The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4872: The existence of evil

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Boom boom!



The attack on the nine royal powers broke out,

All banged on this purple mask.

With a series of roaring explosions.

The purple mask was motionless and did not change at all.


Seeing this scene, the strong of the nine royal families were shocked.

The protective shield waved by a few-year-old girl actually blocked the attacks of so many emperors?

how can that be?

At this moment, the Tianjiao of the nine royal families were stunned.

And this scene even shocked the nine royal patriarchs.

They looked at Xiao Xiao and Xiao Yaochen and the purple protective cover, all frowning.

"The kid that came up?"

A royal patriarch coldly, he waved directly.

An invincible force blasted towards the purple shield.

"Be careful, this bad guy is very strong."

Xiao Yaochen called suddenly.

"It's all right."

Xiao Xiao beaked his mouth and said in disapproval.

boom! !! !!

Immediately, the royal patriarch's horrific blow fell on this purple mask,

A loud roar exploded.

Xiao Yifeng saw this scene at this moment.

The look changed, and a look of worry appeared in his eyes.

As a result, he soon found that his worry was superfluous.

I saw the energy of this terrible blow dissipate.

The purple mask formed by Xiao Xiao's hands was still here, without any damage.

As if the blow from the royal patriarch just didn't exist at all.

At this moment, everyone present was shocked.

The nine royal patriarchs all shrank their pupils, revealing an incredible look.

The defensive hood displayed by this little girl could resist a blow from a royal patriarch?

This is simply impossible! !! !!

The strength of the nine royal patriarchs surpassed the existence of the half-step road level.

A random blow of such existence can destroy the half-walker.

But this weird thing happened.

This naturally shocked the hearts of the nine royal heads and felt a little unimaginable.

"This girl's strength has become even more terrifying."

"Did I give birth to a demon who emerged from that?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Xiao Xiao and shook her head and sighed.

This girl has been a freak of a freak since birth.

Just a few years old, his strength is unfathomable.

Before, it was even possible to walk freely in the starry sky and wave the hand to destroy the great emperor.

Today, the defensive cover formed by one hand cannot even break the royal patriarch who surpasses the half-walk strength.

This daughter of Xiao Yifeng is really a monster! !! !!

"Come on !!!!"

Xiao Xiao was sitting in a purple mask, waving his hand to Xiao Yifeng at this moment.

"Aren't we going to help?"

Xiao Yaochen said.

"It's an adult's business to fight, we just watch it."

Xiao Xiao shook his lips and said.


At this moment, the chiefs of the nine royal families heard Xiao Xiao's cry.

They glanced at Xiao Yifeng.

Apparently, they did not expect that the demon child who could resist the blow from the royal patriarch would be Xiao Yifeng's daughter.

"Why is this guy's child so sick?"

A royal clan said Shen Sheng.

Before they caught Xiao Yaochen, they saw the abnormal strength of the other side.

They are stronger than the heirs cultivated by the nine royal families.

Now a daughter who suddenly emerged from the other side also has such terrible strength, and shocked them again.

And they are only a few years old, they have such strength, it is hard to imagine! !! !!


The nine royal patriarchs yelled directly at those nine and a half-walkers.

Immediately, horrific coercion broke out on the nine people.

There is a terrible avenue power permeating them, and Xiao Yifeng is about to start.

"Ge Henxi, they gave you nine of them."

Xiao Yifeng said directly.

"Yes, master !!!"

Ge Henxi said, he rushed directly.

boom! !! !!

A tide-like force erupted from him.

These nine and a half-walkers who were directly shocked retreated.

Xiao Yifeng stood before the heads of the nine royal families.

"Today I want to see the strength of your nine royal families."

Xiao Yi said coldly.

"Since you want to die in our hands, then we will fulfill you !!!"

The nine chiefs said coldly.

boom! boom! boom!


The horrible coercion erupted directly from the nine royal patriarchs.

The horrific Daowei swept out, and suppressed directly towards Xiao Yifeng.

These nine people did not enter the realm.

But their strengths have already entered the stage of false state, and the breath of the road pattern permeates them.

They are infinitely close to the state,

But it is not so easy to really enter the realm.

Even if they are the patriarchs of the nine royal families.

However, with their current strength, even the real strongmen have emerged.

With the blood and heritage of the nine royal families, they are also enough to compete against one or two.

After all, the supreme blood power of the nine royal families flowed in their bodies.

This is the foundation of the nine royal families who still dominate the king! !! !!

Facing the domineering repression of the nine strong puppet statesmen.

Xiao Yifeng's expression sank and his body receded.

There is still a big gap between him and these nine royal patriarchs.

At this moment, even if he summons the stars, it is difficult to compete with these nine royal patriarchs.

Fortunately, he has other hole cards! !! !!

"go to hell!!!"

The nine royal patriarchs looked at Xiao Yifeng and yelled.

They shot all together to kill Xiao Yifeng completely.

If only the Big Eight avatars were here.

Xiao Yifeng muttered to himself.

If the eight major avatars are present, rely on the starry secret book and starry sky map just obtained.

It may not be possible to fight against these nine false statesmen.

But now the secret book of the starry sky is on its avatar, not on it.

boom! !! !!

Only Xiao Yifeng came up with this idea.

The eight avatars in the Starry Sky Palace who control the Starry Secret far away.

His figure suddenly disappeared in the temple of the starry sky.

Suddenly, a streamer descended on the imperial realm and rushed directly into the body of Xiao Yifeng's deity ~ ~, and this streamer was the eight major avatars of Xiao Yifeng.

With the eight major avatars returning.

The Starry Secret also appeared in Xiao Yifeng's body, side by side with the Forbidden Code of Yin and Yang and the Book of Time and Space.

Today, the three great books are all gathered.


Seeing this scene, Xiao Yifeng was startled.

He didn't expect to be able to cast summons not only between avatars.

Summoning can also be performed between the deity and the avatar.

Now as long as he thinks about it,

The eight avatars can span the distance of space and appear in front of them instantly.

This summoning technique in the Sanqing of Qing Dynasty is truly terrifying.

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