The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4811: Come from the continent

"The strength of these peoples is too rubbish."

"Fighting them is a waste of our energy."

One of these ten races was covered with black scale armor, Tianjiao cold road.

"Don't worry, wait for us to win the starry sky."

"It's time for the top ten races to suppress the human race."

"By then, the entire human race will be a slave to our ten races."

"The stars and all realms must surrender under the coercion of our ten races !!!"

The other race Tianjiao hummed coldly.

"It is said that the Star Emperor has already appeared."

"In the beginning, he almost killed our ten races."

"this time……"

Then one of the races Tianjiao frowned slightly.

"Rest assured that our top ten races are fully prepared this time."

"I'm not afraid that he will not come."

"Once he dares to appear, we can revenge on ancient times !!!"

One of the ten was physically fit, with a sharp horn on his head, Tianjiao disdainful.

Over time, 100,000 people have gathered in the entire city of stars.

All of these 100,000 people are Tianjiao who have the strength above the supreme state under the longevity.

And there is a lot of strength hidden in it,

Tianjiao who do not know where they came from.

"This time the sky star list allows so many people to participate."

"What's wrong?"

At this moment Xiao Yifeng looked at the crowded scene around him, his frown slightly.

In ancient times, he participated in the starry sky arrogance list.

Although the staff is equally numerous, it is only about ten thousand people.

Today, the rules of this edition of the Starry Sky Pride List have been changed, and the number of people has increased tenfold.

Today, the stardom of the world, which will dominate in the next few hundred thousand years, is basically all here.

If something happened to these 100,000 days,

Severe faults will appear in the strong stars across the world.

This will be a huge hit for Starry Sky Realm.

"It should not happen."

Xiao Yifeng then shook his head.

Every time the Starry Sky Pride List, Tianjiao will be injured.

However, there will be no major casualties.

"Maybe I think too much."

Xiao Yifeng muttered to himself.

But I don't know why, there is a kind of anxiety in Xiao Yifeng's heart.

This anxiety comes from this starry sky arrogance,

As if something was really going to happen.

Today, his deity is not here, if something really happened.

Even his avatar may not be able to handle it.

And only the First Legion is still here,

The remaining nine major legions have already gone to the flood plains.

There aren't many real top powers around him now.

"I hope nothing will happen."

Xiao Yifeng whispered softly.

Huh! !! !!

Then several figures appeared in the starry sky.

Once they appeared, the extraordinary temperament emanating from them also attracted everyone's attention.

"Is this the legendary city of stars?"

One of these figures said.

"It looks much more brilliant than the cities on the continent."

Another said.

"This time, I really want to see how much the so-called Tianjiao in the world of this starry sky is.

The third person said.

"No matter how good they are, they can't compare with us."

"We are the geniuses of the continent."

"Are these guys in the world comparable?"

The fourth man looked cold and arrogant, and said blankly.

"The Tianjiao of Qiankun mainland?"

When Xiao Yifeng heard the conversation between them, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, this time the starry sky arrogant list, even the people of Qiankun mainland came.

You must know that in the past, the starry sky and the arrogant list have never been attended by anyone on the mainland.

Although the continent belongs to the universe of stars,

But it is self-contained and basically does not touch other worlds.

People in other worlds cannot step into the continent.

It can be said that this continent belongs to a heterogeneous universe in the universe of stars,

But it is a very scary and mysterious alien.

I did not expect that this time the continent came, and the people who came were not simple.

The starry sky arrogance list is getting more and more interesting.

"Well? This woman looks so pretty !!!"

One of the geniuses of the Qiankun mainland suddenly noticed Yan Ruyu aside, and his eyes shot brilliantly.

"It's beautiful, not worse than those on the continent !!!"

The rest of the heavenly eyes of Qiankun Continent stared at Yan Ruyu with light in their eyes.

I can meet here a woman whose appearance is comparable to those of Qiankun Mainland.

But it's a very exciting thing.

You must know that those in the Qiankun Continent are beyond hope.

Even if they are the top celestial beings in Qiankun mainland, they can't kiss Fangze.

Now here I met a woman as beautiful as those few,

All of a sudden they burst into blood.

"Beauty, what's your surname?"

"From that force?"

At this time, three of Tian Qian's continents could not bear the passion in their hearts,

They came directly to Yan Ruyu and asked.

"I don't know you !!!"

Yan Ruyu looked at the three Tianjiao indifferent roads from Qiankun mainland.

"It's okay, we know each other now."

"We are from the continent."

"Do you want to go to Qiankun mainland?"

"That's a sacred place that countless star powers want to step into."

"Where you will meet the true martial arts genius."

The three arrogant Tianjiao concealed their faces with arrogance and looked at Yan Ruyu with a high attitude.

It seems that except for the people on their continent,

People in the rest of the world are garbage.

"no need!!!"

Yan Ruyu said coldly.

"A little temper, but I like it."

"When the Tianjiao competition ends, I will take you back to Qiankun mainland to be my woman !!!"

One of the Tiankang continents looked at Yan Ruyu and said directly, full of overbearing and strong meaning.

"She's not what you can move !!!"

Just when Xiao Yifeng was about to awaken the three guys' spring and autumn daydreams.

A low, loud voice sounded suddenly in this starry city.

Then two figures came along.

These two human figures are as strong as a tiger ~ ~ They are wearing a tiger-striped leather armor,

The muscles of the whole body bulge, full of explosive power.

And their whole body skin is glowing with bronze light.

Gives a terrible sense of oppression, like two fierce beasts walking.

Their eyes were full of dreadful tiger eyes.

"Big tiger, second tiger !!!"

Looking at the two men, Xiao Yifeng's eyes showed a look of astonishment.

These two are not others. They are the two big tigers who followed Xiao Yifeng in the primitive world.

They were neighbors when Xiao Yifeng lived in Tianhai, and they had natural divine power since childhood.

Later, he practiced with Xiao Yifeng and was proved to be a divine.

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