Then all the strong men and disciples of Xutian Temple were shocked and flying out of Xutian Temple by a horrible invisible force.

"No, that guy is going to break the seal !!!"

At this moment, the vanity look changed, and said directly.

Immediately, Xu Fan headed for Xu Tian Dian.

Xiao Yifeng and others also went to Xutian Temple.

Xiao Yifeng and his party then stepped into the Temple of Xutian.

At this time, a terror force swept out of the Temple of Xuantian.

The appearance of destroying the entire Xutian Temple.

Xiao Yifeng and others quickly broke out of their own power, resisting this horrible energy.

"This power is so good !!!"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes narrowed and marveled.

"It seems this guy is going to break the seal today !!!"

At this moment Xu Fan said with a heavy face, his eyes flashed with brilliance.

Xiao Yifeng's team and Xuan Fan were all outbreaks of terror against the outbreak of the guy who claimed to be the demon.

Then they went directly to a large hall inside Xutian Hall.

The guy was sealed in this hall by Emperor Xutian.

There are mysterious lines of light around the main hall.

It is the seal power left by Emperor Xutian.

But now the strength of the seal has become very weak, and it must be broken at any time.

A terror force burst out in this hall, trying to break the seal of this hall.

"So strong breath !!!"

At this moment, the beast god, the war god, and others all looked at this hall with a solemn expression.

Banging ~

A deafening thunder came quickly.

A terrifying black light burst from the palace.

Instantly the seal power on this hall was completely destroyed by it.

The whole hall was instantly transformed into powder.

A terrifying energy, like the flood of a dyke, overturned in all directions.

The monstrous black light swept out like a wild beast.

As if to swallow up the world.

The entire Xutian Temple seemed to be blasted.

"Shoot !!!"

Xiao Yifeng shouted solemnly.

Immediately Valkyrie, Beast God, Sword Emperor, Spirit Emperor, Hei Qi, the four ancient emperors,

There is nothing but they burst out of their strongest power.

Bombed towards this horrifying ray of energy.

They joined hands and bombarded with each other's terrorist energy, forming a more terrifying power.

Roar! !! !!

An angry roar came from the endless black mang, deafening.

People have a feeling of trembling, splitting liver and gallbladder.

Then the endless black mang surged like a sea wave.

Directly bombed Xiao Yifeng and his party.

Blow them all out on the spot.

Puff puff! !! !!

The beast **** Wushen and other people all vomited blood.

All four ancient beasts were injured.

Then the endless black awns dissipated.

A man with a veiled hair, scarlet eyes, and a stubble face appeared in front of everyone.

There was a terrifying magic in him.

He exudes a mighty mighty power, like a **** demon.

"who are you?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the man and said with a heavy face.

"I'm a demon, and everything **** it !!!"

The man growled coldly.

He had a mighty power bursting out of him, killing Xiao Yifeng directly.

boom! !! !!

A dull thunder sounded suddenly.

An old man in a white robe suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Yifeng.

He helped Xiao Yifeng withstand this terrible blow.

Pedal Pedal! !! !!

With one blow, both the old man and the opponent were moving backwards.

"Old man, you are finally here !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the old man in white robe and shouted helplessly.

This old man is the founder of Xutian Temple, a great emperor.

"It's been a long time, King Starry."

"Now you look younger and handsomer than you were before !!!"

Emperor Xutian turned and looked at Xiao Yifeng and said lightly.

"Old man in the sky, you haven't seen each other for so many years. Have you learned how to brag?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Xu Tiandi and said with a smile.

"Well, don't talk about this, it's important to deal with this guy !!!"

Emperor Xutian glanced at the man, saying solemnly.

At this time, another nine white-haired old men appeared here.

They are the nine elders in the Heavenly Temple.

At this moment they were all staring at this crazy man like a heavy expression.

"Who the **** is this guy?"

"It's so powerful that you can't even handle it !!!"

Xiao Yifeng glanced at this guy and looked at Xu Tiandi involuntarily.

"The origin of this person is unknown, but his strength is terrible."

"I tried my best with the help of the nine elders, so I barely sealed them."

"With his strength, I am afraid that only you can defeat it."

Emperor Xutian said Shen Sheng.

"You all **** it !!!"

Then the man growled, his eyes glowed with scarlet light.

He rushed towards Xiao Yifeng and Xu Tiandi.

Like a beast of flood, exuding the terrible breath.

Immediately, the Emperor Xutian and the nine elders all cast their secret abilities towards this guy.

Valkyrie took the dragon gun ~ ~ and burst out of strength.

The beast god, the sword emperor, the spirit emperor, and the four ancient emperors all shot with all their strength.

Including Xuan Fan is also forcing the secret method, and then rushing towards this man to improve his strength.

So many immortal and eternal imperial realms have even shot together with strong men who transcend eternal imperial realms.

This lineup can be described as very large.

In ancient times, it was enough to conquer countless star fields.

But now that so many strong men have joined forces to deal with this guy who claims to be the devil, they do not have any advantage, even a little disadvantage.

"After all these years, this guy's strength has increased a lot."

"Even if we can't compete with them together, this time is troublesome !!!"

"Emperor Xingkong, try to find a way !!!"

At this moment, Emperor Xutian said while fighting fiercely with this man.

"I'm trying to figure it out !!!"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashed with brilliance.

At this moment he was hesitating whether to urge the secret method and forcibly restore strength to deal with this guy.

But in this way, it has a great influence on its deity.

"Floating Tu Yuan Yuanling, can you devour it into the tower !!!"

At this moment Xiao Yifeng thought of the floating slaughter tower and said helplessly.

"This person is too strong and wants to put him in the tower."

"I'm afraid you can't do it now with the master, unless ..."

Yuanling Lingyuan said.

"Unless what?"

Xiao Yifeng said curiously.

PS: I went to the traffic police team in the morning to deal with the accident. I rushed home in the afternoon and just wrote two chapters. I'm sorry to keep you waiting. Thank you. Today, the old book will be updated two times. The four chapters will be updated tomorrow.

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