The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4575: Terrible Canghao

Rumble! !! !!

At this moment in the sky above Longgu, there was a roar directly.

Then nine days of divine punishment came.

The horrific coercion swept the entire Dragon Valley,

Everyone present was stunned inside.

There is a feeling of breathing despair, as if the end is coming! !! !!

"Nine days of punishment?"

"Cang Hao actually led to the advent of nine days of punishment?"

At this moment, all the powerful men in Dragon Valley were shocked.

Even some hidden old monsters among the dragons have been born.

They looked at the nine heavenly punishments in the void, all with incredible expressions.

"Haoer wants to break through the ninth dragon of the Canglongjue !!!"

At this moment, the Lord of Canglong's gaze was fixed, and his eyes were full of excitement and excitement.

"The Canglong tactic is the ninth most important. Few people can reach the whole Canglong."

"Now the young master not only cultivates to the ninth level, but also the true dragon.

"Combining the two, the young master will be an invincible existence, and it is no wonder that it will lead to nine days of punishment."

"This is that the Lord is too anti-sky, so God will try to kill him."

"I don't know if the young master can bear these nine days of punishment?"

An old man next to the Lord of Canglong looked shockingly at Cang Hao in the void and the nine days of punishment.

"As long as nine days of penalties have passed, Hao'er will become the top existence in this starry sky."

"The defense of its Canglong real body will become a truly invincible existence."

"By then, the position of the Dragon King was nothing."

"Dragon, Emperor Xingkong, you will all submit to the feet of my son Canghao !!!"

The Lord of Canglong's eyes expressed an excited look, and said excitedly.

The elders of Dragon Pa and Shenlong were all frowning, and their expressions were very solemn and ugly.

Xiao Yifeng saw the scene in front of his eyes, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, this guy even came back with a Jedi to fight back, and even attracted heaven and earth punishment.

"Master, now he is Canglong Jue breaking through the ninth weight, plus Canglong real body."

"The combination of the two is too anti-sky, so it attracted nine days of punishment."

"Master, you have to be careful, once he spends these nine days of punishment."

"Even if we are nine together, we are not his opponents."

Then an ancient Canglong looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

Now he is no longer a member of Canglong Yimai, but only a subordinate of Xiao Yifeng.

"Huh, I'll see how great this guy is !!!!!!"

Xiao Yifeng sneered, a look of disdain flashed in his eyes.

Even though the ancient Canglong reminded him that Canglongjue's ninth heavy coordination with the Canglong real body was very bad, Xiao Yifeng still did not care.

He believes that no matter how strong the body is in this world, it is not as powerful as the bully.

After all, the nine-day divine punishment induced by this Cang Hao is not as strong as the nine-day divine punishment induced by Xiao Yifeng's physical emperor.

At most there was only one-tenth of the power of the nine days of God's punishment.

Therefore, the combination of his Canglong real body and Canglong Juejiu is not as good as his domineering body.

Otherwise, the sky will not drop such a nine-day divine punishment.

And Xiao Yifeng actually has to see how powerful the Canglong Real Body is with the Canglong Jue. !! !!

Roar! !! !!

At this time, Cang Hao made a deafening dragon groan,

Resounding for nine days and ten places, shaking eight wastelands! !! !!

Rumble! !! !!

Next, the nine-day **** punishment on the sky directly bombarded Cang Hao.

In the face of this terrible nine-day divine punishment, Cang Hao was completely fearless.

His huge dragon body rushed straight up and greeted the nine days of punishment.

A terrible nine-day **** punished Thunder and robbed Cang Hao's dragon body.

It did not have any effect on its dragon body.

Cang Hao's Canglong true body cooperated with Canglong Jue's ninth weight, and a more horrifying defense force broke out.

It is simply indestructible.

Even the blood holes punched by Xiao Yifeng were completely recovered.

This nine-day divine punishment did not have any effect on Cang Hao's body.

Roar Roar! !! !!

The deafening sound of Long Yin came from Cang Hao's mouth, and he went straight to the sky.

Cang Hao rushed directly to the thunder cloud formed by the nine heavenly gods' punishment.

Boom boom! !! !!

Next, a terrible scene happened.

Cang Hao urged his huge dragon body, and thundered from the nine heavenly punishments.

Everyone present was shocked to see Cang Hao forcibly punished Jiutian Shen to be scattered.

They didn't expect Cang Hao to be so scary,

Not only ignore the bombardment of nine days.

He even punished Jiutian Shen by throwing himself away.

It's terrible! !! !!


A **** of the world, such a horrible power broke out from Cang Hao's dragon body.

The next second, Cang Hao's dragon body soared five times.

Suddenly it changed from 100,000 to 500,000, as if across a world.

The 500,000-foot dragon body is as strong as a mountain peak.

This battle was almost trembling.

All the dragon members in the entire starry dragon family were completely shocked to see this scene.

They have never seen such a huge dragon body, which is going to shake the entire sky.

Roar! !! !!

At this time, with the sound of a dragon chant from Cang Hao, it rang directly through most of the starry sky.

Countless powerful people in the starry sky are all buzzed by the eardrums of this dragon yin ~ ~ Many people with poor strength are directly spit out by the blood of Zhen.

They were all traumatized to varying degrees.

Those powerful people in these major worlds were all startled.

They burst out of the world and stood in the stars.

Looking at the half-million-foot dragon in the starry sky, their eyes were full of dullness.

Even the powerhouses of the nine higher worlds were alarmed.

"Haha, it is indeed my strongest Canglong vein, Tianjiao !!!"

"This time I will dominate the entire starry sky with a vein of Canglong !!!"

At this moment the Lord of Canglong said excitedly.

"Want to dominate the world, dream it !!!"

At this moment, Long Ba's eyes were frozen, and he rushed towards the Lord of Canglong.

After seeing Cang Hao ’s horror,

Long Ba plans to take control of the Canglong Lord first, then Cang Hao can be restrained at that time.

Otherwise, facing today's Cang Hao, Long Ba is probably not an opponent at all.

The Lord of the Canglong watched Dragon Ba rushing, his look changed.

He was about to shoot, and as a result ...

"Dare to touch my father, die !!!"

A cold and ruthless voice filled with hollow voices.

boom! !! !!

The next second, a dragon-like tail descended from the sky, and blasted towards Long Pa instantly.

This dragon tail naturally comes from Cang Hao.

When the look of the dragon fighter changed, he directly turned into a dragon body to resist.

As a result, a sound of explosion rang through the world.

The dragon's tens of thousands of feet and the ten-clawed dragon's body faced Cang Hao's blow to the tail of the dragon.

His dragon body was smashed in half by Cang Hao's tail.

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