The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4291: Frozen Cicada shot

He was really bullied by dogs and Pingyang. "

"I didn't expect that one day, all four of you would dare to do something to me."

Dust Pavilion Lord Chen Tian looked at the four upper emperors coldly and spat out.

"Dust, this is the number of deaths in your dusthouse."

"Without the protection of the ambassadors of the protectorate, you Dust Pavilion is doomed."

"Today you have lived hundreds of thousands of years, it is already taking care of you"

An upper emperor looked at Chen Tian humming coldly, his eyes flashed with the cold cold mang.

"Dusty obediently surrendered the treasure left by the emissary of the protectorate."

"As long as you hand it over, we can put you in the dusthouse to avoid killing you all."

"If it weren't for you, everyone in Dust Pavilion would have to die today."

"Don't imagine that your daughter will go to the Heavenly Dust Palace for help, I have already sent someone to take it down."

The other emperor with a beard full of face shouted coldly.

"You guys really plan well."

Dust said coldly.


Behind Chen Tian, ​​the look of a young man with twenty-six and six saints' strength has changed, and his eyes are full of worry.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, kill the people in Dust House one by one."

"I'd like to see Chen Tian, ​​you feel bad"

"If Dust Pavilion is destroyed in your hands, I'm afraid you will go shamelessly to meet your ancestors and dust messengers."

The third emperor looked at Chen Tian with a cold hum.

"That treasure was left by the ancestors, and I definitely can't give it to outsiders. Today is a big deal."

"My Dust Sky Dust coexisted and died"

The dusty sky was hissing and exhausting, and the sound of thunder was loud.

"The coexistence and death of Shige and Dust Pavilion"

All the disciple disciples shouted in unison.

"Since coexistence and death, then you all die."

The fourth upper emperor roared.

The law of horror came down, and directly bombarded and killed everyone in Dust House.


At this time a horrible frost of ice broke out.

Instantly shrouded in the power of the avenue law that erupted from the higher emperor.

The power of his avenue law was directly sealed by ice, and then turned into nothingness.


The higher emperor sank.

There was a flash of anger in his eyes, and he swept coldly around.

Soon Xiao Yifeng and his party came here.

Next to him was a mature, gorgeous woman in blue.

The cold chilling chill was exuded throughout the body, which was the ancient ice cicada.

As an ancient beast, Frozen Cicada has now inspired one third of the ancient beast blood.

His strength has evolved to the level of the great emperor, and has become an emperor beast.

And with the bloodline strength of the ancient ice cicada and the identity of the ancient beast of the flood.

Once she took the shot, even the superior Emperor couldn't stop it.


At this time, Chen Yuetong, who was next to Xiao Yifeng, looked at his father Chen Tian, ​​and hurried to yell.

"How about Yuetong?"

Chen Tian looked excited at his daughter's return.


The young man behind Chen Tian looked at Chen Yuetong with an excited expression.

"Yuetong, didn't you go to the Heavenly Dust Palace?"

Chen Tian looked at Chen Yuetong and said.

"No, I met them by the four forces halfway, so I didn't go."

Chen Yuetong said.


"It seems heaven is going to die in my dusthouse."

Chen Tian sighed.

"Who said that"

"With me, Dust House cannot die."

Xiao Yifeng embraced with both hands and walked over leisurely.

At this moment, the eyes of the people in the Dust House and the four forces all looked at Xiao Yifeng.

"you are"

Chen Tian looked at Xiao Yifeng and wondered.

"Father, this is my benefactor who saved me before. His name is Xiao Yifeng."

"Gongzi is willing to help us through this difficult time."

Chen Yuetong looked at Chen Tian and said.

"Gong Xiao"

Chen Tian looked at Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashing.

"Hehe, it's ridiculous. A kid who didn't even reach the strength of the emperor dare to come to nosy.

"Dare to say such words, it is beyond your control"

Then one of those four emperors hummed disdainfully.


At this time, the ancient ice cicada stepped out.

As his eyes condense, a blast of frosty ice erupts on his body.

The endless ice power between heaven and earth came.

A terrible iceberg was formed in an instant towards the upper emperor to suppress it.

The void was blasted.

Seeing this scene, everyone looked shocked.

The emperor's face changed even more.

He quickly mobilized the forces of Emperor Yuan and Avenue Law to resist.


There were thunders.

This horrific iceberg completely destroyed the attack of the superior emperor directly.

The iceberg was suppressed directly, and immediately the upper emperor trembled and a blood spurted out.


Frozen Cicada waved again.

The iceberg shattered and turned into a horrifying ice, covering the superior emperor directly.

Instantly, the superior emperor turned into an ice sculpture.

The whole person was sealed by ice.


With a roar.

The upper emperor who turned into an ice sculpture shattered directly, and his emperor infant escaped.


Frozen Cicada waved with one hand.

A frosty arrow ripped through the space and burst out.

Instantly penetrated the Emperor Infant and shattered it.

In a blink of an eye, a superior emperor fell here.

At this moment, the remaining three emperors and hundreds of others, including a group of people from the Dust House,

Their eyes widened one after another, showing an incredible look.

"Abusive the owner, die"

The ancient ice cicada drank coldly, exuding a horrible frost of ice.


At this time, the other three upper emperors watched Xiao Yifeng and the ancient ice cicada solemnly and solemnly.

"Who the **** are you in the matter between us and Chen Ge?"

The three superiors looked at Xiao Yifeng and said in a deep voice.

They have lost their contempt and disdain on their faces.

"I said, I'm here today, and nobody can move in Gege."

"If anyone dares to move, this guy is his end just now."

Xiao Yifeng shouted with a strong cold look.

An endless frost of ice also erupted on him.

Xiao Yifeng's eyes were cold

Hear Xiao Yifeng's words.

The three emperors changed their expressions, their eyes flickered, and their hearts were secretly thinking.

"This child has an extraordinary history.

At this time, one of the three emperors said to the other two Shen Sheng ~ ~, and both of them nodded.

"Dust, you are lucky today"

"However, next time, you don't have such good luck in Dust Pavilion."

The three emperors looked at Chen Tian humming coldly.

After saying this harsh words,

The people of these four forces directly left the dusthouse.

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