The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4317: Old opponent

女儿 "Daughter, are you refining and controlling the weapon left by this ancestor?"

尘 Then Chen Tian looked at Chen Yuetong with a look of excitement.


Wu Chenyue Tong nodded, and when she waved her hand, the dust sword fell into its hands.

Boom! !! !!

Then Chen Yuetong swept out.

A horrible swordmang burst out from the dust sword, blasting towards the void.

He instantly shattered this void, forming a terrible power.

The power of this blow is comparable to the sixth or even seventh.

And this is still Chen Yuetong a sword.

Ruo Ruo if she really held the dust sword to attack.

I am afraid that even the top eight players and even the top nine players can fight! !! !!

"good very good!!!"

"I finally got a real starry sky proud !!!"

Immediately Chen Chen said with a look of excitement, his hands clapping, looking very excited.

"Thank you, Xiao Xiao, for this shot !!!"

Wu Chenyue looked at Xiao Yifeng and thanked him.

"You're welcome, I said, as long as I'm here, no one can move to Dust House !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said with a smile.

He had protected Chen Ge because he owed a favor to him.

Even if it is not scattered dust, for dust moon Tong.

He's going to save this dusthouse too.

At the same time, in a splendid palace in the realm of God.

青年 A young man sits here in a disc.

青年 The youth shone with hot flames.

火焰 This flame is burning like a fire of the sun, exuding a terrifying breath.

But if Xiao Yifeng is here.

He could recognize this youth as his old rival Di Shitian who was in the ancient world.

Prior to his death, Emperor Shitian was the young master of the Emperor-One Protoss, one of the four royal families in the ancient world, and had the blood of the ancestors of the Emperor-Protoss.

He was just an enemy of Xiao Yifeng and lost to Xiao Yifeng several times.

Finally when Xiao Yifeng was about to kill him.

Emperor Shi Tian was taken away by a mysterious force and left the ancient world.

Now he appeared in the virtual **** realm and came to the Emperor Yan tribe of the virtual **** realm.

的 The founder of the Emperor Yan is the founder of the Emperor Protoss who understands the fire of the sun.

The other party later left the ancient realm and came to the virtual **** realm.

Xun eventually became a giant in the Xuan Shen Realm, where he created the Emperor Yan.

The Emperor Shitian is because of the blood of the Emperor Yan people in his body.

That's why he was brought here by the power of the Emperor Yan's power.

Huh! !! !!

"Xiao Yifeng !!!"

"Did you appear here?"

At this moment, Emperor Shitian's eyes suddenly opened, and a faint flash of light flashed in his eyes.

Then he murmured to himself.

There was a throbbing movement in his heart just now.

There seemed to be a strong enemy among the crickets.

He is the only enemy of Xiao Yifeng.

That's why Emperor Shitian suspected that the other party had come to the virtual **** world.

"If you really come to the virtual **** world, that's fine."

"I will defeat you with my own hands this time, let you kneel at my feet and ask for mercy !!!"

The emperor Shi Tian's eyes flashed with the cold cold mang, drinking with amused expression.

Di Shitian's hatred for Xiao Yifeng has been hidden in his heart.

He came to the Emperor Yan to continuously cultivate and improve his strength.

I was just to report the humiliation Xiao Xiaofeng once had in the ancient world.

And on the highest mountain of the virtual state Shenzhou.

The moment when Xiao Yifeng's deity stepped into the virtual world.

The whole mountain was shaking violently.

There were rasping sword groans from the mountain.

All of a sudden, the powerhouses and hidden old monsters of the entire state of the virtual gods were shocked.

"Some response from the Forbidden Mountain?"

"Is the Star Emperor back?"

At this moment, the great monsters of the old monster levels of the virtual **** world sense the change of this mountain.

Their looks were startled, and their hearts speculated.

山 And this mountain is where the starry sky emperor put the star sword.

Since the Great Emperor of the Starry Placed the Star Sword into this mountain.

山 This mountain has become a forbidden mountain in the entire world of virtual gods.

No one dares to step into this mountain, and no one dares to step into this mountain.

Now this taboo mountain has a strange noise.

I naturally suspect that the Emperor of the Stars is back.

Uh ...

Blood world.

First blood domain——

I walk on top of this blood mountain.

Beacon of Fire is after refining the blood beads left by the five Supreme Kings.

His strength has been directly elevated to the level of Jiupin Supreme.

Boom! !! !!

Beacon of Fire opened her eyes.

There was a terrifying, hot breath erupting on him.

A mighty flame burst out from him.

火 The power of its fire spirit is also inspired, and its power is even more terrifying.

With the strength of the fire avatar continues to improve.

He felt that he was more relevant to the fire of origin.

I seem to be continually merging with this source of fire.

If Ruo and the two are completely integrated.

Then he could use this fire of origin to burst out a powerful force at any time.

I no longer have to cast mysteries like before to let the fire of origin melt into his body to improve his strength.

Huh! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng's eyes were brilliant.

It seems that there are two flames burning, just like the eyes of fire.

At this time, the strengths of the four members of the Xuan Army, Yan Hao, Tian Tu, etc. were completely solid.

"Let's go !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said that their party went straight down the mountain.

"the host!!!"

At the foot of this mountain, broken bones, gods and others are waiting here.

I watched Xiao Yifeng appear, and they all came forward.

Xiao Xiaoxue went directly to Xiao Yifeng.

"A lot of people !!!"

逸 Then Xiao Yifeng's eyes swept away, a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

At the moment, at the foot of this blood mountain, a large group of powerful men from the first blood areas are gathered.

They were all attracted by the vision created by this day's breakthrough.

At this time, all their eyes were on Xiao Yifeng and others, with an envious look in their eyes.

Xiao Yifeng and others have stepped into the blood pool of the Five Emperors ~ ~ and they have benefited from it, they naturally envy.

Boom! boom! boom!

Suddenly, there were three roars in the void.

Then the void twisted and three figures emerged out of the air.

The three terrible powers of the Emperor repressed.

These three figures are all great emperors.

And they are the fathers of the three emperors' sons that Xiao Yifeng destroyed before.

"You guys, who killed my son?"

At this moment, the eyes of the three great emperors are dreary, with a horrifying breath watching over Xiao Yifeng and others.

"I killed it, how do I drop it?"

Xiao Xiaoyi looked coldly at the three.

In the face of the great emperor, he had no fear.

What's more, these three are just the strength of the next emperor.

Xiao Yifeng is even more indifferent.

"Boy, dare to kill me, I want you to die !!!"

三 The eyes of the three great emperors stared at Xiao Yifeng with anger.

恐怖 The terror of the great emperor erupted on them, and Xiao Yafeng suppressed and bombed away. ...

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