The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4771: Step into the dead zone

"It looks like this day is about to change !!!"

Emperor Shenwu said to himself.

And in another place,

A man with a shaved hair stood here.

A cold and angry look flashed in his eyes.

This man is one of Emperor Jiuxuan's strongest emperors.

"Dare to destroy my Jiuxuan Emperor !!!"

"Star Emperor, I will never let you go !!!"

Emperor Jiu Xuan shouted directly.


At this time, the entire Tianwu star field once again made a sensation.

Before the great Emperor Xingkong landed in the military world,

The forces of all parties speculated that the Emperor of the Starry Sky was going to the God Wudian to deal with the **** Jiuxuan.

Later, the terrible fighting energy and light transmitted from the military world also confirmed their ideas.

It's just that what happened in the military world, but no one knows.

Because after this battle, the entire military world was basically destroyed.

All the people in Wujie died tragically.

The major military circles no longer exist.

This includes the Shenwu Temple,

All the people in the Shenwu Temple died, and the Shenwu Temple died.

From other major worlds, go to the military world to visit the strong in this war.

Without exception, they all died in the military world.

This time, the movement of the Emperor Xingkong was infinitely larger than before.

He directly destroyed one of the top five worlds in Tianwu Starfield, which can be described as a sensation in the entire Tianwu Starfield! !! !!

For a time, the powerful people in other worlds in the Tianwu Star Domain had been talking about it.

The terrible starry emperor shocked them again.

Because of the destruction of the martial arts world, Tianwu Starfield was shocked again.

The entire world of the Tianwu star domain has become heart-warming.

The four-character Star Emperor has become a taboo among all populations.

All of them stayed in their respective sectarian forces, for fear of offending half of the Star Emperor! !! !!

The Star Emperor directly deterred the entire Tianwu Starfield with his fierce and powerful means! !! !!

At the same time as the Tianwu Star Domain was shaken by the Wu world.

Xiao Yifeng spent several years in the ancient seal of the starry sky.

His injuries have gradually recovered.

In this battle, Xinghe has greatly helped Xiao Yifeng! !! !!

This is just a galaxy, so that Xiao Yifeng can have such a strong combat effectiveness.

If he can control six galaxies at the same time, or even all eighty-one galaxies.

I am afraid that his strength will exceed the peak strength of his starry sky.

It may even be directly comparable to the strength of his lifetime in the flood season.

After this battle, Xiao Yifeng became more interested in controlling the remaining Galaxy.

But he still has one important thing to do.

Xiao Yifeng directly left the ancient seal of the starry sky and came to the star hall.

In the hall of the stars, the Emperor Sanqing collapsed on the ground.

They were dying and their terrible strength was gone.

"Emperor Sanqing, do you know why I still keep you?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the three and said directly.

"Star Emperor, since we are in your hands, kill if you want to kill !!!"

The Emperor Taiqing looked at Xiao Yifeng and chuckled coldly.

"It's not so easy to die !!!"

"Give up the complete one-gas-three Sanqing cultivation method !!!"

Xiao Yifeng watched the three men coldly.

"Want to clear Sanqing in one go?"

"Don't think about it !!!"

Taiqing Emperor yelled.

"No, right, then I have to do it myself."

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

He forcibly searched for the three men directly.

Today, the three of them have a weak vitality and are seriously injured.

Soon Xiao Yifeng got a complete one gasification Sanqing from the three of them.

"You guys can die !!!"

After getting a complete one-gas Sanqing, Xiao Yifeng looked at the three indifferently.

He took the shot and completely destroyed the three.

call out! call out! call out!

at this time,

Three streams of light suddenly burst out from the destroyed bodies of the three men, and disappeared directly into the Star Hall.


Looking at these three disappearing streamers, Xiao Yifeng frowned.

Those three streamers are not the emperor babies of the Emperor Sanqing.

But even he didn't figure out what those three streamers were just now.

But since these three streamers come from the Emperor Sanqing,

And they can leave the Hall of Stars without passing through Xiao Yifeng,

It is enough to prove that these three streamers are not simple.

But Xiao Yifeng thought for a while and didn't think about it again.

Now the most important thing is to study the one gas and three Qings.

If he and the eight major avatars can control the strength of the other quintessences as the Emperor Sanqing,

Or the eight major avatars and the deity are integrated into one, and the strengths are combined to fight again.

That picture is unimaginable! !! !!

This is why Xiao Yifeng has always wanted to get the complete secret of one gasification and three Qings.

Stepping into the ancient seal of the starry sky, Xiao Yifeng was immersed in the cultivation of Sanqing.

And at the same time that the starry emperor made a big noise in Tianwu Star Field.

There are countless star fields separated from the Tianwu star field.

Has a gray star field.

This star field is shrouded in thick dead air.

This is the famous dead domain in the starry sky.

The dead domain is also among the top ten star domains in the starry sky world.

But dead domains are different from other star domains.

There are only nine worlds in the dead domain.

The combined population of these nine worlds is less than 10 million.

Flattened, there are only one million people in each world of the dead domain.

Compared to other tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people in the world,

The population of the nine worlds in the Dead Zone is very small.

The reason why the dead zone is so scarce has a lot to do with the environment of the dead zone.

The entire dead domain is in a strong death gas all day long.

In the dead world,

Over time, a lot of dead gas will be produced in the body,

Ultimately affects his mind and consciousness.

Once a warrior with unsteady willpower is eroded by this dead energy.

Eventually he went into trouble and died or became a madman who lost his mind.

And in the dead domain, you can only practice the pulse of death.

Any warrior who practices other exercises can't improve his strength at all in the dead zone.

It is for this reason,

The population in the Dead Zone will be so scarce ~ ~ This tens of thousands of people are also local people who have survived in the nine worlds of the Dead Zone.

As for the pulse of death, it was the earliest race born in the domain of death.

They appeared with the birth of the dead domain,

Those in the vein of death have increased their strength by absorbing the gas that devours death in the dead domain, terrifying! !! !!

They control death, terrible! !! !!

It was only in the early days of ancient times that the pulse of death ceased to exist.

Today, the martial arts in the dead domain are all practicing the cheats left by the pulse of death.

Because of the unique environment of the Dead Zone, people in other worlds will basically not set foot here.

Dead domain has also become an isolated star domain.

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