Town. Xiaowang Farm has nearly 120,000 acres. It is a real giant farm, fully mechanized and fully irrigated. A few years ago, Li Han Most of the time during the slack season, I will go to work, and the salary is good. I am very envious of the modern farm tools of Xiaowang Farm. I once thought that my farm could be as good as Xiaowang Farm, but I just think about the unattainable price. Li Han only sighed and shook his head. "Yes, yes, these are good parts, at least three years old."

  Li Han held these high-quality parts with golden light in his eyes. Don't look down on Xiaowang's farm being eliminated. For a large farm, a small farm like Li Han, these parts can still be used for at least several years. "Hey, Kelly's right, you'll love it, Han, I think there's one more thing you'll be happy about, hey, Kelly's underwear is hanging out there, hehe."

Li Han rolled his eyes at Kaidi, who was talking about his sister in a weird voice. Really, Kelly and Li Han really have nothing to do with each other. They are just friends. Kelly is the fullback of the Kemixing football team. Li Han has a better brain and the overall situation. It's not bad. It's the quarterback of the football team. He controls the overall situation. Kelly is responsible for protecting the quarterback. The relationship between the two is quite good, but it's not as ambiguous as Kady said. .

Li Han shook his head vigorously, how could he have thought of this, he still has business to do, and his parents will come over in half a month. If he knew that he was like this, some old-fashioned father would not smoke. Own. "Caddy, I think Kelly will blow your head."

"Hey, I'm not afraid, Han, guess who is the helmet I have the autograph sent by Madick? You must have no idea, hehe, Tom." Kady looked disdainful, but Li Han knew that Kady was more of a father than Madick. Afraid of Kelly's sister, a violent fanatic, every time Li Han thought of Kelly's appearance on the football field, he couldn't help but fight a cold war. "Kylie and Harley are going to prepare for the evening party today. Don't you know that Kellie will auction items tonight?"

Li Han selected more than ten kinds of parts that he needed. Some small parts had to be purchased new. The whole calculation cost only 3,000 US dollars, which was half less than the expected 5,000 US dollars. I am very grateful for this pile of parts. You must know that yesterday was a car from the city to buy scraps. Kelly was very grateful to be able to save her for one day.

   "Han, I'll help you get a piece of Kylie's underwear, but you have to prepare the barbecue for the next Sunday party, how about that?" Kaidi answered the question, Li Han couldn't keep up, it was too unreliable. "Caddy, Kelly knew it was going to kill me."

   Li Han sighed, Kelly's character is still relatively conservative, at least not as noisy as Kady. Kaidi looked regretful, Li Han's barbecue skills are good, especially the stimulating aroma, which is very exciting. "Han, no girl like you will like you. You are too old-fashioned. I doubt you are Jewish."

   "No, I'm Chinese, Han nationality. Thank you Kelly for me. I prepared the barbecue for the Sunday party." Li Han said to Kaidi, who helped put the parts on the pickup. Kaidi was overjoyed. "yes, man, Kelly will give her a kiss thanks."

   "Really? Well, I just need to prepare one for Kelly." Li Han opened the car door and said to Kady with a smile. "No, man." "Hehe, bye, the wine is ready." Li Han ignored Kady and started the car.

   In the afternoon, Li Han was replacing parts. The parts replaced by Xiaowang Farm were very good. Li Han was very satisfied. Li Han is thinking of calling the gas company tomorrow to add gas to check the fuel tank. The septic tank and the sewer need to be called to find someone to rest. The house seems to be in need of renovation. Last year's snowstorm caused the roof to break in several places. This is not acceptable. Some furniture needs to be added to the room, some new quilts need to be purchased, and curtains must be hung in the bedroom and guest room.

  It doesn't matter if Li Han is alone, but after a few days, the family members will come over, and they will definitely not be used to it. The bath and toilet need to be replaced with new ones. The whole calculation will cost at least about 10,000 US dollars. The big horse the baby wants, hey, I can only go to the surrounding farms to see if there are any cheaper ponies, Li Han scratched his head a little as he calculated his worth. "What a bad summer." Li Han was upset when the phone rang.

   "Han, don't forget the evening party." Weiliphone reminded Li Han not to forget the evening party. "Ok, I'll go take a shower, is the beer ready?" "Yes, but Harry wants to eat the roast chicken you made."

"Ok." Li Han hung up the phone and took a shower. The roasted chicken was almost the same, packed in a paper bag. Li Han rode the Harley he bought for three roasted chickens, a good second-hand motorcycle, and Harry went to college. stay later. Li Han seems to be in front of a baby. He rarely rides. The sun is setting in the west. Along the undulating path, the cornfields and grasslands on both sides are constantly flashing, and the cool breeze is really good.


   Seeking recommendation, collection, please everyone.

   (end of this chapter)

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