The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4791: Master of Life

"Well, you all step back."

"There is no need to say more about this."

Dijiang said coldly.


The group of heavenly strong men looked at each other, and finally nodded.

And in another palace in heaven.

A teenager with strange eyes and a dark robe was sitting here.

He held Qiongmao Yulu in his hand and drank.

Huh! !! !!

At this moment a black shadow suddenly appeared.

He knelt directly in front of the teenager.

"His Royal Highness, the Prince is out."

"He has learned about Star Trek, just as His Highness had predicted."

"He is going to go to the Nether to capture the torture days in person !!!"

Said the black shadow.

"My elder brother has always been extremely arrogant."

"He always wanted to fight the legendary Xingtian to see who was stronger."

"Now that he has such an opportunity, he will not miss it !!!"

There was a playful smile in the corner of the boy's mouth.

"His Royal Highness, should our plan be activated next?"

Said the shadow.

"It's been so long planning and it's time to act."

"Tell me about the Four Heavenly Kings, the Five Armies and the Six Generals, as well as the major war gods !!!"

The teenager said coldly.

"Your Highness is it?"

The shadow was startled when he heard the boy's words.

"Since you want to play, then play big !!!"

"I want to take the position of Lord of Heaven."

"It's not enough to solve my elder brother, and his mother queen !!!"

The young man looked cold, and his eyes were covered with cold coldness.


And in the dead domain.

Dead world, in the abyss of death.

At this moment outside the tower of death, Mu Zhi was still sitting here.

Three days have elapsed since the Lord of Death entered his body and turned into the root of death.

In these three days, Mu Zhi's avatar is still refining to understand the origin of life and the origin of death.

But the power of this source is extremely difficult to comprehend,

Normal people can understand the origin of this avenue only when they enter the realm.

Now that Mu Zhi is not in the realm of the emperor, he has begun to understand this origin.

Already belongs to the existence of extreme evil.

If he can grasp his control within a few days,

I'm afraid the universe can't bear him anymore.

It now seems that it takes a long time for the avatar to fully control the origins of life and death.

But that day, a figure appeared in the dead.

This man exuded a strong breath of life.

He is a strong man from the Protoss of Life and Death in one of the nine higher worlds to investigate the situation of the Lord of Death.

The strong man of the life protoss appeared here.

The idea swept away, he instantly stepped into the death abyss and came to the death temple.

Right now in the Temple of Death,

The punishment days, the battle days, the beast gods, and the death beasts have all solved the rest of the death puppets, staying here waiting for the avatar of Mu.

Mu Zhi's avatar has been transmitted to them before, let them wait patiently.

"who are you?"

With the emergence of this life protoss.

Zhan Tian sank, holding a huge sword, and yelled directly.

"Step aside!!!"

The strong man of the life protoss glanced coldly at Zhantian and others.

He was heading towards the black vortex.

"So arrogant guy !!!"

Drinking coldly in the battle.

He wields the sword in his hand and slays towards the strong man of the life protoss.

boom! !! !!

Immediately, the powerful man of the life protoss sank.

The power of the terrible avenue of life erupted on him.

A vine blasted out from it, and instantly banged with the sword of the battle sky.

A roar rang out, and an invisible avenue of power pervaded.

Zhan Tian's body took a few steps back.

This time, the Protoss of Life sent a strong man who has lived for many years.

Its strength has reached the peak of the starry sky.

Although he is still in the state of emperor, his understanding and use of the avenue is much higher than that of Zhantian.

Battleday is not its opponent, it is normal! !! !!

After all, it is the Supreme from the top race in the higher world.

It is impossible to become an elder of the life protoss without any strength.

Then Xingtian, the beast god, the dead beast, and the top ten beasts all shot together.

Xingtian waved Xingtian tomahawk, and all the forces erupted towards the elder of the life protoss.

The dead beast also blasted out with endless death gas.

As for the beast god, he fully urged the beast tower to blast towards the elder of the life protoss.

The top ten beasts also attacked together.

"Out of my own power !!!"

The elder of the life protoss looked at Xing Tian's terrible offensive.

His expression was indifferent, and there was a look of disdain in his eyes.

"The Seal of Life !!!"

Immediately, the elder of the living protoss waved his hands.

Green rays of energy flickered out of him.

This energy ray is not an ordinary road power, but a power similar to the origin of life.

It can be said that it is beyond the recognition of the middle-world powerhouse.

boom! !! !!

A large imprint of the word was sketched by the elder of the life protoss.

As soon as he waved his hand, the new word burst into a matchless light,

Carrying the power to suppress heaven and earth, they suppressed it towards Xingtian.

A roar came out.

On the spot, the beast god, the beast god, the death beast, the top ten beasts, including the battle days that continued to join the battle, were all blown out by this huge new word.

Puff puff……

They smashed into the Temple of Death one by one, their mouths spitting blood and looking like they were seriously injured.

At this time, Xiao Yifeng's devotion in Tianwu Starfield changed.

He did not expect that the Lord of Death had just been resolved, and such a strong man had come.

This strong man is full of vitality,

You don't have to guess to know that the other party is a strong one from the protoss of life.

Today, the avatar of the tree has learned a lot of information after merging the tree of the dead master.

That big tree is the original ancient tree in which the origin of life dominates.

The Lord of Life is the founder of the Protoss of Life, one of the two super races in the life and death world, one of the nine higher worlds.

The other party is a supreme geek from the era of floods,

In less than 100 million years, I realized the origin of life and death.

Eventually became the master of life ~ ~ The master of death and the master of life were a brother before.

It ’s just that the two chose different ways,

One is life, the other is death.

But their talents are equally terrifying.

The realm of life and death was created by the two of them, so it was named the realm of life and death.

Behind the **** of life is the mysterious domination.

The Lord of Death also understands the root cause of death and is about to be promoted to Lord of Death.

Unfortunately, at the last moment, the master of life attacked the master of death, destroying his physical body.

The last lord of death, a remnant of soul, escaped from the realm of death with the tower of his own weapon to death,

So there is a trail of death behind.

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