The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4786: Lord of Death

"Is it so hard?"

Zhan Tian was surprised.

Even if Xingtian wielded Xingtian tomahawk, he just slashed the armor on the death armor and did not break it directly.

"The armor on this death puppet is really hard enough !!!"

Xing Tian said solemnly.

At this moment, the ten deaths were wielding their weapons and beating at Thunder's avatar.

Immediately the ten major beasts, the dead beast, the beast god, the punishment day, the battle day, the master of the dead domain, they all exerted all their powers to meet these ten deaths! !! !!

Bang Bang Bang ...

Suddenly, the two of them had the strongest fighting force colliding together.

There was a roar of explosions.

Dirty energy swept out.

All four avatars were wounded and flew out, spitting blood in their mouths.

As for Zhan Tian and others, these ten deaths came under one blow.

They exploded,

There was a moan, and blood was spilling from the corners of his mouth.

As for these ten death puppets, they have also been split back and forth.

However, I have to say that the combat effectiveness of this death cricket is really terrible.

If you let them out, I am afraid that they can sweep the entire sky.

I am afraid that the owner of the previous death domain was injured from this death.

At this moment, the Lord of the Death Domain is facing a blow from Death.

He vomited blood directly and was wounded again.

"You are really cruel enough to kill us."

"Did we be introduced to this place, do we want to die together?"

Thunder's avatar watched the Lord of the Dead Domain sulking coldly.

"Hum, you can only blame you for pushing too hard."

"Want me to die, then we will die together !!!"

The Lord of the Dead Domain looked at Lei Zhi's avatar coldly, and yelled coldly.

"Sorry, you are dead, we will not die !!!"

Thunder's clone was cold.

"Break it for me !!!"

At this time, Xingtian roared directly.

His expression was stunned, and his body of war was shining with light,

His strength poured into the tomahawk.

Immediately afterwards, the celestial axe shone brightly in blood,

Bombed towards one of the deaths.


A deafening bombardment came out.

As Xing Tian mobilized his full strength, he waved Xing Tian's battle axe and burst out.

The death puppet in front of him was finally blasted by an axe.

Although the body of God of War in Xingtian has not yet fully awakened.

But with his power today and the power of the Torture Axe, it is still terrible.

Especially his tomahawk,

According to Xiao Yifeng's speculation, at least it is the supreme weapon of the ancient level of Honghuang! !! !!

Xingtian roared again.

He slashed three axes in a row and directly destroyed the other three deaths.

At this time, the battle sky and the death beast each destroyed a death puppet.

For a time, there were only four deaths from the ten death crickets,

They are no longer dangerous for the avatar of Thunder.

The Lord of the Dead Domain sees this scene at this moment.

The look was changed, and the look seemed ugly.

"Master of the dead domain, you are doomed to a dead end !!!"

Lei Zhi sneered watching the Lord of the Dead.

Huh! !! !!

The Lord of the Dead Domain blinked.

He suddenly rushed towards the black vortex in the temple of death.

He plunged into the black vortex and disappeared before his eyes.

Seeing this, Lei Zhi frowned.

"Master, this black vortex is not easy, we ..."

Then the beast **** looked at Lei Zhi's clone and reminded.

"You guys are waiting for me !!!"

Suddenly, Mu Zhiren said.

He headed straight for the black vortex.

Immediately the avatar of the wood also stepped into this black vortex.

Huh! !! !!

Step into this black vortex.

The avatar of the wood only felt the sky swirling in front of him, the light shone.

In a flash, it returned to normal.

Gino's avatar glanced away.

I saw him now in a mysterious space.

His gaze swept away, but was shocked.

The master of the dead domain stood here, and was also shocked by the scene in front of him.

I saw a huge black tower in front of them.

This tower, black all over, seems to be all condensed by the breath of death.

From a distance, it looks like a death cage, full of oppression.

A strong sense of death was released from this tower.

This breath of death is terrible, not simply a breath of death.

And in the outer layer of this tower is permeated with a layer of dead gray light, covering the entire black tower.

This dead gray light is the power of that terrible death! !! !!

But it's not much,

The main thing is the pile of green vines surrounding the tower.

The green vine shrouded the black tower like an octopus.

The green vine exuded a strong breath of life, like a seal suppressing the tower.

The source of these vines is a towering tree standing above the black tower.

This towering tree is so tall that it can cover the sun,

With a bright green light, the rich breath of life is shocking.

Like a tree of life! !! !!

All the green vines on this tower originate from this big tree.

This weird scene shocked the Lord Xiao Yifeng and the Lord of the Dead.

The glance of Kino's avatar kept blinking.

As for the Lord of the Dead Domain, his face was shocked.

Apparently he had never stepped into this place before.

"Is this the tower of death of the ancestors of the ancestors hidden in the legend !!!"

The Lord of the Dead Domain looked at the tower and murmured.

He walked directly towards the black tower.

"Tower of Death !!!"

Upon hearing the words of the Lord of the Dead Domain, Mu Zhi frowned slightly.

He had an intuition that the tower might have something to do with the legendary death.

"Someone dared to step in here, it's interesting !!!"

Suddenly, a cold, hoarse voice suddenly passed from the black tower.

Immediately the look of the avatar of the wood and the master of the dead domain changed.

They all stared at the black tower surrounded by vines.

"Are you a man of death?"

Then the Lord of the Dead Domain looked at the tower and shouted helplessly.

"I am the Lord of Death. Who are you?"

Then a hoarse, low voice came from the tower again.

This sound came to my ears ~ ~ Mu Zhi's clone was inexplicable inside.

His body was tense for a moment, and he felt a deep danger.

In this black tower, hide an extremely scary figure.

With Xiao Yifeng's intuition,

This character may be a supreme being beyond the rank of the emperor.

"Master of death, are you the master of death?"

"The lord of the younger dead domain."

"Today's masters of the dead domain, meet the Lord of Death !!!"

At this moment, the Lord of the Dead Domain immediately kneeled in front of this black tower, shouting respectfully.

"Are you in charge of Dead Domain today?"

The man in this tower said again.

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