The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3956: Grandson


"Huh, the people in your state are really a bunch of boneless waste."

"I was so scared. It was a waste."

Yang Ling sneered with contempt, her eyes full of disdain.

At this moment, the people around were all embarrassed and afraid to say a word.

Even those who came to the emperor realm and even the emperor realm did not dare to breathe in the face of this Yang Ling.

This is naturally because of Yang Ling's terrible identity.

Offending Yang Ling is offending a martial arts supreme.

Offending a martial arts supremacy is a dead end.

No one can hold the whole state.

But at this time, a change happened.

I saw a figure walking slowly towards the sky.

He came to Tianxiang and reached out and stroked it.

On this day, however, it seemed very obedient, without resistance.

This figure is naturally Xiao Yifeng.

Seeing this scene, everyone looked shocked.

Including that Yang Ling, his eyes looked at Xiao Yifeng, and there was a cold flash in his eyes.

At this time, some people dared to ignore him approaching the celestial phenomena that he liked.

This is simply Chi Guoguo hitting Yang Ling's face.

"Boy, who are you? Are you provoking me?"

Yang Ling looked at Xiao Yi and said coldly.

"Provocation? What do you deserve from me?"

Xiao Yifeng glanced at Yang Ling and said casually.

A pair did not look at each other at all.

Hearing Xiao Yifeng's words.

Yang Ling was gloomy and dark, with cold and terrible killing in his eyes.

When people around Xiao Yifeng said this, they all wondered if this guy was caught in the door.

How dare to say this to the supreme grandson from Dizhou, this is almost death.

As for Yue Qun, looking at Xiao Yifeng, he looked gleeful.

Before Xiao Yi fan slapped him, he remembered it.

Now seeing Xiao Yifeng offend this Yang Ling.

He was naturally very happy, and wished that Yang Ling would kill the boy directly.

"Boy, you are the first person to dare to talk to me like this, and definitely the last one."

"Today I will kill you with my own hands and let you die in the hands of my Yang Ling, it is a gift to you."

Yang Ling looked at Xiao Yifeng forcefully.

A high posture, Xiao Yifeng is regarded as a ants.

"Are you pretending to be with me?"

Xiao Yifeng suddenly came to Yang Ling and looked at him with a sneer in his mouth.


Yang Ling snorted and shot directly.

In the middle of the terrible Emperor's realm, power broke out.

Banged towards Xiao Yifeng.

Snapped! !! !!

Instantly, Xiao Yifeng destroyed all the power of Yang Ling's fist and pinched his fist.

Looking at his fist being pinched, Yang Ling's look changed.

boom! !! !!

At this moment, a surging force broke out from the palm of Xiao Yifeng.

Yang Ling's right hand was directly bombed by this force, and her entire arm turned into nothingness.

what! !! !!

Yang Ling screamed, his expression seemed very painful.

The surrounding martial arts soldiers saw this scene with a shocked look.

"Little Lord!!!"

The strong men brought by Yang Ling saw this scene.

They looked all the same, glaring at Xiao Yifeng, and then shot at him.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Xiao Yifeng threw out a punch.

These gods who followed Yang Ling, all the powerful emperors were destroyed by Xiao Yifeng in one punch.

----- This is a gorgeous dividing line--

Netizens of the novel please remind you to read for a long time, please pay attention to the rest of your eyes. Recommended reading:

---- This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

Even a half-step imperial powerhouse was blasted by Xiao Yifeng.

They faced Xiao Yifeng's fists as fragile as ants.

There is no resistance at all.

The rain of blood dripping down the sky, a pile of ground meat fell to the ground.

Yang Ling's expression was stiff and her eyes were dull.

All those around the state martial arts were as dead as chickens.

Xiao Yifeng came to Yang Ling.

With a wave of his hand, he choked Yang Ling's throat.

"Do you know what it takes to pretend to be in front of me?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Yang Ling indifferently.

"You ... what are you doing?"

"I am the Master of the Emperor Xuxian. My father is a saintly strong and my grandpa is a supreme strong.

"If you dare treat me, they won't let you go."

Yang Ling's face turned red, and the shriek shouted at Xiao Yifeng.

"Do you think I would care?"

In this regard, Xiao Yifeng sneered.

"Dare to pretend to force me, then die !!!"

Xiao Yi drank a cold drink immediately, and then crushed the guy's throat.

boom! !! !!

Just then, a terrifying sage power broke out in Yang Ling.

This sage's power was very horrifying, and went towards Xiao Yifeng.

A roar rang, and Xiao Yifeng was shaken back.

Yang Ling escaped from the disaster and kept panting, her face was pale, and she had a lingering fear.

At this moment, a ghost appeared from Yang Ling's body.

In the void turned into a solemn middle-aged man.

Terrible sacred power radiates from him.

"Father, save me !!!"

Yang Ling watched the middle-aged man scream.

"Boy, you are so brave."

"Dare to kill my son, Yang Tian, ​​who gave you this courage?"

The middle-aged man yelled at Xiao Yifeng.

Although it is a ghost, it releases the terrible sacred power.

The people who oppressed him all fell down on their knees, shivering.

This man is the prince of Dixu, the father of Yang Ling, Yang Tian.

A super strong man in sage realm.

"I don't need anyone's consent to kill, I want to kill !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked coldly.

"So arrogant boy, today I ..."

boom! !! !!

This Yang Tian looked at Xiao Yifeng with a majestic drink.

But before he finished speaking, a force of terror came upon him.

Instantly destroyed the ghost image of Yang Tiansheng's soul.

"Worrying with him one by one with the little Jipin saint, wasting time !!!"

Yaochi came over and hummed coldly,

It was just her shot that destroyed the ghost of Yang Tian's sacred soul.

At this time, people around him saw this, and shuddered again.

As for Yang Ling's expression completely stagnant.

"Why do you shoot so fast, you have been stolen by the limelight."

Xiao Yifeng watched Yaochi slap his lips.

"Not only are you hooligan in this life ~ ~, do you like pretending to be so popular?"

Yao Chi looked at Xiao Yifeng and hummed coldly.

"What's the difference between people not pretending to be forced and salted fish?"

Xiao Yifeng smiled lightly.

At this time, Yang Ling was taking the opportunity to escape.

boom! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng waved a holy thunder, and chopped it with no residue.

"On your strength, when you meet a supreme, you can only be dead and pretend to be a force !!!"

Yaochi hummed.

"It's okay, isn't this super expert still here, what am I afraid of."

Xiao Yifeng smiled. (Best CEO of Beauty CEO: 7878608)-(Best CEO of Beauty CEO)

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