The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3936: Super bug

This group of people spit blood one by one, and their bodies were severely wounded.

"Extreme strong?"

The quasi-extreme strong man looked at Xingyao and Xingxuan with a shocked look.


Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

Xing Yao Xing Xuan shot directly, killing all these people.

The star battleship was stolen by Xiao Yifeng.

boom! !! !!

Just then, there was a strange noise in the Star Hall.

When Xiao Yifeng checked it, he found that it was the dragon.

At this moment Longgan released two very terrifying breaths, a look of breakthrough.

Immediately, Xiao Yifeng summoned the dragon from the Temple of Stars.

Roar! !! !!

Longgan appeared in the void and issued a sound of dragon yin shaking the flames.

All the people in the flames were startled.

This dragon stem directly transformed into the body of a thousand feet long.

The abdomen's ten claws shone sharply.

"Ten Claws Dragon !!!"

The unknown old man looked at the dragon, and his look was startled again.

"Even a ten-clawed dragon, the Emperor of the Starry Sky is really amazing !!!"

Unknown old man sighed.

At this moment, a terrible ten-claw dragon blood was released from the dragon trunk.

At the same time, the breath of a dragon body was released from his body.

The two breaths merged to form a terrible power.

And the dragon stem directly began to impact the holy beast with the strength of the body of the Canglong and the power of the blood of the ten-clawed dragon.

He wants to step into the realm of the saint and become a holy beast.

"This is the breath of the Canglong. The physical body of the ten-clawed dragon is actually the body of the Canglong. How is this possible?"

The unknown old man looked at the dragon, and instantly found that his body was the body of the dragon, and he was shocked again.

"Canglong and Shenlong are the most powerful beings of the dragon family."

"One blood is invincible, one is invincible."

"Now that the two are combined, this Shenlong has great potential in the future !!!"

Unknown old man admired.

"Predecessors are polite !!!"

Xiao Yifeng smiled slightly.

He hadn't recovered his memory before and didn't know many things.

Now that he has restored the memories of the first life, he only knows what a terrible bug exists in Longgan today.

The Dragon race is the largest beast race.

There are also many veins among its dragons.

There are a vein of Shenlong, a vein of Canglong, a vein of Qianlong, a vein of fire dragon and so on.

Among the dragons, the leader of the dragon is the most powerful.

Then there is the strongest vein of Canglong.

Shenlong Yimai relies on the blood power of the ten-clawed dragon to rule the dragon race.

The vein of Canglong is against them, relying on their powerful and powerful Canglong body, which is comparable.

Now Longgan possesses both the body of the Canglong and the blood of the ten claws of the dragon.

Combining the two gave birth to his bug.

Even Long Yifeng's future potential is difficult to estimate.

Roar! !! !!

Soon the Longgan again heard a loud dragon's voice.

Bright light shines directly on him.

A domineering atmosphere of the dragon body burst out.

He successfully entered the ranks of the holy beast, and possessed the strength of the saintly realm.

The length of Longgan's dragon body soared again, reaching tens of thousands of feet directly.

Mighty and terrifying, it shocked the whole people in the flames.

A horrific breath of blood from the dragon and the body of the dragon erupted, sweeping the entire world of inflammation.

At this moment, all the gods and beasts in the inflammation world knelt down to worship the dragon.

It's like seeing their king.

Even those venerable beasts were kneeled on the ground by the pressure of the dragon's breath and the dragon's breath.

Dragons are the emperors of the beasts.

The breath of blood has a strong oppression on any **** beast.

What's more, Longgan also has the breath of Canglong, and has more oppressive power against the beast.

Huh! !! !!

At this time, two figures emerged from the air and appeared in front of Longgan.

"The body of the dragon, the blood of the dragon."

"Surely there are such dragons that are so bad !!!"

The two men stared at Long Gan, exclaiming.

Immediately, Long Gan turned into a person. He stared at the two men and said, "Are you also Dragons?"

"I am the Dragon Guardian. This is the Dragon Guardian."

"Our elder dragon clan has discovered your existence, and specially asked us to come and take you back to the dragon clan."

The two looked at Long Gan and said.

What they call the Dragon Race is naturally the first Orc Dragon race in the sky.

"Hui Long?"

"Did your Dragon clan bring a person back, called Long Qing?"

Long Gan said, his eyes flashed.

"Yes, she is now the maiden of my dragon."

"How did you know her?"

The Dragons' Six Guardians looked at Long Gan and said.

"I'm her father !!!"

Long Gan said.

"You are the father of the maiden. No wonder the maiden is so talented, there is a reason."

The dragon clan seven guardians looked at Longgan with surprise.

"That being the case, then go back with us quickly."

"Back at the Dragon Clan, you can see the Virgin."

Liu Liufa said.


Longgan said, he came to Xiao Yifeng.

"Go back, just look at Long Qing?"

"With your current potential, you can grow up faster by returning to the Dragon Race."

Xiao Yifeng looked at Long Gan and said directly.


Long Gan looked at Xiao Yifeng with hesitation.

"You don't have to worry about me, I'm fine."

"I'll see you at the Dragons then."

Xiao Yifeng said.

"it is good!!!"

Longgan nodded.

"Let's go !!!"

Then Longgan came to the two dragon clan guardians and said.

Both of them glanced at Xiao Yifeng, and a strange color flashed in their eyes.

Then the three of them disappeared.

"Okay, I should leave."

Then the unknown old man spoke.

"Senior, good-bye."

Xiao Yifeng said looking at the unknown old man.


The old man smiled mysteriously, and his body disappeared before his eyes.

"Master, who is this mysterious emperor?"

Xing Yao couldn't help saying.

"His origin is definitely not simple. I am afraid that his strength has surpassed the superior emperor."

Xiao Yifeng said solemnly at this moment.

"Eight of you ..."

Xiao Yifeng's eyes glanced at the eight Yan Temple Supremes.

"Since the young masters are all by the Star Emperor."

"Then the eight of us naturally follow the Emperor of the Starry Sky ~ ~ I hope the Emperor will succeed !!!

The eight people looked at Xiao Yifeng in unison.

"I would be happy to have eight nine-pin supreme strong followers."

Xiao Yifeng smiled slightly.

"Master, where are we going now?"

"Did you leave the flames directly?"

Yan Hao looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"Don't hurry, go back to the Star Hall first."

Xiao Yifeng said, all of them were back in the Star Hall.

In the main hall of the Star Hall, Xiao Yifeng gathered all the people together.

[m ..] (Best CEO of Beauty CEO: 7878608)-(Best CEO of Beauty CEO)

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