The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4813: Starfield Battlefield

puff! puff!

But soon the two figures flew out.

The two men smashed blood directly on the ground and were also seriously injured.

And they are naturally the martial arts Tianjiao of the two continents.

At this moment the light faded, and the big tiger stood there,

With a strong look on his face, he exuded a terrifying horror.

Seeing this scene, a large group of martial arts Tianjiao were shocked.

The rest of the heaven and earth arrogance who did not go to tease Yan Ruyu.

They looked all the same, looking at the big tigers and two tigers, with shock in their eyes.

Only one of them looked very calm and calm.

"Master God, we ..."

The Tianjiao people from Qianqian continent looked at Tianjiao with a calm expression and asked.

Apparently, he is the leader of many heavenly arrogances on this continent.

"Don't forget our mission !!!"

The Tianjiao who is called the Son of God is indifferent.


The heavenly pride of these Qiankun mainland nodded.

"Brother, you're too fast, don't leave one for me."

Erhu looked at Dahu and pouted.

"I don't know what to do !!!"

"Dare to attack my boss's woman."

Then the two tigers looked at them dismissively.

The two brothers came directly to Miss Yan Ruyu.

"Sister, are you okay?"

The second tiger looked at Yan Ruyu and said directly.

Yan Ruyu's face was slightly red, and she said, "Big tiger and two tiger, thank you."

"Sister, you're welcome."

"You are the woman of our boss."

"Of course we can't watch others teasing you."

"Yes, hasn't he come to the boss?"

"I thought he was here to participate in this starry sky."

Erhu spoke.

His eyes glanced around without finding Xiao Yifeng, with a look of disappointment in his eyes.

"Your boss is here."

Xiao Yifeng looked at the brothers and said.


Big tigers and two tigers looked at Xiao Yifeng's strange face now.

There was a curious look in their eyes.

Xiao Yifeng spoke to them.

"Boss !!!"

"I finally saw you again."

Immediately, the eyes of the two tigers were excited.

They stepped forward and Xiao Yifeng gave a big hug.

"Why did you two come out of the ancient world?"

"And became such a great emperor in such a short period of time."

"Looks like you all have a great chance !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said watching the big tiger and the second tiger.

"After the boss you left."

"We just couldn't bear the loneliness and left the ancient world."

"In the past few years, we have been wandering in the world of the starry sky, and have experienced many lives and deaths."

"Later in a mysterious place, we accidentally stepped into a tomb with great power."

"In it you have this powerful heritage."

"It turned out that this mighty is also a divine with natural divine power."

"Because of his natural divine power, he also created a set of exercises that can quickly inspire divine power to enhance his strength."

"My elder brother and I have been practicing in that tomb, and only came out a few days ago."

"I wanted to go to the boss, and I just came across this starry city."

"We thought you would come, so here we are."

"I didn't expect to meet you boss."

The two tigers looked at Xiao Yifeng and said directly.

"Get inherited from the flood?"

"No wonder your strength is growing so fast."

"Looks like you are really Fuze !!!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the two tigers and said with a smile.

Over time, the number of people in Star City has reached more than 100,000.

At this time, a low voice spread directly across the starry city.

"Welcome everyone to the Starry Sky City to participate in this Starry Sky Contest !!"

With this voice spreading, all Tianjiao in the city of the starry sky all settled down to listen.

"The starry sky proud list represents the honor of countless martial art geniuses in the entire sky."

"Listing among them proves that you are the top arrogant in the sky."

"There are ten places in the Starry Sky Ranking."

"The ten Tianjiao who are finally on the Tianjiao list will be able to step into the Temple of Starry Sky and get rich rewards and supreme glory !!!

The voice spoke.

"The Temple of the Starry Sky?"

Hear these four words.

Most of Tianjiao's eyes in the scene were a look of doubt, I don't know what it was.

Among them, Xiao Yifeng heard the words of the Temple of Starry Sky.

The pupil was frozen in his eyes, and his eyes were brilliant.

Apparently he knew the Temple of the Stars.

On the other side, the godhead who was the leader in the heavenly arrogance of Qiankun mainland heard the starry sky temple, and his expression was slightly condensed.

Many people even changed their appearance when they heard these four words.

And they all obviously know the Temple of the Starry Sky,

Even the purpose of their participation in the Starry Sky List during this trip was to step into the Temple of Starry Sky.

"Boss, who is this man?"

"How can I not detect his presence?"

Then the two tigers couldn't help looking at Xiao Yifeng and said.

The person he said was naturally the one who spoke in the starry city.

"This person is not an ordinary person, even I don't know his existence !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said solemnly.

When he first participated in the Starry Sky Fame list in ancient times, he was also the one who presided over it.

I did n’t expect to have nearly a million years now,

The person presiding over the starry sky is still the other party.

Even at this moment Xiao Yifeng couldn't help wondering who this person was.

In ancient times, he wanted to find out the identity of this person, but it was fruitless.

Xiao Yifeng had previously suspected that convenience was behind the stars who created the starry sky, but there was no evidence.

"Well, I will now announce the rules and content of the competition for the starry sky."

"The scramble for the current Starry Sky Ranking is different than in the past."

"This time you will all step into the starry battlefield and compete for ten places in the starry sky."

The owner of the voice said.

"Starry Battlefield !!!"

Hearing this, Xiao Yifeng's expression was frozen, and a shocked expression appeared in his eyes.

However, in the eyes of most Tianjiao in the field, a look of doubt appeared again.

They do n’t know what a star battlefield is,

But on this continent, many of the ten races and angels have changed their arrogance.

A look of surprise appeared in their eyes ~ ~ Going to the star battlefield to compete for the star sky? "

Xiao Yifeng murmured to himself.

"Brother Xiao, where is the Starfield Battlefield?"

Yan Ruyu curiously said that everyone around him was curious.

"The starry battlefield is an ancient battlefield in this starry sky."

"In the early days of ancient times, a war was said to have broken out."

"That battle affected the whole world, even the powers of the higher world.

"Billions of martial arts fighters who died in that battle."

"And that battlefield is the starry battlefield."

Xiao Yifeng said in a deep voice.

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