The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4842: Magic medicine

Tian v Cai? One second} Remember, the power of this attack is completely comparable to that of the Emperor.

The power of this blow is terrible.

If Xiao Yifeng's deity is here, relying on the power of the domineering, there is no fear.

But now he is just a couple of avatars, and has no overpower.

But even so, Xiao Yifeng has no fear.

Undefeated Golden Body! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng burst into a drink.

He mobilized all the power of the golden avatar in his body and exhibited the undefeated golden stature.

There was a roar directly inside him.

The body's golden light shone, and the skin and bones were transformed into gold.

A horrible horror, the world was broken, erupted from it for my immortal momentum.

At the same time, Xiao Yifeng mobilized the origins of the heavens and covered them.

Boom boom! !! !!

In an instant, Wan Foqi emerged and the strongest blow erupted towards Xiao Yifeng.

The terrible power of Buddhism directly wiped it out.

As for standing indifferently here, his gaze gazed at where Xiao Yifeng was.

And the realm they formed was destroyed by this terrible blow energy.

At this moment, the five Buddha Tianjiao all saw the shocking scene in front of them.

"This kid is dead."

"But he can let Brother Wuwei show this trick, and it's his honor !!!"

"Yes, Brother Wuwei used this trick to kill a second-class emperor !!!!"

These five Buddha circles have a lot of arrogance.

They looked at Wuwei with a look of worship.

The word Wuwei is definitely a name that will make countless young generations of Buddha geniuses unforgettable in their lifetime.

And his strength is the incomparable existence of countless Buddha Tianjiao.

With the passage of time, the energy power caused by this terrible 10,000 Buddha's blow gradually dissipated.

Just let Wuwei and the other five Buddhas Tianjiao didn't expect it.

As this terrible energy dissipates,

Xiao Yifeng, who should have been turned into a fan, even stood here alive.

His body was filled with golden light, and his body was filled with a powerful breath that destroyed the world.

As if this world was broken, it cannot be destroyed.

With the undefeated gold body and the origin of the heavens,

Xiao Yifeng directly resisted Wuwei's terrible blow.

But he is also a huge consumer.

The Buddhist world Tianjiao Wuwei had to say that his understanding of Buddhism is also extremely terrible.

His strength is only the eternal imperial realm.

However, his outbreak of attack can kill the Emperor.

Shows its talent! !! !!

If it weren't for Xiao Yifeng, this clone possesses the origins of the heavenly realm and the undefeated golden figure.

He really wanted to block the opponent's blow that transcended the eternal imperial realm.

"how is this possible?"

These five Buddhas Tianjiao saw Xiao Yifeng intact.

For a moment, their eyes brushed unbelievably.

Facing the strongest blow from Wuwei, this kid was unscathed?

This is simply unbelievable.

If this is passed to the Buddhist world, I am afraid that the entire Buddhist world will be a sensation.

Wuwei's eyes stared at Xiao Yifeng, his eyes flashed with brilliance.

"It seems that I underestimated the donor."

Wuwei looked at Xiao Yifeng and said in a deep voice.

"You are strong."

"It seems your status in the Buddha world is very high !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Wuwei and smiled gently.

"I want to know who the donor is?"

Wuwei looked at Xiao Yifeng and said in a deep voice.

"Who am I? You will know later."

"Do you want to continue playing?"

Xiao Yifeng said lightly.

"No, the true strength of the donor has not yet been revealed."

"I'm afraid that I'm not the donor's opponent, leave."

Wuwei said.

Immediately, these five Buddhists Tianjiao reacted, looking at Xiao Yifeng with a look of fear in their eyes.

They all got up to leave.

"He can go, you can't."

"It's always a bit of a price to hit me."

Xiao Yifeng looked at the five men and said coldly.

Suddenly, the faces of the five Buddha Tianjiao changed.

They looked very ugly.

"Brother Wuwei!"

Then they looked at Wuwei and called directly.

Now they can only put the hope of life on inaction.

After all, against this person with their strength, that is basically a dead end! !! !!

"You can't save them."

Xiao Yifeng looked at Wuwei coldly.

"I'm sorry, I will overdo it for you."

Wuwei looked at the five Buddha Tianjiao and said, he left.

Suddenly there was a look of despair in the eyes of the five.

Xiao Yifeng was not polite.

He directly killed the five Buddhist arrogances with a strong shot.

And his points are skyrocketing.

"This guy is not easy !!!"

Xiao Yifeng muttered to himself, his eyes glowed with brilliance.

This inaction gave Xiao Yifeng an unpredictable feeling.

In his intuition, the opponent is definitely not simple, and even he has hidden strength.

The blow just now wasn't his strongest strength.

This person is a dangerous person! !! !!

In a flash, the day passed again.

Starry battlefield, the fifth day! !! !!

More than 5,000 people are missing in this starry battlefield.

Ten days have now passed just over half.

Tianjiao, which originally had hundreds of thousands of stars, has less than 30,000 people left.

More than 70,000 Tianjiao either died here or fled.

The competition for the starry sky arrogance list is definitely a huge loss to the entire world of starry sky.

After all, those who died this time were the top of the younger generation of the major forces.

They are all the seedlings who will be among the top powers of Star Martial Arts in the future.

Now dying here is naturally a huge loss for all major forces.

Boom boom! !! !!

On this day, somewhere in the starfield battlefield, there was a burst of roar.

Endless winds converge towards this place from all directions.

In an instant, the endless winds gathered.

There was a figure floating in the wind.

This figure is a woman, full of cyan light.

She is just so quiet.

Feng Youyou also participated in this starry sky arrogance competition.

At this moment, she seems to have gotten some kind of chance for good luck ~ ~ her body is beginning to transform.

boom! !! !!

With a thunder sound.

Feng Youyou directly turns into its own body.

As the wind faintly turned into the body, the rich magical medicine breath spread towards the entire starry battlefield.

All the Tianjiao people were attracted over four weeks.

"Magic medicine !!!"

They looked at the magic drug in front of them, and their eyes were full of excitement.

This elixir emits such a terrible breath, it is obviously a top-notch elixir.

If they take it, it will definitely increase their strength.

ps: / 6_6875 / at night

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