The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4793: Manjue Court Attacked

"After three days, will the starry sky roll out soon?"

Xiao Yifeng murmured to himself, his eyes flashed with brilliance.

With his current strength, he doesn't care about this starry sky.

If he went to participate and compete with the stars and sky,

It is purely an adult participating in children's activities.

But he had to go because he wanted to get something back.

And such things can't be returned with his current strength,

It can only be obtained by participating in the Starry Sky Pride List, so he can only participate.

Of course, Xiao Yifeng also wanted to see that millions of years have passed.

The stars of all walks of life, all major races, Zongmen, and families have given birth to those arrogant sons.

"Brother Xiao !!!"

At this time, Snow Lord came to Xiao Yifeng's side.

"what's up?"

Xiao Yifeng said looking at Xue Zhu.

"I want to take a look at Wanjue Pavilion."

Snow Master said.

"The headquarter of Wanjue Pavilion has been destroyed before."

"They're hiding now, you know what?"

Xiao Yifeng said helplessly.

"I can find them."

Xuezhu said directly.

"Okay, let's go !!!"

Xiao Yifeng nodded.

He went directly to the hideaway of Wanjue Pavilion with Xuezhu directly.

Before Wanjue Pavilion dominated a star field, it was only because Snow Master was besieged by the Royal Beast Palace.

In the end, most of the disciples in Wanjue Pavilion were killed by the Royal Beast Palace.

Only a small part escaped, and came to hide in the Tianwu star domain.

Tianwu Star Field, ranked 78 in a world.

Xiao Yifeng and his party came here with Xuezhu.

Apparently, the rest of Manjue Pavilion is hiding here.

At the same time, in a mountain range of this world.

With a valley isolated by the formation, this is where the Manjue Pavilion is now hidden.

But at this moment, the formation of this valley was directly broken by people.

Five figures stood on the valley, covering the whole valley with majestic coercion.

They are the strong from the Imperial Beast Palace of the Qiankun Continent.

"Let me get out of the remainder of the Wanjue Pavilion."

"Stop hiding, it's useless."

One of the five beast palace powerhouses yelled directly.

A scornful and cold look flashed in their eyes.

With the advent of these five beast palace powerhouses,

Thousands rushed out of the valley immediately,

They are now members of Manjue Pavilion.

Only a dozen people escaped from Wanjue Pavilion before.

After so many years of development, it has become thousands of people today.

The head of this group of powerful beasts is a white-haired old man.

He is an ancestral figure of Manjue Pavilion.

At first, he escaped the pursuit and besieging of the Royal Beast Palace with a dozen descendants of Wanjue Pavilion.

At this moment, the ancestor of Wanjue Pavilion looked coldly at the five beast palace strongmen in front of him.

With a cold look in his eyes, he sighed:

"I didn't expect that after all these years, your Royal Beast Palace would not give up."

"Is it really necessary to exterminate me?

"Well, your Wanjue Pavilion is not completely extinct. Why does my Royal Beast Palace face?"

"And now the snow master has appeared, if let you find the snow master."

"Don't it give you the possibility of resurgence !!!"

"Also, where is the Beaststone?"

"Give it up !!!"

The Royal Beast Palace strong man looked at the ancestor of Wanjuege and yelled coldly.

"The beast source stone does not belong to you, you can't imagine it !!!"

The ancestral ancestral man drank coldly.

"No, right?"

"Then we will kill all of you, and then look for it slowly !!!"

Shouted one of the five.

The terror-like imperial power erupted directly on them.

All five are Emperor-level powers.

However, they are only four low-level emperors and one middle-level emperor.

But this strength is enough to deal with today's Wanjue Pavilion.

Now the entire Wanjue Pavilion left the ancestor of the Wanjue Pavilion to barely reach the rank of the fourth emperor.

The strongest of the rest is the eternal kingdom.

After all, the state of the Emperor is not so easy to achieve.

It takes time not only to accumulate,

More powerful foundation and resources are needed to produce an Emperor.

All the original resources of Wanjue Pavilion were captured by the Royal Beast Palace.

Only a dozen individuals escaped,

It is almost impossible to cultivate an emperor.


Immediately, the five Emperors of the Imperial Palace drank directly.

"Cross Mountain Beast !!!"

At this moment the ancestors of Wanjuege shouted violently.

His hands twitched Yin Jue, and a bright light erupted on his body, covering the whole mountain.

There was a strange sound in his mouth.

Boom boom! !! !!

The next second, there was a sound of earth-shaking sounds in this mountain.

The whole mountain seemed to be trembling.

Then there was an explosion in this mountain,

A behemoth emerged.

This behemoth looks like a hill,

It was surrounded by a layer of gray scale armor, exuding a terrifying atmosphere.

And it is an emperor-level beast called a panther.

At this moment the mountain beast rushed directly to the valley.

The huge body covers the sky,

Gives a terrible sense of deterrence.

At this time, the five beast palace strongmen looked at the piercing beast.

There was a look of disdain in their eyes.

"This fierce beast has the strength of the second emperor."

"Don't you want to use it against us?"

"It's ridiculous !!!"

"I think you are old, and your head is confused."

A strong man in the Royal Beast Palace looked at the ancestral man with contempt and sarcasm.

"Don't you want beaststones?"

"Today let you see the true power of the Beast Stones !!!"

The Wanzue ancestor chuckled coldly.

He waved his hands,

A roar came from him.

Then a blood-red light burst out and rushed directly into the air,

Turned into a blood-red translucent spar.

This blood-red, translucent spar exuded a stream of blood-red air, exuding a mysterious breath.

"Beast Source Stone !!!"

See this beast source stone.

The five imperial palace beasts had their eyes fixed.

Excitement flashed in their eyes.

This is the treasure they always wanted to get ~ ~ The reason why the original Beast Palace perished at Manjue Pavilion was not only because of the relationship between the snow master.

Another reason is that Wanjuege got the source stone.

That's why the Royal Beast Palace Master ordered the destruction of the Mansions Pavilion to capture the Beast Source Stone.

Unfortunately, in the end, the beast source stone was taken away by the remnants of Wanjue Pavilion.

Over the years, the Royal Beast Palace has been tracking the whereabouts of Wanjue Pavilion, just to get this beast source stone.

Unexpectedly today, this beast source stone finally appeared.

"go with!!!"

Just when the five beast palace strongmen were ready to take the beast source stone.

The ancestors of Manjuege shouted violently.

As soon as he waved, the blood-red spar was struck into the body of the pangolin.

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