The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4779: Return of Xingtian

boom! boom! boom!

In an instant,

Above the starry sky of the dead domain.

The first legion of the Star Corps, Zhan Tian, ​​held a huge sword against the three supreme strongmen from the mysterious Ares.

The real strength of these three strong men was not as good as the battle sky.

However, they used mysteries and forcibly inspired a blood power in the body.

This caused their combat power to skyrocket,

So much so that the three of them can compete with the battle sky! !! !!

Obviously, the power of the blood in these three people is not simple, which directly gives them the supreme warfare.

This war was like a stimulant, blessing the fighting power of the three of them.

It is an invisible pressure on the enemy.

Affect the opponent's combat effectiveness! !! !!

"Master, who do you say they are?"

At this time over the dead.

Lei Zhi's accompaniment appeared here.

The beast **** frowned and asked.

"I don't know, God of War, never heard of it !!!"

"They may be a super race hidden in the early days of ancient times."

"Or racial forces in the flood season."

"And Xing Tian is most likely from the God of War tribe !!!"

Lei Zhi's clone said directly.

"I wonder if Zhantian can deal with these three people !!!"

The beast **** said in a deep voice.

"Relax, with the strength of battle."

"Even if they are not killed, nothing will happen."

"He is the second combat force of the Star Corps !!!"

Lei Zhi said confidently.

The commander of the Star Army, Ge Henxi and Zhan Tian, ​​was trained and instructed by his star emperor.

Now millions of years have passed.

Their combat effectiveness has definitely reached the peak of this universe.

"Ah, it seems we should work hard to improve our strength."

"Otherwise I'm afraid to lose face at the Temple of Stars."

Then the beast **** couldn't help sighing.

"Wait to finish here."

"All of you have entered the Star Hall in retreat collectively !!!"

Lei Zhi's clone said directly.

With the enemies he met now getting stronger and stronger.

The strength of the men around him has gradually fallen behind.

They really need to improve their strength! !! !!

"Now there are only Bailang and Yudi left in Xingchen Temple."

Said the beast god.

"There are nine stars in the sky, plus them."

"The peak power of the Star Hall is basically all gathered."

Thunder's clone said.

"Master, where are these starry sky nines?"

The beast **** said curiously.

For the nine angels of the sky, few people know about the entire Star Hall.

No one has even seen their true colors.

Because the nine starry messengers will only obey the order of the starry sky emperor.

They will only appear if the Starry Emperor summons them.

They represent the will of the Emperor,

Exercising is the power given to them by the Emperor.

In ancient times, angels of the sky appeared,

It represents the advent of the Star Emperor.

If not, kill without amnesty! !! !!

It's just that the Nine Stars have always been extremely mysterious.

Since the reincarnation of the Great Star Emperor,

There is no news of a messenger in the sky.

"It's time for them to appear, naturally."

There was a mysterious spirit in Lei Zhi's eyes, and he said lightly.

Boom boom! !! !!

At this moment, the battle between Zhantian and the three warlords is still going on, extremely fierce.

They fought darkly.

Countless stars and meteorites throughout the dead space starry sky were destroyed by their fighting energy.

At this time, the strong men in the entire dead domain were watching the war, and their eyes were shocked.

Even their battle spread to the entire starry sky,

It has attracted the attention of other major stars in the world.

When they saw the four Supreme Masters who reached the high level of emperor fighting together.

The powerful people on all sides were shocked.

This level of combat is extremely rare even in ancient times.

Not to mention the current era,

Even low-level or middle-level emperors rarely appear, let alone fight! !! !!

And this battle naturally shocked the Quartet! !! !!

At this moment these three people are inspiring the blood of the God of War tribe.

They joined forces to fight against the sky,

But did not have any upper hand.

As the first legion of the Star Corps, Zhan Tian,

He was holding a supreme sword, and his war spirit was boiling.

Suppress them, leaving them no chance to win.

Rumble! !! !!

Just then, in the death abyss of the dead.

There was a sudden roar.

A breath of suffocation and despair permeated through this abyss of death.

One time standing on the top of the abyss of death, such as the Thunder's avatar, includes the powerful men of thousands of undead.

They were all frowning, frowning, and tensing all over.

There is a feeling of danger coming! !! !!

"It's the breath of Xingtian !!!"

"Is he finished with the fusion?"

The beast god's gaze fixed, sweeping towards the abyss of death.

Roar! !! !!

Suddenly, a roar like a beast came from the abyss of death.

Spread throughout the dead world or even the entire dead domain,

Shake the starry sky and ring through the sky! !! !!

The sound of this voice directly shocked the soldiers in the dead zone.

Their minds were shaken, and their bodies were boiling with blood.

Many warriors with poor strength were directly vomited blood by this roar, and their power was countercurrent! !! !!

Then a bright rainbow-like light burst out from the abyss of death, directly breaking through the dead! !! !!


In the starry sky of this dead domain, Zhan Tian just separated from the three strong men in the first battle.

As a result, a terrifying ray of energy burst out,

Appeared in front of them, exuding a sense of supreme warfare.

As the war broke out,

It was actually suppressing Zhantian and the three warlords.

Immediately after the glare disappeared, a figure stood here.

This figure is taller and stronger than the battle sky, with bronze skin on the whole body, and muscles protruding from the body.

It is like a pile of granite stones, powerful and powerful.

His pair of eyes, as big as a copper bell, twinkled with attractiveness, and his hair was braided.

He carried a huge axe with blood-red light in his hand.

He is the God of War, one of the four gods in the Star Hall! !! !!

Now Xing Tian has completely merged with the flesh of his previous life ~ ~ He has once again become one of the four gods of the Star Temple in ancient times.

Even more powerful than ever! !! !!

"Xintian !!!"

Zhan Tian's eyes shouted to Xing Tian.

Huh! !! !!

After seeing Xingtian, the three strong men of the God of War tribe.

Their looks changed, and their expressions looked very ugly.

"Is it the three of you who sealed my flesh and wanted to stop me from blending?"

Xingtian shot a cold cold mang in Tonglian-like pupils watching the three men.

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