The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4105: Go about the past

boom! !! !!

boom! !! !!

boom! !! !!

The thunderous thunder in this supreme realm kept bombarding.

The entire sky where Youshuang City is located directly blasted out a black hole in space.

The terrible coercion made all the people in the sixth blood area feel a thick heart palpitation and fear.

This thunderstorm is also more terrifying.

In the end, this thunderbolt can even kill half-step emperors and quasi-empires.

Xiao Yifeng had to urge Chi Yanjian.

At the same time urged the flame **** armor to resist.

He even cast the magic of the spirit.

But now this spiritual art cannot let Xiao Yifeng directly promote a great realm.

Instead, it has brought its realm to the point of Qipin Supreme.

Even Jiu Pin Supreme cannot reach it.

Obviously, with Xiao Yifeng's own realm, the higher.

The limits of this spirit are increasing.

It is difficult to directly promote a big realm as before.

However, as Xiao Yifeng realm reached the level of Qipin Supreme.

Coupled with ten times the defensive power and attack power of the Flame Goddess, plus the power of the congenital Arcana Sword.

It helped him barely resist this terrible thunder.

With a fierce explosion sounded.

Xiao Yifeng was banged in this frost city.

Most of Youshen City was completely destroyed and a bottomless pit appeared on the ground.

Seeing this, Shen Shuang and Xuan Jun's expressions were very dignified, and their eyes were full of worry.

Huh! !! !!

Soon a figure rushed out, it was Xiao Yifeng.

Keke! !! !!

At this moment Xiao Yifeng was coughing, her face pale, blood dripping from the corner of her mouth, and she was obviously injured.

Faced with this series of thunder attacks.

Both the effect of the Sealing Spirit and the Flame Armor have failed.

His strength has returned to normal strength.

boom! !! !!

Just then, the last soul robber of this supreme thunder rob came directly.

Instantly rushed into Xiao Yifeng's mind and tested against his soul.

Only through this soul robbery and withstanding the test can it be truly stepped into the supreme realm.

Xiao Yifeng closed his eyes immediately and began to accept the test of the soul robberies.

Soon Xiao Yifeng's expression began to distort and change.

Apparently, his soul is receiving the soul shock of soul robbery.

boom! !! !!

Ten minutes later, there was a roar in the head of Fire's clone.

His eyes opened.

Immediately a breath of terror erupted on him.

Apparently, this fire avatar has passed the test of this last soul robbery.

His strength directly and completely stepped into the supreme state.

The holy crystal in the body of the fire divides directly into the original Tao crystal.

The power of heaven and earth poured into its whole body and baptized and transformed its body.

Let Xiao Yifeng become the true supreme powerhouse.

Today, the avatar of fire is only a top-notch state.

However, the breath emanating from him is comparable to the Sanpin Supreme.

boom! !! !!

Then the fire spirit's original power, the avatar of the fire, erupted.

A huge sea of ​​fire appeared behind the avatar of the fire, covering half of the sky.

The terrible flames in this sea of ​​fire turned into waves of fire, releasing the power to burn the heaven and the earth.

With the original power of this fire spirit body is excited.

The strength of the fire avatar has skyrocketed.

He exuded a breath comparable to that of the Sixth Grade Supreme.

Now the avatar of fire does not procure the spirit of sealing spirits.

Just rely on the source power of this fire spirit body.

His strength is comparable to that of the Sixth Supreme Supreme, which can be described as horrifying.

boom! !! !!

Just then, the original fire inside the body of the fire broke out suddenly and poured directly into the sea of ​​fire.

Rumble ...

Suddenly, the sea of ​​fire set off a wave of fire.

The hot and terrifying fire waves burned the heavens.

Burn the sky to burn out a huge black hole.

The entire Sixth Blood Region was burned for half of the day by the sea of ​​fire that is now soaring in power.

At this moment, people in the entire Sixth Blood Region watched this scene blankly.

Many people thought that this sixth blood domain would be completely destroyed.

As this fire of origin merges into the sea of ​​fire transformed by the power of the origin of fire.

The power of this sea of ​​fire has risen in a straight line, which is enough to kill the Jiupin Supreme.

Even the half-step Great Emperor can hardly resist the attack of this sea of ​​fire.

Can be described as terrifying! !! !!

"very scary!!!"

"I didn't expect this was just stepping into the supreme realm, it was so horrible !!!"

Several nine-pinion supreme strong men in the Yan Temple sighed.

"The master is awesome !!!"

Luo You sighed.

"This is just a clone of the owner."

The demons on the side couldn't help talking.

"A clone can do that."

"Extremely horrible, worthy of being the star emperor !!!"

Yan Hao also said in a deep voice.

Huh! !! !!

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng, the avatar of fire, flashed a faint glance.

He directly converged his strength, and the sea of ​​fire disappeared directly.

The fire of origin returned to his body.

Xiao Yifeng came to everyone.

"Are you the Great Emperor?"

At this moment Gou Jian stared at Xiao Yifeng's channel.

"Yes, but to be precise, I'm just a clone of the reincarnation body of the Star Emperor ~ ~ Xiao Yifeng smiled slightly.

Immediately, Gongjian's eyes flickered and his expression flickered.

Shen Shuang aside looked at Xiao Yifeng with a shocked expression.

She did not expect that the person in front of him would be the legendary starry star Emperor.

"No wonder you are so scary at a young age."

Gou Jian looked at Xiao Yifeng and said in a deep voice.

"thank you!!!"

Xiao Yifeng smiled, and then his eyes were fixed on Gou Jian:

"You all know my identity. Should you tell me your identity, such as the Blood Sword Emperor?"

"I was originally a great emperor in the first blood domain of the blood world, named the blood sword emperor."

"I have a brother, and that guy was inferior before."

"After I broke through the emperor, I paid a great price to help him enter the realm of the emperor."

"I created Blood House in the first blood area and became the top force in the blood area."

"I didn't expect that **** to be secretly jealous of me, trying to take my blood house and blood sword."

"He used a conspiracy, colluded with several emperors, and promised me a good deal."

"It's even lowering my strength under the emperor."

"Trapped me on the bottom of the sixth blood zone, tortured me."

Gou Jian said coldly, his eyes were flashing with cold cold intentions.

"Jealousy and greed really change a lot of people."

Xiao Yifeng couldn't help sighing.

Gou Jian's encounter reminded him of many things.

For example, Yao Chi and his apprentices, the master of his life, Xiao Yunzi and Feng Wuya.

They are betrayed by their closest relatives because of jealousy or greed.

"I will help you get revenge."

Xiao Yifeng said looking at Gou Jian.

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