The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4847: Injured

"You came here, too."

"Feng Yixiao, Xiao Yifeng!"

"I should have guessed."

The goddess Rakshasa looked at the pseudonym used by Xiao Yifeng on the standings, her look changed.

"I haven't seen you for so long. Your strength has improved a lot."

"It looks like you've got a huge chance too."

Xiao Yifeng looked at the goddess Luocha with a smile.

"It's far worse than you."

The goddess Rakshasa sank.

"Don't compare with me."

"Otherwise you would be mad."

Xiao Yifeng teased.

Goddess Rakshasa directly gave Xiao Yifeng a big white eye.

"Should I call you King of the Stars now?"

Then God of Rakshasa looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"I did not expect that you were not only the master of the stars in ancient times."

"It's still the Star Emperor of ancient times."

"Your identity is shocking."

Goddess Rakshasa said with emotion.

"Don't be too surprised."

Xiao Yifeng said in disapproval.

"Well, let's recover from the injury first."

Xiao Yifeng said.

Goddess Rakshasa sat down and straightened to recover her wounds.

At this moment, a group of strong men in the Zhentian Star Domain saw Liu Gongzi's name suddenly disappear, and their faces changed.

These six boys are the top six Tianjiao in Zhentian Star Field.

Their strength has surpassed a large number of older generations in Zhentian Starfield.

The strong men of Zhentian Star Realm had hoped that these six people would be among the stars in the sky and win glory for them.

As a result, all six of them have suddenly fallen.

This makes them acceptable.

"Check, find out who did it?"

A cold, ruthless voice came from Zhentian Xingxing, ringing the entire Zhentian Xingxing.

And all the powerful men in the star field of the town heard this voice.

They were all trembling, their eyes were full of fear, and they dared not say a word.

The owner of this voice is a taboo existence for all the powerful men in Zhentian Star.

In the town of Starfield, no one dares to disobey the command of the voice master! !! !!

After a few hours, in a place in the Starfield battlefield,

Broken Bone Crest and Tianxing Jiatong walked together.

Since rescued Tianxing Jiatong that day, they have gone with them.

After a few days together,

The relationship between the two has become very close.

During these few days,

Both of them got a lot of points together.

At this glance, those who didn't know thought they were a couple of immortals.

Huh! !! !!

Suddenly, ten solid battle spirits emerged around.

These ten war spirits exude terrible war will and terrible power.

They are all formed by the immortal consciousness and warfare of the top powerful people in ancient times.

"Be careful."

Broken bones said directly to the star Jiatong.

He stood in front of Tianxing Jiatong, and his eyes stared coldly at the ten war spirits.

boom! !! !!

Then the broken bones did not hesitate to stimulate the power of the golden bone.

He fought fiercely with these ten war spirits.

But the power of these ten war spirits is extremely scary.

Even the broken bones are a bit difficult to deal with.

Immediately, Tianxing Jiatong waved her chessboard and joined the battle.

The two peerless Tianjiao joined together to fight the ten war spirits.

Under their terrible strength.

These ten war spirits were killed by them directly.

And they themselves suffered some injuries.

But what they don't know is,

Not far from them, a figure suddenly appeared.

This figure is a youth,

His eyes flickered with the cold cold mang staring at the broken bone crest and the star Jiatong.

This man was the **** son of the Qiankun Continent's top-level ancestral sword gate, which was wounded by a broken bone.

"I want you all to die today !!!"

The godson's eyes were filled with unforgettable hatred.

He had been humiliated by his broken bones a few days ago.

Now he has such an opportunity for revenge,

This godson will not miss it.

Boom! !! !!

Soon the broken bones killed two war spirits again,

The last three war spirits are fighting with them.

"Excalibur !!!!"

Suddenly, a cold, ruthless voice sounded directly in the ears of the two men.

Immediately their faces changed.

I saw the void in the distance,

Eighteen handles came out of the air with exaggerated horror.

These eighteen exquisite swords blend together in the air,

Turned into a huge, extremely powerful sword, carrying an unstoppable mighty bombardment towards the broken bones.

The speed of this Excalibur is extremely fast.

In a blink of an eye, he came to the broken bone and killed him.

At this moment the broken bones are fighting the battle spirit,

For a while, he couldn't resist the Excalibur.

"Be careful!!!"

At this moment the star Jiatong shouted suddenly.

She rushed directly behind the broken bone, urging the chessboard to resist the power of the sword.

Rumble ...

Suddenly, the two attacks collided,

Earth-shaking energy erupted.

Huh! !! !!

Tianxing Jiatong was directly wounded by the blow of the Excalibur after merging eighteen Excalibur.

His entire body is back and forth.

She spit out thick blood, her body trembling.

At this moment the broken bones destroyed the three major war spirits.

"Jia Tong !!!"

Seeing Tianxing Jiatong injured to save himself.

When the look of the broken bone changed, he called out quickly, and rushed directly to help the star Jiatong.

"Jia Tong, how are you?"

Broken Bone asked Tianxing Jiatong.

"I'm fine."

Tianxing Jiatong coughed for a while.

Broken bones quickly took out a pile of elixir for Tianxing Jiatong to take.

"It's a pity that I didn't kill you."

"I didn't expect to see them for a few days."

"The relationship between the two of you is growing fast enough."

"This chick is willing to sacrifice herself to save you."

At this time, the God Sword Gate God Son appeared here.

He held the unparalleled Sword that hurt Tianxing Jiatong severely, and looked at the broken bones coldly.

"You **** it !!!"

Broken bones looked at the godson.

His eyes are filled with endless hatred and murder.

"Hmm, you must have died today !!!"

The godson sighed coldly, his body exuding horror.

Now this godson is a bit stronger than before ~~ ~ Jiatong, heal you first. "

Broken bones looked at the star Jiatong said.

Immediately he rushed towards the Son of God.

The whole body is shining with dazzling golden light,

The strength of the golden bone in the broken bone crest was completely stimulated.

Boom boom! !! !!

After two days, these two arrogant fierce battles turned into a ball.

Broken Bone Waving a pair of golden fists, powerfully shook the Excalibur with the fusion of the eighteen Excalibur swords in the hands of this god.

The two fight indiscriminately.

An appalling energy was released, destroying the surrounding space.

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