The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3561: Ice Chill Chill Shot

And those people in Tianyuanmen saw this scene.

With a dull look, he did not respond for a long time.

They couldn't believe that it was Yuan Hao who was about to kill the kid.

In the end, the other party was okay, but Yuanhao was suddenly killed, which was weird.

"Hor !!!!"

At that moment, the head of Yuanmen saw this scene, and cried in pain.

He rushed forward and hugged Yuan Hao's body and wept.

"You can't help it !!!!"

Xiao Yifeng stole the cold edge of space.

In his heart, he secretly thought about inspiring the power to control the blade of space as soon as possible.

This blade of space can be said to be his biggest card to destroy the enemy.

It's just that this real state of God can be killed by a trick.

But if the opponent's strength is too strong, even the blade that urges the space may not be able to kill the opponent in a second.

Therefore, Xiao Yifeng needs to continuously cultivate the pupils of time and space to enhance his grasp of the power of space.

Constantly inspiring the power of this space blade can make it deal with stronger enemies.

Rumble! !! !!

Just then, there was a rumbling noise deep in the Yuanmen Gate this day.

Then the mountain peak behind Tianyuanmen suddenly collapsed, as if something had emerged from it.

A terrifying beastly power was diffused from it, sweeping away for thousands of miles.

"Is there a revival of the beast?"

Seeing this, Xiao Yifeng instantly understood that this was the birth of a **** beast.

"Heavenly Beast has recovered !!!"

At this moment, the people in Tianyuan Gate swept away towards the collapsed mountain, with a shocked look on their faces.

Roar! !! !!

Then a deafening beast roared directly.

A huge beast rushed out of this crumbling mountain and appeared in front of everyone.

This beast is several meters high, exuding a very powerful breath, and the beast is terrifying.

According to Xiao Yifeng's judgment, the opponent's strength is now comparable to that of a fourth-order **** beast, which is equivalent to the strength of Shenwu Realm.

But also the most powerful existence in Shenwu Realm.

That terrible animal power made Xiao Yifeng feel a heavy sense of oppression, and frowned.

"Tianyuan Beast, kill me !!!!"

The master of the Yuanmen gate shouted at this **** beast this day.

And this **** beast is the town gate **** beast of Tianyuanmen, originally the seventh-order **** beast.

Now just revived and born, only the strength of the fourth-order **** beast remains.

Roar! !! !!

Yuan Tianshou yelled at Xiao Yifeng with a huge gaze like a bronze bell.

A pair of eyes glowed with bloodthirsty killing intentions, and his body moved toward Xiao Yifeng as soon as he moved.

Xiao Yifeng directly urged the ancient seal of the starry sky to resist.

The other party's paw banged on the ancient seal of the starry sky, and his body was taken back a few steps by the force of the ancient seal.

Xiao Yifeng was also shocked to retreat.

There was a burst of blood in his body, and his face looked a little pale.

This fourth-order **** beast really has extraordinary strength. The strength of the **** beast itself is much stronger than the warriors in the same realm.

This day Yuanyuan Beast now has a strength that is close to the fifth-order **** beast.

Roar! !! !!

This day Yuanshou roared again, and blasted away towards Xiao Yifeng.

Xiao Yifeng constantly urged the ancient seal of the starry sky to continue to resist.

At the same time, he also called out the starry sky map, still unable to resist the attack of the Yuanyuan Beast.

The whole person was forced back and forth.

Seeing this, everyone in Yuanmen flashed a happy look that day.

They seem to have seen Xiao Yifeng killed by this Yuanyuan Beast.

Hum! !! !!

Just then, Xiao Yifeng suddenly heard a strange noise on his arm.

A cold mang burst out from Xiao Yifeng's arm and appeared in the void, turning into the body of the ice soul.

The Ice Chill Han Clan has been asleep in his arm since he recognized Xiao Yifeng as the main body, without any movement.

Xiao Yifeng almost forgot about the existence of the other party, and now this Hidden Cicada finally emerged.

"Master, leave this guy to me !!!"

The voice of this icy chill cried in Xiao Yifeng's mind.

Then a cold chill chilled out of this icy chill.

The terrible frost of ice keeps rolling out from this cold soul.

Instantly, the temperature of the entire Tianyuan Gate dropped directly on Baidu.

Suddenly it became more terrible than the ice cellar, and the air seemed to freeze directly.

Everyone in the room shivered inwardly.

There was a look of fear in their eyes, as if to be sealed by ice.

The frosty air released from the ice monsters swept away towards this celestial beast.

Suddenly, the Celestial Beast was completely frozen by the ice of ice.

In a blink of an eye, this huge beast became an ice sculpture.

boom! !! !!

In the next second, Binghan Hanchan rushed towards the ice sculpture transformed by the Yuanyuan Beast, and hit the ice sculpture directly.

Suddenly, the ice sculpture shattered directly, and the body of the Yuanyuan Beast was transformed into a scum of ice scattered around the sky.

Within a second, the fourth-order beast Tianyuan Beast turned into a **** of ice.

This scene stunned everyone present at Tianyuanmen.

Even when Xiao Yifeng saw this scene, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He did not expect that the strength of the Cicada after the wake was so stupid.

It was a breeze to kill a beast whose strength was comparable to that of Shenwu Realm.

Seeing that this last hope Tianyuan Beast has been killed, everyone in Tianyuanmen looks very ugly.

Their hearts sank, their eyes flickered, and their hearts were trembling.

They are the powerful ancient ancestors of the ancient ancestors.

But because the strength just recovered did not recover, he fell into this danger ~ ~ Then, the icy chimera flew directly to the sky above the center of Tianyuanmen.

In the next second, the icy chirped wings flapped.

From the horrible frost of ice in his body, it spreads and spreads towards the Tianyuan Gate.

In the place where the frosty air passed, everything was sealed by ice and turned into ice.

In less than half a minute, the entire Tianyuan Gate was completely sealed by ice.

As for those Tianyuanmen disciples who have recovered and awakened, they are all frozen.

Including this Tianyuan Gate master and a group of elders.

None of them had any resistance and were frozen by the frost of ice released by this Ice Cicada, and turned into an ice sculpture.

Then they all shattered the ice sculptures and turned them into crumbs.

In the blink of an eye, the place of Yuanyuan Gate became a scene of ice and snow.

The peaks of the entire Tianyuanmen Gate are transformed into icebergs, giving people a feeling of coming to the Arctic Glacier.

This picture is also extremely shocking, and Tang Shengyi on the side is stunned.

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