The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4828: Suppress Dijiang

Mu Zhi's eyes opened.

He stood up and looked at the high heavenly emperor, Emperor Jiangling, in front of him.

"who are you?"

"A dare not to talk to me like this?"

"The courage is not small!"

Dijiang's eyes glanced at Mu Zhi's avatar.

There was a look of contempt in his eyes.


"Today I will let you see and see how powerful my ants are."

The wooden clone is cold.


Dijiang proudly spit out a word.

Suddenly, the Red Flame Godbird at its feet blasted out a terrible flame and blasted towards Xiao Yifeng.

The power of this flame is strong,

It is enough to easily kill a powerful man with a great eternal imperial realm.

For Dijiang,

The small role of Mu Zhi, who has not even reached the emperor's realm, is not worthy of his shot.

Let his mounts look down on each other.

But soon, he will realize his mistake deeply.

Watching this terrible flame sweep through.

The wooden avatar just waved his hand,

An invisible power of the dead came, instantly turning this flame into nothingness.

"how is this possible?"

Seeing this scene, Dijiang's eyes showed a look of surprise.

His eyes stared at Mu Zhi's clone with a look of shock.

"I don't like talking to others with my head up, come down !!!"

The wood avatar sighed coldly.

boom! !! !!

Immediately there was a roar in the dead.

A terrible force of world law came,

Suppressed on the spot on Dijiang and Chiyan.

Huh! !! !!

Each of them was a blood spurt from a beast.

They were kneeled down on the ground by the forces of the heavens and earth of the Dead Realm.

In this dead world, Mu Zhi's avatar is the master.

Everyone must obey his orders.

Unless the other party can transcend the limits of the laws of the world.


At this moment Dijiang's eyes stared at Mu Zhi's clone with an incredible look.

His heart was shaken across the river.

"It's much more comfortable chatting."

Mu Zhi looked at the Dijiang Cold Road kneeling on the ground in front of him.

If people in the heavenly realm can see the princes of heavenly court, the very powerful day of heavenly realm kneels on the ground.

They will absolutely be stunned.

"who are you?"

"What was that power just now?"

Dijiang looked at Mu Zhi's clone heavily.

At the same time, he urged all the power in his body to stand up, and there was nothing he could do.

As if there is a world power on him to suppress it,

There was no use in letting him do his best.

"No hassle."

"In this world, I am the master."

"As long as you step into this world, listen to me obediently."

Mu Zhi looked at Dijiang Cold Road.

"You control the origin of this world?"

At this moment, Di Jiang's eyes condense, and he said suddenly.

As the first day of heaven.

Dijiang's response was extremely fast, and the answer was guessed at once.

"You are very smart."

"Yes, the origin of this world is under my control."

"So don't think of resistance."

Mu Zhi looked at Dijiang Cold Road.

"You can control the origin of the world?"

"Who the **** are you?"

At this time, Dijiang's expression calmed down, and looked at Mu Zhi's clone with a cold face.

"You're calm enough."

"It is worthy of being the Prince of Heaven, and it is a bit capable."

The wooden avatar smiled slightly.

"As for who I am, remember my name."

"Star Emperor Xiao Yifeng !!!"

The wood's clone drank directly.

"Star King?"

"You are the star emperor in the higher world who rules the sky?"

There was a look of surprise in Dijiang's eyes, looking at Mu Zhi's avatar.

"Am I so famous?"

"Even your heavenly circles know that I exist."

Wood's avatar smiled.

"Have heard of it, but I didn't take you to heart at first."

"Starry sky and all circles, but they are all lower and middle worlds."

"Even if you rule the stars and all realms, in the eyes of the strong in the higher world, you are just a stronger ant.

"Just didn't expect ..."

Di Jiang said solemnly looking at Mu Zhi's avatar.

"I didn't expect that I could control the origin of the world, right?"

Mu Zhi smirked.

"I didn't expect you to surprise me !!!"

Dijiang said indifferently.

"Well, after the nonsense, you can go to death."

Mu Zhi said.

"I am the Prince of Heaven, and my father is the Lord of Heaven. Are you sure you want to kill me?"

"If I die, the heavenly million heavenly soldiers will fall into the sky."

"It won't help even if you have control over the origins."

Dijiang looked at Mu Zhi's demeanor.

"Are you threatening me?"

There was a touch of coldness in Mu Zhi's eyes.

"I'm just reminding you in good faith."

"It's up to you to kill or to kill."

Di Jiang said, his eyes closed, and he looked calmly towards death.

"Master, he's right."

"It's not the time to go to war with heaven."

"He is the Prince of Heaven, once he is killed."

"The whole heavenly world will shoot at us."

"At that time, the world of stars will be chaotic !!!"

At this time, Xing Tian looked at Mu Zhi's clone and said.

"But he is the son of the Lord of Heaven?"

"You were like this because of the Lord of Heaven."

Mu Zhi looked at Xing Tian and said.

"The one who dealt with me was the Lord of heaven, not his son."

"It's no use killing him."

"Sooner or later, I will personally set foot in heaven."

"Let the Lord of Heavens taste the beheading !!!"

Xingtian shouted coldly.

"Your tone is not small."

"Even during your heyday, it is impossible to kill my father."

"He is the master of heaven, and even the master of heaven."

"To kill him is tantamount to confronting the whole heaven court."

"Even if you are the first **** of war, you can't do it."

"What's more, my father's strength is even more horrible than your days."

"I'm afraid you can't get near him now."

Dijiang opened his eyes and looked at Xing Tian's disdain.

"I am his master, and I will help him fulfill his wish."

The wooden clone is cold.


"It's up to you to control the origin of a moderate world?"

"Even if you control ten ~ ~ a hundred middle-world sources of power?"

"The terrible world is beyond the imagination of a moderately powerful person in your district."

"In the face of the higher world, the power of the middle world is not worth mentioning at all!"

Dijiang looked at Mu Zhi's face with a disdainful cold road.

"Is it?"

"Then I hope you live well."

"I will let you see for myself how I destroyed your heavens."

"How to get your so-called Heavenly Lord's father beheaded by Xingtian."

Mu Zhi looked at Dijiang Cold Road.

PS: Broken bones released some top ten emperor figures in the public account. You can go to prestige to search for “broken bones” and follow the public account. Then click on the list of figures below to watch.

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